A New job!!! At Last!! But....................



  • smokie08
    smokie08 Member Posts: 157
    Thanks @Blossom1961 I feel a lot better already but not looking forward to having to work out my notice . I am thinking about going to the doctor and getting a sick cert for the week  . But hopefully when I put the letter in they will say I can go straight away. 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    A tough call @smokie08 but sensible.

    If they have a good business model they will value their existing employees and make adjustments for their needs (that's actually embedded in the National Employment Standards) It costs a lot more to recruit than it does to offer other staff the options of taking up extra hours when one team member wants some flexibility.  Businesses who resist that are usually not good to work for and churn through staff. It's also an indicator of all sorts of other shitty behaviour regarding working hours, penalty rates, safety standards and appropriate pay for what you actually do. It's all about them. You are probably well shot of it.

    Having been in a similar situation, I understand how hard it is to make that decision given you will probably need them to provide you with a reference. 

    You've reentered the workforce which is a huge step. It may take some time to get another job, but you can't let someone work you to death for their benefit, not yours. MXX

  • smokie08
    smokie08 Member Posts: 157
    Thank you @Zoffiel, I really didn't want to have to quit as the extra money was very helpful but as you said I can't let them work me to death. 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Well done @smokie08. Terribly difficult decision as you say, but it sounds like you made the right decision. Big hug, K xox
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I'm both pleased and not to hear that you're resigning from that job.  It was unsustainable if it was making you feel so bad (I can't imagine how you lasted a week in it) and not a good environment to be in if that was their attitude.  I know how hard it is when finances are tight but try to give yourself a bit of a break if you can, before rushing back into something new.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @smokie08 good on you!!! You know what the hardest thing to do is?? put you first above everything even a job and when you need to work. When I went through chemo in 2015 I was incredibly ill and I ended up having to stop work for about 4 months. I was a single parent so I couldnt afford that, but luckily I had income protection being in education, it helped a little but I spent all my lifes savings :( 

    The most valuable lesson I learned though through that was, I had no choice, I had to stop, Id run myself into the ground and was breaking. I since learned and am back at work full time for my 2nd year now and its damn hard!!! that....I will NEVER put any job before myself or my health ever again. I was always loyal and not only that but needed the money. Life has a way of working out and I managed to get through. 

    Go you, honor you!!! put you above everything and everyone and nurture you back to a good place. Hugs xoxo
  • smokie08
    smokie08 Member Posts: 157
    Thank you all for your support it means a lot. 

    I have 1 more day to go as have to have an exit interview! Don't worry I will tell them exactly what I think  . I should really work 4 days next week but I am going to see a doctor and get a certificate  as I really can't do another week  1 more day is going to be a struggle. But the end is in sight 😄👍  can't wait for the weekend  and a relaxing few days. 

    Take care all x
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @smokie08 Fantastic!!! you already sound lighter!!! life has a way of working itself out, it's what I found in the same situation. Wishing for lots of rest, nurturing and love and for some new doors to open that will suit you better. x M
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Make sure you do something nice for yourself on the weekend - even if it's nothing more than a hot chocolate and a good book.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,315
    Well done @smokie08 ... try and do what is right for YOU. If you can get the Dr to give you a decent break ... all the better. Good luck, I hope you find a job that has less hours that suits you . Xx 

    Enjoy the weekend xx
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @smokie08 Whereabouts in Adelaide are you - I think you mentioned the area when you first joined but I don't remember now.
  • smokie08
    smokie08 Member Posts: 157
    Hi @Sister

    I am in the northern suburbs  Angle vale so if you hear of any part time jobs in the area please let me know 😀
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Have you thought about doing the training for DECD (or DfE as they call themselves now).  It's not expensive (possibly tax deductible?) and it's fairly simple.  Once you do that you can go on the ancillary register for public schools.  Not brilliant pay but generally good conditions particularly if you're prepared to fill gaps on short term contracts to get in the door.  Once you're on the register, you may also want to introduce yourself to local schools and let them know you're available.  The benefit of school work is that the hours aren't overly long and for many schools it's restricted to term times only with loading to compensate if you do get permanent work.  Not saying it'll work but it may be worth a shot, depending on your skill set.
  • smokie08
    smokie08 Member Posts: 157
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Well!! after tacking in a sick cert for this week and being greeted by the same person that basically told me it was too hard to change the roster and I had to decide if the job was right for me, and filling in a termination form I was then told someone would ring me to discuss the problem and the length of time i wanted to work 3 days.  

    That was on Monday!!.  I have been waiting all week for the call, did not get one until late this morning. They now want to talk to me on Monday.  I said i was not available until the afternoon.  They can wait now but I think in my heart of hearts I have decided that I don't want to go back, I will meet with them and tell them how unprofessional i think they are and how unsympathetic to peoples circumstances after I was honest with them about my Breast Cancer Treatment and not working for over 2 years.

    Sorry to bore you all with my woes but just wanted to vent a bit as poor old Hubby will get it when he gets home from work .

    Have a good weekend every one.
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,534
    Vent away @smokie08 When hubby gets home ask him if he wants to hear about your day OR take you out for dinner. Either way, you win!