Cancer Australia FAQs COVID-19 Vaccine



  • Tasia
    Tasia Member Posts: 126
    @Julez1958 - that was also my drs guiding advice. I also only had the sentinel lymph node removed on my left side and I had quite severe blood clotting in my right arm (result of chemo and port infections). I had the vaccination on my left as it was safer than on my right, same applies for any blood tests, etc
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,197
    Hi members,

    As you many of you may already be aware, The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has approved a fourth dose of a COVID-19 vaccine for people with weakened immune systems. BCNA's My Journey article regarding COVID-19 Vaccine has been updated to include more information:

    This information can also help you think about questions to ask your treating team about having the vaccine. If you are currently having treatment such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy or immunotherapy, you should discuss the type and timing of vaccination with your specialist.
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,197
    Hi again members,

    We have received quite a few enquiries from those affected by breast cancer who may be feeling increasingly concerned about what happens to their treatment if they contract COVID-19. Please refer to the below My Journey articles  to provide you with additional information: to section 'Will my treatment be affected if I test positive to COVID-19?' - COVID-19 information for those with early breast cancer - COVID-19 information for those with metastatic breast cancer - COVID-19 information for those with DCIS

    Please call your GP or treating specialist for advice if you believe you may have been exposed  to COVID-19 or experiencing symptoms or call the 24hr dedicated hotline 1800 675 398.
  • noosa_blue150
    noosa_blue150 Member Posts: 212
    As per ATAGI advice, I’ve just had my fourth covid vax - moderna ( previously AZ x2, and Pfizer x 1). Must admit a day later my arm very sore and symptoms of feeling like I have the flu, which is how I often felt over the years with influenza shots . I just had a RAT as I was visiting a friend in a nursing home and that was negative so I’m taking it easy now with a few Panadols.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    I heard they were saying to have a 4th one ... hope you are feeling better soon @noosa_blue150 xx
  • Not_good_63_57
    Not_good_63_57 Member Posts: 75
    Well I opted not to get vaccination my choice just wondering if anyone else is not vaccinated and how would the virus affect you with cancer 
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,534
    @Not_good_63_57 I initially decided not to be vaccinated but a friend of mine had metastatic cancer and was near the end of her life so I chose to get the vaccine for her sake. Now I am metastatic and back on chemo and refuse to visit or be visited by anyone not jabbed. I don't want the risk. Your choice but make sure you have all the facts. I am not pushing one way or the other and I am not trained to do so anyway. We need to take precautions whether we are jabbed or not so keep safe.
  • Not_good_63_57
    Not_good_63_57 Member Posts: 75
    So this is where I’m at 
    I tested positive to covid week before Easter I’m not vaccinated 
    symptoms were very bad headache for couple days nausea bad bit dizziness stuffy nose I gave it to my daughter she had headache fever sore throat cough we had it for bout five days now if anyone says it’s just cold well it’s not if u get it u can tell the diff between flu and covid but I really think u should have 12 days to get over it not 7 
    I also started to itch week later was put on antihistamine and steroid tablet for week 
    my bloody tests for my cancer were really good so covid didn’t affect that 
    really think it affects people different 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    You can take as long as you need to get over it, seven days is simply the regulatory time you should stay in isolation. And yes the virus affects people very differently, some are hardly sick at all while 67 people died in Victoria and NSW in the last 48 hours. 
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,197

    Hi everyone,

    We have recently added additional information to the COVID-19 Vaccinations article  in My Journey regarding 'Winter booster vaccination'.

  • ARichies
    ARichies Member Posts: 33
    I'm triple vaxxed, had two doses of Pfizer and third booster dose of Moderna. I'm 42 this year and recently diagnosed with DCIS grade 2  estrogen positive. I had my sentinel lymph nodes taken out and lumpectomy on 13/05/22. I'm waiting to start radiation and hormone blocker tablets tamoxifen. 
    Managed to avoid covid infection right up until last week. Hubby tested positive and so did I. Have just recovered this week and still a but phlegmy. 
    I'm wondering if I should still consider getting my 4th booster. But I'm about to start radiation soon then tamoxifen so 🤷 not sure what to do. Will need to speak to my oncologist I'm assuming? Any thoughts ? 
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,318
    Hi there
    ATAGi has just come out and recommended everyone over 50 ( subject to their Drs advice) be vaccinated with a second booster shot. 

    I am actually booked to have mine Monday as even though I am 64 not 65 my GP suggested it.

    I had my flu shot 2 weeks ago .

    Not husband ( who is 65) had both flu and Moderna second booster shot yesterday morning and is staying in bed today as feels awful.His GP ( different to mine ) said it was ok to have both shots together .

    I had AZ for first two shots then Pfizer for my  booster with not much in the way of side effects except my arm was very sore for a couple of days.

    So far have avoided catching Covid.

  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,197
    Expanding on your comment @Julez1958 :) - Thankyou

    Eligibility expanded for COVID boosters and antivirals

    Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has updated its recommendations for a winter dose of COVID-19 vaccine to help reduce severe disease from the emerging surge of Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 subvariant infections, and to reduce the burden on Australian hospitals and the healthcare system in coming months. You can read the full  ATAGI statement via link ATAGI updated recommendations for a winter dose of COVID-19 vaccine | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care 

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    edited September 2022
    So it would appear that there are no more boosters after No 4? 

    And from mid Oct - you now do not have to isolate any more even if you DO get Covid! (Unless you work in aged care, disability care, Aboriginal health care and hospital care.) I'm Not too keen on THAT idea!!

    I can only imagine there will still be big surges/outbreaks all year - for a while to come yet .... and it will be the elderly and unwell who will be paying the price. :(  I'll be wearing my mask when out & about, that is for sure.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    That’s my understanding, at least for now. As my 2nd booster was in April, I am nearing 6 months with no real clarity as to how effective my booster is after that time. Mandatory isolation is ending on 14 October - not that I think those who are infected have necessarily been maintaining isolation (no checks) and people with no symptoms but living in a household with Covid have been able to go out and about with impunity for ages. I have an appt with my GP soon and will ask about the new Omicron targeted vaccine. Perfectly happy to pay!