Lotions, Potions Etc ...

DMaree Member Posts: 26
Hi Ladies, I have a friend about to go through chemo and was wondering if you can hit me up with all sorts of lotions, creams, bath soaks etc ... anything that helped you get through please. We would all like to help out and get her some essentials, because, as you all know, it's hard to ask for help and or accept help. So if we can supply some pretties it would be lively and make a huge difference, I just know it. Thankyou All. 

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  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Moogoo products are good as are some wash alternatives for eczma like cetaphil body wash. Deoderant without perfume can be beneficial (I use dove and dove soap sensitive) as skin can become over sensitive. Of course some pretty scarves or hats would be nice too. Facial cream with sun protection is important also...oil of olay does one for mature skin which is about $17 from supermarkets ...you need the thicker variety like is needed for mature skins. Lovely gift idea.
  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    I also recommend the Moo Goo products. I used everything from their facial cleanser, shower wash, scalp cream (for when you lose your hair), moisturiser through to their sunscreen and deodorant. Also small bottles of hand sanitizer are great. I had one stashed in my bag, one in the car etc. Biotene mouth wash and toothpaste was also something I found helpful.
    It is a lovely idea and I am sure she will appreciate it. xxx
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    3rd vote for Moo Goo. Some chemo can be very hard on nails so maybe some good cuticle cream? I hadn't used an eyeliner on years but when your eyelashes go, it's a good idea, ditto eyebrow pencils. With summer coming, a really soft straw hat would be good. I found excellent ones, made of paper but looking just like straw, on line. Still wear them sometimes as they were both stylish and practical. 
  • DMaree
    DMaree Member Posts: 26
    edited December 2016
    Thankyou Primek, Deanne & Afraser Thankyou all for this, Looks like we are shopping for some Moogoo and sanitizer :smile:
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,805
    Moo Goo is the best. Also Burts Bees.
    May I  suggest you look at the website for Look good feel better program 
    And print off information to put with your goodies. The program is free.

    Take care from Christine 
  • DMaree
    DMaree Member Posts: 26
    Iserbrown Thankyou I will have a look at them, much appreciated. 
  • Glemmis
    Glemmis Member Posts: 344
    I would recommend you having a look at the Nourished Life website. It is toxin free, they even have nail polish. All of the ingredients Are listed on each product.  If your friend has hormone related cancer it is advisable to stay away from products with lavender and just about every body product has it in it. There is a hand sanitizer on Nourished Life that is lavender free called Squeakie! 
  • Lispy
    Lispy Member Posts: 26
    I'm not a fan of the moogoo and went back to my usual dermalogica for my face and their medical moisturizer for the body.

    my skin has remained really good and every dr and nurse comments on it
  • Lispy
    Lispy Member Posts: 26
    Hmm, cut off my post! 

    Nice cordial is also good!
  • Share
    Share Member Posts: 217

    @DMaree - what a wonderful idea. Friends and family like you are so appreciated during a bc diagnosis and treatment.  

    Moo Goo gets my vote as well - great products.

    I also found that Bio-oil is a good product - not sure if your friend has any scars but I found that after applying this on my breast and back after the stiches and drain were removed (I had diep flap reconstruction) that now there is a fine grey/white line - not terribly visible at all (not that it would bother me now - they are my battle scars !).

    Good old bi-carb soda is an alternative if you can't get hold of Biotene. I used to rinse my mouth with bi-carb dissolved in warm water and gargle with it after each meal/snack. I was fortunate enough to not get any mouth ulcers.

    Also, some nice soft cotton or fluffy socks (you can get them from K-Mart or Big W) - even in this warm weather your feet can still feel cold during chemo (strange things can happen).

    Wishing you and your friend a wonderful Christmas - what a joy you must be for her & her family.  

    Sheryl xx

  • ccasper
    ccasper Dragonfly Posts: 190
    I agree @Glemmis

    The nourished life is my go to! So many amazing products with no chemicals. My motto was that there was enough chemicals going into my body I didn't need anymore! 

    Coconut oil is great for the skin. Especially on the scalp after losing my hair! I also purchased toxin free nail polish and nail polish remover! So much better for you! What a nice thing you are doing for a friend. Wishing you both all the best x
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    I went to the GP a couple of times and he gave me a prescription for Chlorsig for the conjunctivitis in the eyes and some antibiotic cream for break outs with the skin. Both served me well.
    When my skin was really bad especially the nose membranes I used 100% aloe vera gel and it was very soothing. My skin still was getting really dry on the Tamoxifen so I have started using bio magnesium tablets and that has helped a lot so I don't have to keep using skin creams.

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