Our Gardens
Amazing photos @Rosie9740!0
Up close and personal! Beautiful blooms @Rosie9740
Best wishes from jennyss in Western NSW0 -
I love my sunflowers in my garden. 🌻
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Such a splash of colour @Caroled - do you harvest the seeds afterwards?
Welcome to the club that no-one ever thought they'd join!Feel free to tell us a bit of your story here:
take care
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Autumn is here in the Garden. Naked Ladies, Nerines and spent Baby Agapanthus along with a much needed shower of rain
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Beautiful @iserbrown!
Autumn is my favourite month.1 -
This is what’s happened to my garden
It’s going to take some time to get it back looking nice
I’ll have my own little private retreat when its all finished being built. I had a lot of of potted plants not all have survived the move from their usual spots.3 -
How wonderful to have your own space again soon ... I hope the build is a quick one xx
I hope your surviving plants come good and you enjoy getting your garden back in order xx
Take care xx1 -
Bob The Builder - Year TwoLast year I wrote of our resident Greater Bower Bird and his antics on our Kimberley block.Bob is at it again. Only this time he has competition. A second Greater Bower Bird has built his bower less than 50 cm from Bob. The two bowers are 5 metres from our front verandah.
Bob tidied up and redecorated his existing bower, it faces north / south, however Ben has constructed his, using material stolen from Bob's, in an east /west direction. Ben has a lot to learn, building wise. Ben's bower is the scruffy pile of sticks on the right side of the photo.
The two bower birds spend much of the day building, wrecking, decorating, strutting, running through each others' bowers and thieving from each other.Many "decorations" have been stolen from the shed. A bucket of reticulation fittings in the pump shed has been raided.Whenever we required any building fittings, washers, nuts, bolts and sundry other bits, we in turn raid their bowers.Over the past two weeks a female bower bird has been interested. She too has been strutting her stuff. Bob and Ben have been too interested in demolishing each others bowers and so have ignored her.The female bower bird hormones must have been raging, in the end she gave up interest and a few days ago she was observed paying attention and strutting her stuff to a different male Greater Bower Bird who has a magnificent bower, beautifully decorated at the back corner of our block where I suspect tbe deed was done, she is no longer around and the third male bower bird is looking most pleased with himself.The third bower and resident male we discovered two days ago when we were clearing the fire breaks. And so, smack bang in the middle of the block's perimeter fire break is a bower and two back hoe bucket runs on either side of it! God only knows what the Shire Ranger will say.6 -
@Annie C - you are my kind of gal. Just when I would be out there watching - and damn the medicos, have your gin an tonic, gotta have some pleasure, I say.
We find all birds and animals are time wasters like computers for the younger generation ! Watching the magpies in the big bird bath, watching kangaroos fight for their territory or watching a group of lambs play .......4 -
How neat is Bob the Bower bird!
Love hearing of the antics!
Animals are a joy to observe
At present we have another elderly Kangaroo living out his last here. He's not our first and won't be last.......palliative care for Kangaroos!2 -
Oh that is cute. Palliative Care for Kangaroos. How lovely that he is in a good paddock.