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Exercise and Eating



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    @Angelo  Please Don't ask me why - but I hate exercise with a passion - unless I have a fishing rod in hand - in which case, I will walk the whole length of the beach & back, looking for fish!   LOL  I DO get out in my kayak 2-3 times a week (a pedal one) so I pretend that I am walking!  ;)   I try to eat sensibly & luckily don't like 'sweet things' so no real temptation there - but I LOVE savoury stuff & have to stop myself going back for 2nds of the main meal!

    I have gained a few kgs since diagnosed early last year .... maybe I DO need to get out for that walk!  LOL

    Well done on signing up for the Jive classes - that sounds really fun!!  Enjoy!  You'll get lots of exercise there!!

    All the best xx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Fantastic @Becsta! Jive classes, love it. K xox
  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 428
    @Angelo That's awesome!! Dance classes would be the BEST fun & great exercise. I love dancing but no classes in my small country town so I just dance around the house with the radio going!! A great idea to get your hubbie involved as well so you can laugh, meet new couples & get fit all in one.
    let us know how you get on with the cancer Council "Healthy Living" program. I do hope they have more funding & you can get a spot. I learnt so much & the ladies who ring you are so helpful & encouraging.
    So good to hear you have already kicked off with some exercise before work. I bet it put you in a good head space to face your day at work & made you feel even better. So proud of you!! Go get 'em. xx 
  • Dory65
    Dory65 Member Posts: 323
    I think I'm going to have to get help like Healthy Living after Cancer program call 13 11 20 @Anne65 suggested.

    Anyone on NSW Central Coast involved?

    Four months since my diagnosis, active treatment done, begun five years(+) endocrine therapy - and it's all just ongoing "managing". I'm getting really, really tired of managing, coping, making the effort - winge, winge.
    10 Tamoxifen tablets in - and the rest to go. Novaldex- D.  I sure wouldn't be taking this if it wasn't going to potentially save my life! Brain fog, sleep disturbance, fatigue, aching everywhere. Dragging myself out of bed is like raising myself out of a bog. Working full-time. Maybe I just had a bad few days. I'm going to the gym this morning to walk on the treadmill (weight bearing and cario) and do some gentle weight 
    repetitions. I hope that gives me some energy and relieves the aching. Must also try harder re clean eating - I was doing well but started to slip. Uuuuuhhhhh!
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    It's so hard isn't it @Dory65? Keep plugging away. I'm forcing myself out for a long walk this morning when all I want to do is lie in bed! K xox
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,549
    HI @Dory65,

    It's all a bloody hard slog.  You should do this, you shouldn't do that, don't eat this, don't sniff that, exercise, do something for yourself et etc...aagghhh.There are not enough hours in the day to treat this treatment stuff and then you have to fit work in there somewhere.
      The Tamoxifen does not make it any easier, (you should read some of my posts from when I started lol) nor does the fact that most of us felt perfectly fine before we were treated.  I found that one of the hardest things to accept.  
    The doctors have no quick fix and I got sick of being dismissed, so I quit asking.  It really is up to you to work it out and get things to a level of doing what you think you should be doing but not compromising your whole quality of life.
    Don't be too hard on yourself if you "slip up".  

  • Mira
    Mira Member Posts: 678
    I agree with most of the above comments.  Find something you love doing and it wont feel like work.  Keep in mind that you can't outrun a bad diet though, so try and eat mindfully.  I don't believe in counting calories, or cutting out food groups it's about eating the right amount of foods so that you get the correct nutrition for you.  There's a heap of free (and paid) online resources just make sure you're following someone with some qualifications.

    If anyone is interested in some friendly accountability I run a closed facebook group called Blue Lounge which is just a small group of people who support each other.  Anyone with a good attitude is welcome regardless of what program you are doing (or not doing).
  • Dory65
    Dory65 Member Posts: 323
    Thanks guys,
    It helps to vent. My poor son has been advised by all and sundry to keep positive and keep me positive...The kid (23 and still living at home) just doesn't get it that sometimes I just need someone to say Yeah! It's F*%^$#@! :neutral:

    I did go to the gym. It did help a bit. Sensible grocery shopping trip next, with my 95 year old dad. Who, incidentally, used to smoke. He continues to drink alcohol daily and eats whatever he likes. He also keeps very active both physically and mentally - and he has me.

    Mum - I'm the same age she was when diagnosed with BC.  54. I've had the same active treatment and the same endocrine therapy. She had two BC setbacks then mets, passing away aged 71. Miss her every day.

  • Caz1
    Caz1 Member Posts: 382
    hi @Dory65 know how you feel...I’ve just started Letrozole 5 days ago and fell in a bit of a slump 
    mentally when I started. As @kezmusc there’s always something to manage or think about or worry about, it just gets too much. The grind goes on and on and it definitely isn’t how I pictured my life. 
    My gorgeous best friend who is a nurse made me feel so much better, she reassured me that this is normal to hit a slump considering all I’m going through.
    Sometimes it’s just hard to juggle all the balls with a smile. 
    Rant over gurlz.  :#
  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 428
    @Dory65 Just wondering if you have contacted Cancer Council to see if they are still running the Healthy Living After Cancer program. I have done some googling for you to see what is offered in NSW as I am from SA. It appears that NSW did offer this program but not sure if it is still running. I did find another free program that is offered in your state & I have attached the link below. It is a program called "ENRICHing Survivorship". It is a face to face program whereas the one I did was done over the phone but it sounds very similar & very good.
    Good luck with it all. I know I am the odd one out as I love exercise & I know it is hard to get "the bug" but once you start doing just a little, you will start to feel better mentally & physically. You can do it!! love & hugs xx


    To find out more, contact us on 1300 360 541 or email enrich@nswcc.org.au 

    The ENRICH program was developed by Cancer Council NSW in collaboration with the University of Newcastle.

  • Dory65
    Dory65 Member Posts: 323
    Thanks heaps @Anne65 :smiley:
  • Fiona2
    Fiona2 Member Posts: 69
    Hi! Just wondering if you have any bike paths near by. I find being out on the bike is my happy space, particularly on a beautiful day and you can always find a cafe.  It was even more valuable to me when I was going through treatment (actually used to ride to radiotherapy and to herceptin treatments which definitely suprised the staff though they came round to giving  me a lot of encouragement).  
  • Maayaa
    Maayaa Member Posts: 5
    Hi everyone does anyone know what is the best diets and exercise  plans for me. am a 31years old with metastasis breast cancer in my bone marrow and liver, I have got two beautiful kids 6.7year old and a 22months old gorgeous baby girl. Am currently at the hospital and finding it hard to eat or drink anything. Anything I eat comes right back out. Am on the  eviQ treatment as nothing else is working. I will really need some help to get stronger for my kids and family. Any advice on eating, drinking and exercising will be great .
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello @Maayaa I am sorry to hear that you are struggling to eat.  You may like to access a dietitian while you are at the hospital as they can provide individual advice and make some recommendations.  Hoping this improves for you.
  • Mira
    Mira Member Posts: 678
    Hey Maayaa, I think the medical professionals around you would know the best plans for you and what's available in your area.  For the moment I'd say be kind to yourself and do the best you can, you're already dealing with so much.  Don't put too much pressure on yourself.