
sheryn Member Posts: 22
Just wondering about get a wig. I KNOW NOTHING about them. Are there any hits or tips, were to go or who to purchase through. My hairdresser is no help at this time. Can u just purchase off line or should go to specialist? 



  • Lmc1310
    Lmc1310 Member Posts: 120
    edited March 2017
    I bought one in Sydney for about $400. But I wish I'd bought a natural hair wig as mine is so hot and itchy. At the time I thought the price for natural wig at $1800 was a bit steep. HCF reimbursed me. Some hospitals have wig libraries I believe. Have you heard of the look good feel better program (I think that is what it is called). I found it really helpful as they provide lots of hints on wigs and scarves. You also get the opportunity to try different styles. Best wishes Sheryn. 
  • sheryn
    sheryn Member Posts: 22
    Yes I have already checked reimburse for wigs in not on my HCF but thats ok. So go natural. I have looked at the look good feel better program so far nothing near me. :( Im not going to rush just want it right!
  • Cate64
    Cate64 Member Posts: 446
    @sheryn try Creative Wigs, yes they are in Melbourne but they have an on-line shop. Get one that is monofilament, they look more natural, around $300.

    I went of to Xmas break with hair & came back with the wig very close in style & colour to my natural hair & no one clicked that it was a wig, they thought i had just had a hair cut - except the HR Manager, she knew because I told her when I was diagnosed..

    I had the wig called Codi as pictured.


  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    edited March 2017
    Cancer Council Victoria now subsidises wigs, they are new and you can order one online. I bought a couple from Malaysia on eBay that cost $50 each. They were ok, but it's been too hot to wear one.
  • Glemmis
    Glemmis Member Posts: 344
    I bought a real hair wig at $1800.00 & now think I must have been mad. Even though people don't know it is a wig & I had one lady ask me where I get my hair done,  I find it so hot & annoying.  I bought another wig for 40.00 & find it so much better but it is shorter so cooler. 
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @sheryn Oh it can be daunting at the start! I floundered but after lots of research I found www.shinywaywigs.com.au I went to other places but Human Hair were over $1,000 ridiculous!!! So I wasnt going to pay that. I was soo lucky I found this wig and my hairdresser cut it around my face the way I used to wear it. Over the time I bought 2 at around $300 each, best investment I ever made for synthetic. yes they get hot especially when the weather is warm but I only wore them out, at home I rocked it bald and happily! 
  • Cate64
    Cate64 Member Posts: 446
    edited March 2017
    @Glemmis I was advised to buy synthetic by Creative Wigs because you just wash them & let them dry & they retain their style. The natural hair wigs apparently need to be styled after washing, is that correct??

    The monofilament ones are hand weaved at the top & so breath & dont make you feel so hot...
  • Glemmis
    Glemmis Member Posts: 344
    Hi @Cate64, no I don't have to style mine, just wash every 2 weeks, condition & leave to dry on the stand. The synthetic wig I bought I was told to wash every day. Between the wigs and washing my lymphodema sleeve every two days & prothesis every night it has all become a burden LOL. I think I am feeling the heat as well from Letrozole as I was still getting hot flushes but the drug has intensified them.
  • Cate64
    Cate64 Member Posts: 446
    @Glemmis its so amazing how different people tell you different things, I was told to wash my synthetic one every 20 wears.... & not only by Creative Wigs either, the Breast Care Nurse at the Hospital Wig Library told me the same thing. I was told to just air it near a window overnight between washes...
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    I bought two synthetic wigs at Head Complements in Ringwood, Victoria. I never found them hot (worn right through summer) and they were very easy to care for. Having two was useful - for a change and when I accidentally frizzed one! When they tell you not to open an oven door with a synthetic wig, they mean it! Frizzed the front really well. Other than that, easy to wash, shake, leave to dry. Quick comb, no styling required (I had a straight one and a slightly curly one) and back on. I used to get slightly nervous in high winds, but nothing ever happened. Yes, you get fed up with something on your head at times, but unless you go au naturel, that'll happened anyway. While all my work colleagues/family knew I wore a wig, most people didn't and were mystified when I turned up with the worst perm ever (my new natural hair!!). A good fitting is worth time and effort. My wig needed a tiny tuck to fit perfectly (also useful as I let it out as my hair started to regrow).
  • Glemmis
    Glemmis Member Posts: 344
    @Cate64, it is funny the different opinions, there might be different qualities of synthetic and as the one I just bought was very cheap it might need more washing. I find my real one starts to feel dry after a week so I do wash it more regularly & they gave me 4 different products to use as well.
  • Lmc1310
    Lmc1310 Member Posts: 120
    edited March 2017
    Thanks for starting this discussion Sheryn I've learned heaps. It is great not to have to worry about washing and styling my own hair each day!!
  • sheryn
    sheryn Member Posts: 22
    @Lmc1310, I have learnt alot too.
     I have to say. I did have one hairdresser today while shopping today ask why cut my hair off now it might not fall out. I should wait and see. And she was very daimit about it. Needless to say I was a bit shocked with her attitude . I was enquiring about there shop and wigs.
    my oncologist said I will properly loose it before my next chemo treatment.!!!!!. I would presume he would know what going to happen.  
    Wrong day, wrong mind set to go out for this today very depressing. Hair or no hair right now I just want to get through this!..

    Thanks everyone for your help and advise.

    bless you all 

  • Annedipa
    Annedipa Member Posts: 73
    Check if your hospital has a wig library. I got mine through the wig library at Cabrini. Wigs are donated and they also gave me a gift of some hand made hats as well. Its a wonderful service. Best wishes Anne
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    My washing instructions were every 2 weeks not every day, which is definitely a chore. I washed mine about every 10 days. I suppose it depends a lot on the make and the quality, mine were a reasonable price for synthetic but not as cheap as others. If you were only going to wear a wig for a few occasions it won't matter, but if you plan to wear it daily then it may be worth considering paying more if you can afford it.