Diet, exercise, lifestyle to decrease the risk of BC recurrence



  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,793
    edited April 2018

    And no healthy yummy baking recipes that include abundant fruit and vegetables - no one bakes ??

    ??  No one bakes ??  What are you trying to say here?   Or is this a tongue in cheek comment?   I bake!
  • Wildplaces
    Wildplaces Member Posts: 81
    Crickey... I am not bright enough for tongue and cheek. Really concrete here so please never take offence - it's always from the heart. And if you wanna have some fun I probably would not notice so just go ahead we can all use a laugh!

    I really wanted to know if anyone has modified some of their recipes to a more healthier alternative and have had goofs results. I did ask for recipes on opening commmet.

    I love my home when the oven is on with something in it.
    I know you guys might feel I live under a rock ( and sometimes I wish I could hide a little) but I just discovered there was such a thing as Kamut flour - apparently better for you - I am going to try it when I do muffins.
    I bake bread - well the machine does - I will try adding some fine semolina to it and see what happens.
    And I have been thinking about using polenta for pizza bases.
    What do you like to bake??
  • Wildplaces
    Wildplaces Member Posts: 81
    Ok, Patty and Iserbrown - I have to thank you both.
    It has just clicked with ME! Oh well better late then never - so AGAIN thank you for that lesson.
    Language matters.

    I got it wrong - I meant to say " Diet, Exercise, lifestyle to DECREASE the risk of BC recurrence ".
    I will try and contact BCNA on Monday and see if it can be edited. 
    If not it will be part of the thread's journeys and lessons.

  • Artferret
    Artferret Member Posts: 259
    HI Wildplaces
    Yummy recipe coming up. Found this one on the back of oregano mountain bread. It's pizza but healthy (good if you are following a low cholesterol me...letrozole has a lot to ans and very yum.

    Four pieces of mountain bread, brush with water to stick together
    Spread with 1 cup of your favourite pasta sauce (i used my homemade tomato sauce)
    Sprinkle mozzarella cheese on top, can use low fat cheese if needed
    Slice up finely whatever veggies you want, capsicum, mushroom, zucchini, eggplant (sprinkle this with a little salt), sweet potato and spread on top
    Slice up half a dozen baby bocconcini and place in between veggies, can spread more mozzarella on top if you wish
    Place in a hot oven 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes
    If you want you can add some semi cooked sliced chicken on top (it will finish cooking and therefore not be so dry) if you don't want the vegetarian version. Enjoy!
    This is the second recipe I've tried using a mountain bread recipe. The first one i did was ravioli using the bread. It was great too.
  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    My recipes have evolved over time as my tastebuds have adjusted to less salt and less sugar. I started with my normal ones and just made small changes to the amounts of healthy or unhealthy ingredients. Then I started substituting ingredients like healthier flours, fats and sugars. 

    My recipes and tastebuds have evolved to the point where I now find that, just as I find things from my ‘old’ diet too sweet or salty etc, my innovated baking is not always so popular with others  ;)

    The main thing is to experiment and see what works for you and take it as little or as far as YOU like. Every healthy step change is better than nothing. I stick to my motto that I only eat things that I really like. We have had a few experiments that went a step too far  :s .
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,532

    Patti J said:

    Wow! It would be good if we could believe everything we read. 
    I have had a breast cancer recurrence after fifteen years post mastectomy, reconstruction, chemotherapy, tamoxifen. 
    I have always done heaps of exercise. Some studies also say that being overweight can increase the risk of breast cancer. I am not overweight. Some studies say that breast feeding decreases the risk of breast cancer. I breast fed my son.
    Dr. Google is great. Just don't believe everything you read.

    I also had to quote here as well. I totally agree with YOU! I also had a recurrence at the 4yr mark and it had ZERO to do with diet, exercise or anything else. They will actually tell you that the truth is everything is minority studies, there are no links to BC and every single person who has ever had BC are proof of the diversity of it. The only key is to do what feels right for you in terms of diet, exercise or anything else, purely for what it brings and gives to you only. 

    After my recurrence my diet changed slightly due to not being able to tolerate some things anymore thanks to our blessed chemo lol. Exercise I do a little not alot as working full time Im still striving for balance after 3 years. What I do though is keep moving no matter what, inspite of the constant pain from medication and side effects. Inspite of the massive surgeries Ive had. I do take magnesium daily with Vit D and C. 

    So do not believe everything you read, they will have you believe because you get out the bed the wrong side you get it too!!! one day!! I was very slim too. Majority of people do not fit the criteria, so I really wish they'd stop trying to put everyone in a box and spouting do all these things and guess what??? YOU WON'T have a recurrence....sorry not predictable at all. I too like @Patti J did all the right things...hmmmm and still a recurrence?? but my statistic will be overlooked or pushed aside. 

    Live a good life, do and be what feels great for you! :) lifes good again and I dont worry about the future anymore not for the road ive traveled. Don't let anyone tell you what you should or shouldnt do, trust yourself you'll be fine!! xo Melinda
  • Wildplaces
    Wildplaces Member Posts: 81
    I love the idea of a super vegetarian pizza where the base is a bread so easier to do.
    I will try midweek and post. Thanks a bunch. I am experimenting with the idea of a flaxseed flour muffin in a cup - if I get to what I think I will - I shall post.

    If I could bottle your wisdom I would - and share. I feel the idea of small authentic changes over time is central. Good habits are hard to acquire and infinitely valuable. thank you for posting.

    And others - most of us can read so please just refer to the poster name and go from there - it is unnecessary to keep repeating information. And I ... the concrete one find it distracting. 
    I am sorry you had a recurrence. You sound angry and it sounds like it is hard to manage treatment, side effects ( ohh the poisons ...) full time work and life.
    I work full time and am a single mother, so I get a little about having to keep going.
    We do agree on something - I too believe that trusting your instinct as each one of us tries to sort out what is right for them is GOLD. And kudos to you on the Vit C, D and Magnesium - fair bit of support for that. Do you take aspirin? 

    Does anyone take a 100mg Aspirin with their AIs??

    The HARD reality is exercise - moderate at least 30 minutes over 5 plus days ( I know ...God give me strength !!) plus 2-3 resistance training sessions on top has been associated with a 40% decrease in recurrence rates - nothing small about that epidemiological work and it's reproducible and specific.
    That means if your overall risk is 30% it will help reduce it to 15-20% but yes 20 women out of 100 or 1 out of 5 will still get this wretched horrid disease.
    I can not manage that at present. I get on my threadmill every night for about 20-25, I swim once a week sometimes two and I run after my son at w/ends - does that count?? I stretch when I can.

  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,532

    Definitely not angry at all lol, and not hard to manage either...ive shared a tremendous amount here and all positive :) but Im actually repeating Specialists who have reiterated what I have said at Rehabilitation Programs I have attended, so that was surprising absolutely. Not tried Aspirin ever, panadol osteo is all I need on a bad day. I raised my children solo through 2 bouts of BC so I certainly know the depth of positivity and doing all the right things to be fit and healthy oh and worked full time :) 

    Set yourself up for success in all the things that make you feel good and happy, thats the key. M
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    I take 100mg aspirin with my AI - I have taken if for years as a blood thinner as I have had a TIA (mini stroke). Re recipes that are healthy and delicious MDH makes an amazing frittata with purple onions , red&green capsicum and potato . We all love it and have it with a green leaf salad.Its kind of a Spanish omelette only much better as is finished off in the oven - maybe a quiche without pastry I guess. Plenty of recipes online and dead easy so great during the week .PS is nice cold too but rarely any leftover here to have cold.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,793

    And others - most of us can read so please just refer to the poster name and go from there - it is unnecessary to keep repeating information. And I ... the concrete one

    As you can see I have quoted part of your post. The opportunity to quote can be useful as sometimes by the time we have read and want to comment others maybe in between and it helps to understand the crux of the point being made so I don't see it as unnecessary. 

  • Wildplaces
    Wildplaces Member Posts: 81
    its a young thread - I look forward to the day your post will be more then a comment on a comment - and will tell us a little about you - there are icons you can use to show support

    the aspirin is for its anti-inflammatory effects in context of AI - specific cross over with earlier risk of cardiovascular disease.

    I hope when you can you will post about the positive stuff that keeps you strong 

  • Wildplaces
    Wildplaces Member Posts: 81
    I’ll post the data on exercise.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,793
    I am sorry but now you have overstepped the mark. I have been on this forum for quite awhile and my story is intertwined amongst it all.

    It is for support and no judgment. 

    Today's lesson and lecture over
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,532
    @wildplaces hmmm that's all my posts have ever been, if you'd like to look back through my history of over 2,000 lol. Think you've misconstrued some things here. Everyone knows me here and for what Ive contributed for a very long time, I was merely stating very valid points. @iserbrown you have been a valued contributor here for a very long time, certainly someone I have always openly valued as you know. 

    Does seem to be a lot of judgment I agree, wonderful thread but everyones opinion should be valued whether agreed with or not. We all have our stories and I don't assume to know everything, far from it...feel free to look back on my contributions here too LOL. Very positive, selfless, caring and supportive. As I said, Im speaking from Specialists point of view over the years. Stats dont mean much really lol anyone will tell you that. 

    So as we all do, we focus on the great things we can change to only benefit ourselves whatever that looks like is the only thing that matters.
  • Wildplaces
    Wildplaces Member Posts: 81
    Lifestyle modifications for patients with breast cancer to improve prognosis and optimise overall health.

    Here is the link link to the article. Regarding exercise here is my summary of the main points:

    Exercise and maintaining be your ideal body weight are the most important lifestyle interventions of you want to decrease your risk of cancer recurrence and death.
    Physical activity ( 150 minutes /week moderate intensity ) can reduce the chance of death from BC by up to 40%. This is reported as a Hazard Ratio. 
    Two large analysis showed an inverse dose response curve effect between hours of exercise per week and breast cancer mortality. This holds if you exercise after diagnosis - it is independent of pre diagnosis levels of exercise. 
    Similar beneficial metabolic effects have been shown for both aerobic and resistance exercise but optimal results are achieved with a combination of the two.

    The American Cancer Society website has a consensus on optimal exercise for a cancer patient.
    It appears that more is required of BC survivors.
    There are several postulated mechanisms for this but the most interesting to me is that it appears that exercise changes epigenetics. Briefly exercise changes expression of genes ( phenotype) without changing the underlining DNA (genotype) 

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