What pets do you have?
It was just beautiful and gave the whole family a much needed distraction1
Thought I’d go one step further & put up a pic of my grandies
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@Cathy_b1961 I'd love to see a photo of your dog therapist!1
We have a corgi visitor, Teddy, who stayed overnight (with his young mistress). Our senior dog is keeping an eye on the 'guest'...
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Lost my beautiful boy (bull mastiff )
to a crocodile. Haven't had the heart to replace him yet. He wasn't even near the creek. The croc was in a drain next to the sugar cane lying in the mud right near the house. Have my beautiful cats though.
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Doug and Penny my special little sausage dogs
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After both my old dogs were put down through my treatment, depression set it so we got a new dog.9
I am SO sorry to hear of the loss of your dog to a croc, @kitkatb - that's horrible!
My neighbour lost his cat to a bloody fox in the bushland behind our house - suburbia's answer to NT crocs!
Our neighbours on both sides have dogs, so we are pet owners by proxy!We've even got 'Beware of the Dog' sign on our gates, for that reason!
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@kitkatb My buddy down the south coast lost both her schnausers in the last 2 years, one to snake bite & just last month, the other to bloody cancer. She wasn't going to get another puppy, but has found a gorgeous one & is about to pick it up in a matter of weeks, once weaned & had it's shots etc. A dog gives a love & companionship that cats just don't 'get'! Nothing wrong with cats - but they think you deserve them. Dogs give you unconditional love & idolatry! Always good for security too! Like @Brenda5, I reckon you could need one for your own sake. xx
We head to Thredbo at the end of April for 5 days (it will be bloody cold, as it is already snowing there!!) I am hoping both my brothers and their partners will join us there. It should be fun.1 -
Our little Yorkie11
I have three miniature Schnauzers, two girls Zoey and Ava and a boy Oscar. 3 chickens, 4 Alapacs, 16 sheep, and my daughter has a miniature pony.
Just love my animals especially my three Miniature Schnauzers .🐶🐶🐶6 -
Hi @Shellshocked2018, we have 1 Mini Schnauzer, our other one died in Jan at 14 years which was a huge loss. Next Wednesday we are collecting 2 more, a Mum & one of her pups from the same breeder. It sounds crazy but we are all so looking forward to it. I hope our old girl loves the new additions too!3