Just diagnosed but cannot even contact a surgeon until 9th January. Stress levels high.



  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Yayyyyyyyyy Mina!!!! That is brilliant news. Xx
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Mima - sorry - bloody auto correct!!! Grrrr
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    Best news ever! Woo hoo! 
  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    What excellent news! I am so happy for you, I hope you can now relax and enjoy your cruise.
  • RNSW
    RNSW Member Posts: 121
    Great news! Have a wonderful time on the cruise  :):):)
  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    What excellent news! I am so happy for you, I hope you can now relax and enjoy your cruise.
  • Mima
    Mima Member Posts: 38
    Thanks everyone for your good wishes. Yes it is a relief but this is one step on the journey we are all on. This has changed my life forever. The risk of recurrence will always be there, but for now I'm determined to put it out of my mind and enjoy whatever the future brings. Had great fun discussing and planning shore tours with my daughter yesterday for our upcoming cruise in 9 days.

    Will think about radiotherapy after I get back.

    @melclarity diagnosis was IDC stage Ia but surgeon said he would not consider hormone treatment at this stage as it had such a low mitotic level of 1. He did say he would take it to his team meeting on Tuesday though. So will see. Also HER2 results still pending.
  • Kathyjane
    Kathyjane Member Posts: 97
    hi from me too... I was diagnosed on June 6th last year and it was 6 weeks till i found the Surgeon I was happy with  and 2 more weeks until my operation...unfortunately it is a time thing but it is not like it has to be done the next day... take the time to make sure you exhaust all your options.. i was looking at a mastectomy, then a mastectomy with and expander then this and that.... well I found a surgeon who offered me a bilateral reduction.. I went from a DD to a B cup but i have my own boobs and no cancer... i have kept my nipples and had one node involved so chemo and radiotherapy. but i had choices .. be content in what you want .. there are options out there and make the right one for you...