Just diagnosed but cannot even contact a surgeon until 9th January. Stress levels high.



  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    Nice to read you're feeling a little positive. We're all here to help ease the emotional part. 
    Take care 
  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499
    edited December 2016
    Hey @Unicornkisses

    I detected my cancer on Christmas eve last year and didn't end up having surgery until February. 

    It was like over the holiday season nobody wanted to find cancer because it would be inconvenient for them.

    I spent the entire Christmas to New Year stretch with it in the back of my mind just festering with what in my gut I knew was there and wasn't being treated, so I understand on some level how effing frustrating it can be and how exhausting it is to feel so powerless in the face of what feels like flippancy.

    The positive is that the reason they felt confident to leave my surgery so long after biopsy is that the results didn't indicate an accelerated growth rate. I'm really hoping this is also the case for you. As you said, Cancer doesn't take a holiday.

    Hang tight. Just a few more days. You can do this.
  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    Hi im 4 years cancer free and you to will kick its but. Time becomes filled with so many appointments so just take this time to enjoy life, l know all you can think about is get this bugger out! The my journey kit has an invaluable cd in it for partners. My hubby listned to it in the car, l know cause l found it. I didnt give it to him just left it under his nose. I wish you well. Adean xx
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Hello Unicornkisses, sorry to hear your have joined our group but you will also find so much knowledge and support here.  I can just imagine your frustration in having to wait for what must feel an eternity, especially during Christmas. From my diagnosis (routine mammogram) to surgery was 11 days and I just couldn't wait to get the cancer out of me! My doctor told me that if I needed time to weigh up surgery options, to go home and think about it for a couple of weeks & it wouldn't make any difference to the cancer in that time.  Although you said you had stage 2 IDC,  you will have a clearer understanding of your cancer post op once your results come through. The specialist at Breastscreen told me that he expected my IDC would be between a grade 2 & 3.  Ended up being only grade 1, so nothing is certain until you get your full histology report. 
    Waiting is dreadful but you will feel soooo much better when you have a treatment plan. I hope the next 10 days go quickly for you, that you are able to find some peaceful and happy moments.
    Let us know how you are doing and don't forget we are all here for you.  Jane xx

  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    Thank you for all your information. Yes, I will feel much better once I have a treatment plan and can see the way forward. I took the long weekend away with my husband to stay with a couple of close friends in their holiday unit. It was just what we needed, and even managed to forget about it all for a while, we even went fishing where my girlfriend slipped and fell in the river fully clothed, we laughed so hard our sides ached, it really helped. Now we are closer to the 9th and I have to work this week which will occupy me. I still feel like I have been punched in the chest every time I remember, but am much calmer about it all with all the information and support here. You have really helped.
  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    My first Surgeon appointment date is tomorrow. At the moment I am calm and organised for it, probably tomorrow I will be shaking and stressed, but finally we are started. Thank you, ladies, you got me through the waiting period better than I had expected.
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hey Unicornkisses, It doesn't matter if tomorrow you end up having a good stress relieving cry because at the end of tomorrow you are that one step closer to being cancer free and its a very very emotional ride. Come back and let us know how you go. Best wishes Xx Cath
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    Hi!  Good luck with your appointment!  Let us know how you got on!  We are all in the same boat at varying stages of the trip we are on and happy to calm your nerves where we can!
    Take care xx
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Write down a list of questions and take it with you and take someone with you too for support and because two sets of ears are better than one.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Unicornkisses hope it goes well!!! thinking of you today, let us know how it goes! Hugs Melinda xo
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    @Unicornkisses . Just wondering how your appointment went. Kath x
  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    Whew, you were so right, there is so much information to take in and so many options for me. Which I know is a good thing! I feel so much better after seeing the surgeon, she is so helpful and makes me more relaxed. It also helps to now be planning and making decisions. I have a book to study on the treatments and options and have to go back on Tuesday with my decision on which surgery to have.
    I went it determined to have a mastectomy and get rid of the whole thing, I never liked the damn things anyway, I am a 14DD and have found them nothing but trouble. But when I have calmed down enough to think clearly, I could then consider what effect having one large breast and one nothing could have on me,as I already have a twisted spine and back problems. 
    I know we really don't know what stage or type of cancer I have until after the operation, thanks to all you ladies information, but the surgeon said it was classed as early stage and the ultrasound didn't show lymph node changes. So lumpectomy was an option.
    she also offered lumpectomy with a reduction at the same time which will remove another suspect tiny lump in another part of the breast and also make them smaller, with a possibility of having a reduction in the other side as well at the same time.
    I was completely against the risk of having only a lumpectomy and maybe having the cancer come back but she did set my mind at ease a bit about that risk. I still have to read up about it though before I am sure what option to take. I am I am not sure about the radiation though, so will read through all the comments on here about other people's experiences.
    So after Tuesday, depending on what option I choose, I could be in for surgery by Thursday next week or the next Thursday. 
    Thank you for your help and support, I really needed it.

  • Vivianna
    Vivianna Member Posts: 23
    That is alot to think through Unicornkisses, I am also having to make the same decision...I think for me the full mastectomy with immediate reconstruction is the option for me, this means that I have the surety that the cancer won't come back in the breast and I get to keep my nipple too! Its such a huge decision but it sounds like you are on the right track to making an informed decision. Good luck to you ❤
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    It sounds like you had a great appointment! Its so important that you feel comfortable with your Surgeon, and seems you received lots of information which is great too! I think the tough part is, until you have surgery you won't get pathology and thats really the only way to know the definite diagnosis and then able to make decisions from there. My first diagnosis was 2011 I had Mammos/U/sounds, core biopsy but biopsy came back negative. Thank God for my surgeon who wasnt convinced and said that they are not always fool proof and effective. So I opted for a lumpectomy and he cut around the nipple. I had DCIS so was super early, I then had Radiation and tamoxifen for 4yrs. Unfortunately I had a recurrence in my scar in 2015 and it was IDC Grade 2 Stage 3 aggressive. I had clear margins, no lymph node involvement and BRCA Gene negative. My Surgeon did another major lumpectomy as Im big breasted, and he said in my case it was as good as a Mastectomy that in terms of surgery for me there was no difference. I felt happy with that decision based on his opinion also. I did 4.5 months of chemo and now on Arimidex and unfortunately now though Im cancer free, because of recurrence my Oncologist and Surgeon recommend a Mastectomy, so Im booked and waiting for a date with immediate Diep Flap reconstruction, which my Plastic Surgeon said is his preferred method. I had radiation so not a candidate for implant but also, 2 major lumpectomies, I have a massive scar across my breast so really this will be the best option. I dont regret the slow approach in lumpectomies before now after 5yrs of this facing a Mastectomy based on my situation and diagnosis. All we can do is what we feel is right for ourselves, its individual and somethings are out of our control depending on pathology and diagnosis. I remember my Oncologist meeting in 2015 when I was beside myself over my recurrence and we discussed treatment..I had no options just chemo, I cannot do radiation again. I remember him saying, its a gamble no matter what your choice is, I could do chemo, not do chemo, he has no way of knowing whether it will come back or not. So I guess I realised along the way that all decisions have to be purely mine and what I was happy with. Big hugs! Its not easy, but sounds like you are in great hands!!! Let us know how you go! Melinda xo
  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    Yes!!!!!! Saw the surgeon today with my choice of surgery and booked in for Thursday this week!
     I can t believe my luck.
    As she only operates on Thursdays near me I had dreaded waiting another two weeks (Thursday next week is a public holiday -no surgery) so I am booked in.
    Did the hospital admission this afternoon, now to cancel all my clients for the next two weeks! 
    They were all on notice so they will understand. One of the perils of being self employed.
    I feel strange to be so overjoyed about it all, but the relief to be going in is huge.
    i hope everyone else waiting for appointments gets in quickly too, I know how unbearable the waiting is.