Night Howls



  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Sarnicad I know the feeling. At least this time I got about four hours of sleep until 03:30 am - whereas the previous two nights I couldn't sleep UNTIL 3 am. This forum is a good place to be awake. And @Zoffiel - you are amazing. I'm going to tell my dog-owning friends. One of them sews. 
    I used to sew everything. My daughter once said, "My mother is the most rational person I know. Except when sewing goes wrong; then she becomes a frothing-mouthed lunatic." True.
    At age 75 with difficult eyesight (and certainly now with peripheral neuropathy ) I've given up. I accept offers of help from keen sewing friends for small tasks, like adding a tuck-under panel at the bottom of a duvet cover or putting charity tea towels onto plain pillow-cases.

  • Eastmum
    Eastmum Member Posts: 495
    @Zoffiel. Pyjamas for your dog? Or pyjamas for you with dogs on them? Lol. 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    edited July 2018
    Pajamas for the Hound. She is currently modelling her Nite Jamas. We will get up and put on the Hi Vis Jamas (pictured) or the Rain Jamas for the morning walk. Today's effort will be Hippy Jamas using some fab vintage curtain fabric. Quite the fashion plate, our Chickie. I might channel Lee Lin Chin and do some outrageous ones for special occasions, though the main object is to keep her warm and minimise the amount of fur that comes off her while she is inside.
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    Fantastic !  Chickie would lose body heat with her short hair. Ah, dog hair in the house. We used to have Labradors and when I was working flat out I had a weekly cleaner. He said to me once, "Some day you're going to come home and I will have shaved that dog."
    BTW I loved Lee Lin's final outfit - something I would have worn once - and not very long ago.
    A friend who has gone to live in Paris in retirement has just had custom rain and warm jackets made for her new B&W corgi bought from England. 
    I have a photo somewhere of a collie in a yellow child-size raincoat outside a tube station in London from some years ago.
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    @Flaneuse a yard of dog can shed an acre of hair.

    I used to be pretty strict about dogs inside, the "In your bed or get out!!!" sort of attitude. Now the mutt is on my bed, which is a special morning treat. I get up and go to the loo and she follows me back in, waits patiently for me to spread out her blanket and invite her up then she  blisses out for as long as it takes for me to read the news and have a cuppa. It's kinda cute though not very hygienic. Thankfully there is no slobber, no barking and I smell worse than she does.
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Zoffiel Nothing like a dog in your bed with the morning cuppa. Reminds me too of a wonderful cartoon I saw decades ago in a magazine. Host checking a guest into a B&B room, where three dogs grace the top of the bed. Host says, "It's pretty chilly tonight. I'll throw a couple more dogs on the bed for you."
  • Annie C
    Annie C Member Posts: 853
    Your rollerskates were better than mine. Rainbow colours with matching accessories! Back in the 60's (before you were born!) I was the envy of our street. I got a pair of rollerskates for Christmas. The skates strapped onto your tennis  shoes and were adjustable so they fit from the smallest kid to me! I gained lots of friends that summer. Worn them out skating up and down the tarry bitumen road that was bubbled in the 40 degree summers. 

    My mum was also a good seamstress but she lacked the patience to teach me. My Aunty Joyce taught me on my mum's Singer Treadle Machine. Aunty Joyce was like your mum. Could draft a pattern and sewed anything from day dresses to wedding gowns. Mum could tat and made beautiful tatted lace. But she lacked patience with me. And so the art of tatting died with her. I think the biggest problem was tatted knots had to slip and dad taught "blossum" (that's what he called me) that knots are not to slip. 

    @Zoffiel may we have a photo of the dog pyjamas.  Now are they pjs for the dog or pjs for you with dog prints all over them? Photo please.

    Tried sleeping through the night. Got to 3 am. Made myself lie there and so spent the remaining hours listening to the tawny frogmouths hunt on the front verandah. Fell asleep at the crack of dawn! Commonsense tells  me to get up and do something constructive but the sewing / craft room is 50 metres from the house and there are slithery creatures out there that are difficult to see in the dark.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Night 1 of the melatonin experiment was a disaster. I woke up eight times. Going for a walk with the dog shortly to get some sunshine.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    oh no Kmakm  walk will be good for you ..... 
  • JJ70
    JJ70 Member Posts: 983
    Blast @kmakm!! Give it some time.....
  • JJ70
    JJ70 Member Posts: 983
    Oh, and maybe some Shiraz?  ;)
  • JJ70
    JJ70 Member Posts: 983
    @Annie C I did laugh at all of  your descriptions of DIY mending. I quite value masking tape and safety pins myself! :p
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    A friend of mine swears by the hot glue gun.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Yes @Zoffiel - we need a photo of the hound in her PJs.
    @kmakm I'm going to try the melatonin again once I'm over the lingering chemo side effects.
  • JJ70
    JJ70 Member Posts: 983
    How are the t-shirts going. @kmakm found out about quality. I know you were going on a hunt before your hand and foot slowed you down. Spanner in the works perhaps, but do you think it would be too mych bother to find a 'ladies fit' option too? Now that I have a flat tummy after DIEP, I feel like rockin' that a bit sometimes! Or a tank top option - sports back style. I'm a pain in the arse - I know it! :p