Who else can't sleep?



  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited March 2018
    @sister @onemargie You made me smile so don't feel you haven't achieved anything today you two...

    Correctly remembered.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Cheers!  Always a good day, then!
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Hi  , Just a thought why not have a new category for members with sleep problems ? 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    It does seem to be a common problem @romla
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    YOU'RE ALL SLEEPING!!!!!!!  Or found something better to do.  Sweet dreams. 
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Not really @Sister been awake since 5 tossing and turning.Missed my walk yesterday and think that may have something to do with it
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Woke pretty much every hour and half all night...
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Oh...I hoped you were all snoring blissfully or up to no good, equally blissfully.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Hot flushing like crazy I'm afraid...
  • JanineG
    JanineG Member Posts: 148
    @sister I've been using 'Nutralife Magnesium Sleep' most nights since diagnosis (2015). My oncology team think it's fine and naturopath has checked out long term use plus interactions. All good. The magnesium relaxes the muscles, Passion flower and ziziphus calm the mind noise. Plus a great benefit is the ziziphus helps with hot flushes!! I love it. Usually only have one then read for about 30 mins then I'm asleep. You can redose with another in the night if necessary. And you don't wake up sluggish or hung over. Maybe worth a try. Be careful of camomile if you are on tamoxifen, it can interfere with its absorption. Janine xzzz 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Big mistake. Had a rare coffee this afternoon. Still awake at 12.45am...
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    edited March 2018
    I’m bloody up again lol! And I have to work today I hope I nod off again soon! If I wait half an hour my “roomies” @Sister or @zoffiel might be up too to hang out with me!  Margie.x
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I was a bit delayed getting on @onemargie I've been looking for a 46 year wedding anniversary poem! 
    I've decided that I can no longer go walking before the kids get up - we're on a fairly deserted road through forest and yesterday morning someone drove past and stopped up further.  It was probably just for a kangaroo but I turned into the last driveway as if I was walking to the house and waited for the car to leave.  Not terrified, just cautious and now, pissed off.  I could walk on our property but in the dark, I'd probably risk a broken leg (and it's just too steep - I'm not that fit).  
    I haven't seen my husband since 9pm last night - second night in a row that he's had to go out to a car accident.  The CFS sign up to fight fires - most don't realise that half the time in the Hills they're scraping people off the road.  Oh dear, I can feel yesterday's philosophical mood creeping on again.  I thought I'd exorcised that in my blog rant....
    Aren't you glad you waited up to join me?  Or is that the sound of zzzzz, I hear?
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    Hi there all you night owls...I'm another who watches the clock creep by in small increments through the night. 2.24....2.31...2.47...3/02 ...and so on. Coming to the computer is not on for me, as I wake up the furbabies, who reckon it's daytime, and then start scratching on bedroom doors to be let in. Verrrry grumpy hubby and daughter are the result, as they have to go to work in the morning. I have my own room now, as everybody else at least gets to sleep and I can turn on the light (quietly so as not to tip off aforementioned furbabies), I then read my kindle or turn into the Phantom Knitter. I churn out knitting at a rate of knots and it soothes me. The monotony of plain knitting when I just want to put what's left of my brain in neutral, or lacework when I want to concentrate on a complicated pattern to block out the Night Beasties. Works a treat...even if I can't sleep, at least I'm not disturbing the working household, and I'm doing something I love.
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