Started swearing!



  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534

    Hi there!!! I just wanted to say, I hear you!! I've had it twice in 4yrs and I don't fit the criteria at all of what 'they say' in terms of being susceptible to getting breast cancer. Majority of women don't!! That's why its only important to do what feels good for you in terms of exercise and eating...everything in moderation I say! It doesn't discriminate. Until you have your lumpectomy and find out if you are ER- or + or Her2- or + will you know what your treatment will be. I had IDC last year stage 3. It is tough waiting!!! Im waiting for Christmas to pass for a scheduled Mastectomy/recon. Whilst I am grateful to enjoy Christmas, I want the whole thing over and move on!!!! Lisa I can say I too am upbeat but nothing prepares you for this journey...Ive learnt so much about myself, there are some incredibly difficult days and there are somedays where you are really OK. I initially looked at it that it was stripping me back physically, and in a way gave me a way to redefine myself. Boy is it tough!!!! to remain OK with a new look moving forward, feeling battered and torn. You are human, and the best thing you can do, is if you feel positive, be it, when you don't be that too!!! we are all of those things and we need to honor it all! Big breath, day and step at a time! Youve got this! Hugs Melinda xo
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    PS - Ohhh the swearing made me laugh!!! for some reason that happened to me through Chemo LOL. My kids called me Chemoroo as Id snap and fly off!!!! and aggressive LOL like a boxing Kangaroo haha!! That has settled, but I certainly am less tolerant these days. 
  • Lisa50
    Lisa50 Member Posts: 28
    Hi Melinda!
     Great really is helpful to hear from others who 'get it' and have been through or still going through this crappy stuff! Yes, I am finding out more & more about myself & I'm slowly ploughing through the emotions and as you said, redefining myself. Everything is put into perspective & I feel more grateful for the wonderful things in life :smiley:  
    But certainly IS tough!!
    Well, I really do wish you a very lovely Christmas and all the absolute best for your upcoming surgery..Big breath..
    You've got this too!  Big hug to you, Lisa X  <3

  • Anne94
    Anne94 Member Posts: 171
    I've been swearing since my initial diagnosis in September  2016. 
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery for the surgery. 
    Have a merry Christmas xo

  • Pammy46
    Pammy46 Member Posts: 162
    Hi lisa
    It's such a disbelief when we are first diagnosed the waiting scared the hell out of me I cried for 3 weeks after diagnoses.. I came on here and members told me once you know what you are dealing with it becomes easier.. I haven't cried since surgery 2 weeks ago it will get easier and you will find a determination you never knew you had.. we are all here together our journeys may be different but our fears are the same
    merry Xmas xx 

  • Lisa50
    Lisa50 Member Posts: 28
    Hi Pammy
    Yes it is always comforting to know other ladies going through this are feeling the same especially during this looong waiting period!! 13 days to go...but not counting :wink: 
    Thanks, yes I know once its done and the plan is in place, I will feel much more settled.
    Hope all your post op recovery is going ok. Take care..
    Hope you have a lovely Christmas with your loved ones XX
  • Sonni
    Sonni Member Posts: 3
    Love it Lisa! Swear or do what ever helps you get through this crazy time. We're all so different but one thing's for sure, we're all going through this together thanks to BCNA so you're not alone sister xXx
  • Ne
    Ne Member Posts: 336
    I can kids have said to me before "Mum you have started swearing since you got cancer".  Not very proud of this but working on it.  I can only imagine how eager you are to get your surgery done and dusted.  I felt like that too.  I just wanted to get it out too.  You are in the best place for support.  We are here for you.
  • Minty
    Minty Member Posts: 9
    I can't say I started swearing, but I did stop vacuuming, dusting and caring about the things in life that stole my time from family and friends. Waiting is frustrating, but my experience is our medical system acts very quickly when necessary in these situations. Therefore, be confident the delay will not have any negative impact. It gives you time for you and your family to digest, adjust, learn and support each other. 
  • jacquipp
    jacquipp Member Posts: 73
    Hi Lisa. Swear away. Get those emotions out. I found there is so much frustration and anger and uncertainty that it can be hard to keep your head above water at times. You will have good days and bad days and days of nothing. I am 10 months down my "journey" and I still have days full of anger and depression over this thing invading my life. I hope your surgery goes well and you have a great team you can talk to and be confident in. Hugs 
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 979
    Welcome to BCNA  Whatever we call THIS to get rid of our cancer, do not want it, or like it but we we have to to do.  it just helps to know that we are not alone with BCNA being here for us. And Yep I shocked a few people when I swore out loud.  I'm a cranky granny but never swore till now. It is easing off back to under my breath most of the time.
  • Mima
    Mima Member Posts: 38
    Hi @Lisa50
    hope your surgery went well today
    best of luck from here on in
  • Lisa50
    Lisa50 Member Posts: 28
    Thanks Mima
    Just an update..I had my lumpectomy & 3 nodes removed yesterday...finally! It has been a loong wait, soo glad I have that part over.
    Except for really horrible nausea all day yesterday post-op (couldn't even lift my head off pillow without vomiting) I am feeling reasonable today. Came home sore, battered & bruised but relieved. Just taking paracetamol. Now the waiting begins again..17th January for results! This will determine chemo, but I still have to have radiotherapy apparently.
    I hope everyone is going ok with whatever stage they are up to. This is a really great place to come to 'chat'. You are all  such amazing women!! :smiley:
    Ps, no swearing in ages! :wink:
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Hey Lisa!
    Glad its all over and done and you are now home and recovering!!! Ohhhh I too was sick for 12hrs vomiting after surgery, it was worse than the surgery uuugh!!! Its a few weeks, but you can just focus on relaxing and recovering hopefully and yes then the results and see what's next. Wishing you good news!!! and yes generally youd have Rads even for DCIS but hey! think about that once that date comes! Glad for no swearing! I think too as things start to happen it makes it a bit easier as in not just waiting for everything and give you a sense of moving along. Big hugs Melinda xo