@DMaree - what a wonderful idea. Friends and family like you are so appreciated during a bc diagnosis and treatment.
Moo Goo gets my vote as well - great products.
I also found that Bio-oil is a good product - not sure if your friend has any scars but I found that after applying this on my breast and back after the stiches and drain were removed (I had diep flap reconstruction) that now there is a fine grey/white line - not terribly visible at all (not that it would bother me now - they are my battle scars !).
Good old bi-carb soda is an alternative if you can't get hold of Biotene. I used to rinse my mouth with bi-carb dissolved in warm water and gargle with it after each meal/snack. I was fortunate enough to not get any mouth ulcers.
Also, some nice soft cotton or fluffy socks (you can get them from K-Mart or Big W) - even in this warm weather your feet can still feel cold during chemo (strange things can happen).
Wishing you and your friend a wonderful Christmas - what a joy you must be for her & her family.
Sheryl xx