Friday Funnies
Ain't that the truth!!
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I'm at 69, so just up the road from me too!!
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Blossom - SO on trend!1
I'm waiting for us all to have qr codes at home when we are eventually allowed visitors to the home.2
I don't think the QR codes will EVER go away - even if 100% vaccination rates were reached.0
@Locksley The residents in over 50's village have to have their visitors QR into their homes. They are in detached houses so do not share space with their neighbours.
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Follow me for more Housekeeping Tips .....
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@rpie I don't need to do that, as we can't have visitors into the house due to covid.
Sometimes we just have to look at the little blessings that come with not being allowed visitors into our homes for the time being.
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when I got back home after my last surgery I spent a lot of time in my pyjamas .
When the doorbell rang ( delivery , meter reader etc) I would say “ sorry about the pyjamas I have just got out of hospital”.
After 4 weeks my husband said “ isn’t that excuse wearing a bit thin”?
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OMG ... that's a big fat YES for all 6 of them!!