Just diagnosed but cannot even contact a surgeon until 9th January. Stress levels high.
Best wishes for Thursday. I will be thinking of you and I think the same wonderful doctor operated on me at a nearby hospital on Friday 5 December - she is very special and caring indeed! Have you contacted the McGrath nurse yet? If not I cannot express how supportive and wonderful they are. Once again very best wishes for Thursday. Xo1
So glad you have got into surgery early - you've already had to wait such a long time to see your surgeon! Sounds like you have a wonderful doctor too. Wishing you all the best for Thursday - one step closer to being cancer free! Let us know how you are when you can, you will be taking all our positive thoughts with you. Jane xx
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Lmc1310, we probably do. She is lovely, talks 19 to the dozen, but wonderfully uplifting and positive.
Thank you, For all your good wishes, I will carry them into the hospital with me.0 -
Hi Unicornkisses, wishing you all the best for surgery tomorrow. Terrie xxx1
By tomorrow night the biggest hurdle will be behind you - cancer out and gone! Best wishes for smooth surgery and good outcomes! xx Michelle1
Surgery done and dusted. Now home and dealing with the pain and swelling, but it is not too bad. I should have the pathology results on Wednesday at my follow up appointment.
There was a lot more than just the surgery to go through on the day, which I hadn't really expected, including the hook wire and all the photographs and CT scans. Probably a good thing I didn't know, as I am very claustrophobic and would have stressed even more. Fortunately they allowed my husband in for the long one and he talked non stop to take my mind off it.
Wishing everyone else who has their surgery in front of them the very best recovery.1 -
So glad that bit is over for you. Soon you will have a plan and that feels so much better. Take care. Kath x1
Excellent. Rest, relax, recuperate. Xx1
Wonderful that you are now home - hope you are not in too much pain and have an easy recovery. Fingers crossed for positive news on Wednesday, It will be good to have a treatment plan. Look after yourself, Jane x1
So glad it is done and you are recovering now! Let us know when you get your results! nurture you til then! Hugs Melinda xo2
surgeons visit tonight.
wounds healing well. New boobs look good but very bruised.
Pathology report!!!!!
surgeon said it took her completely by surprise.
1.9mm 11oclock major lump extends over a 90mm area with satellite cancer cells all through the sample.
5mm supposedly benign 7 o'clock lump taken out as a precaution, IDC with entire sample full of satellite cancer cells.
another DCIS 10mm from large cancer
2 lymph glands removed, 1 has 3mm metastasis.
need to start Chemo ASAP, then mastectomy then radiation.
all are Estrogen 3+ and Progesterone 3+
HER2 negative
I understand the cancer results I think but not the hormone numbers.
but I guess that means hormone therapy as well?
so much for early stage best case senario.
I guess I write this year off then!
full body scan planned for next week.
shit, shit , shit!!!!!!!!!0 -
Ohhhh this makes me so angry, i too experienced something similar in that biopsy results are useless. Lumpectomy is the only way to get the proper diagnosis. I am so sorry to hear of your news!! I am however so glad you have your results and they can get onto it asap!! And start treatment. Its a lot to take in so take a deep breath. You are hormone receptor positive so it does mean hormone treatment. Im on Arimidex as i had a recurrence at 4yrs on tamoxifen. Hang tight! Im feeling ya!! Its shit!!! Keep talking and we'll all help anyway we can. Sending a huge hug! Melinda xo2
Awwwww bloody hell!!!! So sorry to hear of your news. It must all seem like a total nightmare.
Thank god you were diagnosed when you were and are able to be treated!!! And 1 node out of two is better than 2 out of 2!!! Your not allowed to write this year off because this is the year you become CANCER FREE!!! It's just going to take a bit more work to get there. What day next week is your body scan?
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Oh bugger on the result. But onto chemo you go. They won't start hormone therapy until finished that. You'll get through it. But so darn devastating for you. Hoping no issues for your scans. Our thoughts are with you and we know how hard this first part is.2
Thank you, ladies. I was so sure the pathology would be good. I was telling myself that being so scared about the appointment during today was unnecessary.
It almost seems unreal, as I am sure everyone feels.
it would be really nice to just climb out of this body and go somewhere else.
I have to ring for the body scan day on Friday as they were closed when I finished my surgeon appt. I also get my oncologist appointment then too.
Well, I guess I only get to keep one of my nice new boobs. Though I can enjoy it for a few months during chemo, then it has to come off.
Okay, I won't write the year off, 2016 I found the cancer. 2017 I will defeat it!
I will try and look at it that way.
I guess I will be calling on you all for advice for a lot longer now.