Scared worried and confused



  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Your family will just be thankful that the disease has been caught in time and they have you.  They won't care what you look like and if you care, you can consider reconstruction down the track.  As everyone has said, how you choose to deal with the day-to-day is up to you.  My husband took me to the hospital and waited until I went in.  The first time he was there when I got out but I was so disoriented that I didn't remember so I told him not to bother the next time.  As far as friends and social gatherings went, I went into a bit of a hibernation mode during the first month or so and ended up setting up a blog to keep extended family, friends and colleagues informed about what was happening.
  • Leilani
    Leilani Member Posts: 42
    Thank u so much I try and  keep myself busy everyday but once I am in bed then it is when it hits me the most all I can do is take one day at a time
  • Leilani
    Leilani Member Posts: 42
    I do have a bcn nurse and my the my journal kit is in the mail so I'm just waiting for that. I rang the 1800number up yesterday and I started to talk to them and they said I can ring them any time and talk some lovely women on here as well. Everyone on here are so wonderful and have some really good ideas and are very helpful I appreciate all the advice I am getting
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Have you been given anything to help you sleep @Leilani Almost an essential in the beginning.
  • Leilani
    Leilani Member Posts: 42
    No I haven't 
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    Hi  @Leilani,    Welcome to the forum, its unfortunate that you have to be here but you will find everyone here understands how you feel and what you are going through even though each of us are on our own journey. Its a great place to rant, rave, cry and laugh with others who get how you feel.  I was numb and in shock at the beginning as well with my mind jumping in overtime and imagining the worse scenarios but I found once a plan of action had been formulated at least I could move forward.  I can't say enough for the breast care nurses and their support through everything and hopefully you too will have that same fantastic support system with them.   After 2 surgeries and ongoing chemo I too will be up for a mastectomy like yourself next month.  Do whatever you feel is right for you and just do whatever you have too to keep your mind occupied whether its going for walks or watching TV over the next week or too. My thoughts are with you.  xox
  • Leilani
    Leilani Member Posts: 42
    Thank u so much I'm doing a diamond art cross stitch for my daughter at the moment to keep my mind occupied. I'm scared about the surgery and after that I might have to go for treatment. Everyone on here are wonderful and lovely hope all goes well for u too. I know some of my comments don't make sense xxx
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    @Leilani,  Your comments make perfect sense.   I also hear you about husbands, mine talks very little about it but I have seen the tears and I am thankful I know he has talks with family.    Surgery will be fine. Just take one step at a time.  I won't be too far behind you with surgery once my chemo is finished.    Great you are getting into the cross stitch.  xx
  • Leilani
    Leilani Member Posts: 42
    It helps some times when I do it and some times it doesn't. My husband doesn't talk to anyone at all I don't really have anyone to talk to as I lost my mum from breast cancer about 16 years ago so it's hard. I spoke to hubby about this group and he is happy that I am in a group that is going threw the same thing as I am and that I can talk to all u wonderful ladys
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    @Leilani  I lost my mum to it 25 years ago now.   Just keep in mind how individually focused all the treatments are now and how far medicine has come and still going for this bloody horrible disease.  So much has changed and is still changing all the time. 
  • Leilani
    Leilani Member Posts: 42
    I have to agree with that I was with my mum from the start so I seen what she had to go threw and it wasn't nice at all like u said it has came so far now. I keep telling my self that I am going to beat this horrible thing. I'm worried about my 4 year old grandson he knows that nanny has a sick booby and that I am going to get it cut off but the thing is that he is having trouble at night sleeping cause he is worried about me but I tell him that nanny is OK and I love him and his 1 year old brother so much. 
  • Leilani
    Leilani Member Posts: 42
    I have a question I got my bra in the mail the other day just wondering do I need to take it to the hospital with me when I go in for surgery.

    Thank u everyone for the help and support I am getting from all u lovely ladys
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Yes @Leilani, take it with you. You may or may not want to wear it immediately but it's good to have as an option. Can be handy for tucking icepacks into!
  • Leilani
    Leilani Member Posts: 42
    Thank you for ur help I didn't know if I need to take it with me or not this is all new to me sorry if it is a stupid question
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited September 2018
    @Leilani, virtually no one knows anything about this BC business at the start! It's a vertical learning curve. Seriously, there is no such thing as a stupid question. K xox  :)

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