@Zoffiel 17.1 is way too big for an Arab but I thought he might have a bit in him cause of that dishy face, lol. Don't thoroughbreds have the sweetest of natures. I am totally anti racing (even though my daughter is a strapper) as I'm sure you are too. Mine is a quarter horse cross stock horse who's so gentle and loving to all and sundry but will only allow my daughter and me to ride him. Men get thrown immediately, lol.
I love all creatures... Great and small!! I have an Apricot Tort cat named Matilda but goes by the pet name Tillybean who is now five yrs old. A Staffy X named Baci who is four yrs old and I absolutely love to bits and is definitely a Mamas girl!! I am always rescuing lost pets and strays... can't help myself.
This is a photo of my girl - she was the last of the gaggle and was born here and like some doesn't like her photo being taken. Very regal and whenever she heard the door go she was up waiting for me and followed me everywhere. She would even come up on the verandah and up to our bedroom window and tap on the window if I was having a sleep in!! Who'd thought they could be such good company?
Sorry kmakm, I knew that would put the cat among the pigeons!! They're all on my smart phone and I'm on my PC... I know, I know who uses a goddamn PC these days?! Off out shortly... but when I get back I'll export my files over.
Mia isn’t spoilt at all is she ! And Dudley has his own mattress on the floor with a blanky but he kicked his off. This was taken at our holiday shack in Agnes a few weeks ago lol
Here's the pictures I promised. Lol Not being techno savvy, I had to import over a thousand photo's on my phone to find these two, which is why I tried to get away with it!! Btw we had to have our leather lounge re-stuffed because Tillybean had compacted it with her constant lounging.