Confussed and scared

Gal Member Posts: 27
edited September 2018 in Newly diagnosed
Hello to all. I am new to this . I was diagnosed on Friday the 31st August with breast cancer.  My story is as follows, In May I got a bad case of shingles which was on my left side of back went around under my arm and over my left breast. This was very painful. Rash cleared up but was left with bad nerve pain. So from May to August had this nerve pain. Then one night recently went for shower got a very strong nerve shot in left breast grabbed breast that is when I felt lump. Made appointment to see Dr next day, then went for ultra sound, mammogram, biopsy all that day. I also have had mammograms every 2years since I was 40 I am 64yrs now. My last mammogram was 1year ago. They say it is near my chest wall but not attached and is 10mm in size. Going to see specialist in 2 weeks. In both minds about getting boob removed . I guess Doctors will let me know more. All crazy things running around my head. Dr google is doing my head in. My partner has been really good as his mum had breast cancer many years ago. My daughter also has had her dealings with cancer lost her 14 year old son to a brain tumour. so she is a good support. The thing I am struggling with is emotions what to do what to think all over the place. I have died 100 times in my head. Feel things should move faster with Doctors etc. Just feel very lost and empty. Sorry if I went on a bit.


  • Gal
    Gal Member Posts: 27
    Thank you so much for your kind words. I live in Far North Queensland. I only found out on Friday so I am still getting a grip on it. Cheers.
  • Gal
    Gal Member Posts: 27
    Thank you Kmakm. I haven't got a My journey kit yet also not sure how to get in touch with a breast care nurse. Not sure if they are up this way. Yes I have used Headspace at times so will continue to use it more now. Cheers
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited September 2018
    Try the McGrath Foundation website. However there's a wonderful BCNA helpline staffed with lovely nurses. Give them a call to have a chat right now. You don't have to have a specific reason, tell them you've just been diagnosed and I bet after you've talked you'll feel better. 1800 500 258. K xox
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Gal - I endorse what the other ladies have said. Be kind to yourself. Don't expect too much of yourself. Don't expect to find solutions immediately to all the questions that are whirling in your head.

    This forum will be your lifeline, especially if you live in an isolated area. Use key words to search for threads on topics you're worried about, or just start a new thread to ask a question. People will point you to other threads if there's a lot of previous discussion on them, on what you're asking about.

    The Cancer Council also has excellent telephone counselling service. 131 120.

    Will you be going private or public?

    It's also important at this stage to acknowledge that you'll need to accept the support of good friends and family (choose those who'll be good for you). Let them love you and help you.

    Fran xox

  • Gal
    Gal Member Posts: 27
    Thank you Flaneuse. I know it is crazy to try and find solutions so fast just stresses you out more. I think I will be going private as the specialist I am seeing only works out of private hospital. See her in 2 weeks. Cheers Steph

  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Welcome! Everyone has pretty much said it all. If you can, take someone with you to appointments as it's always good to have another pair of ears.  If finances are an issue, tell your doctor.

  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    Welcome. Everyone here can relate to how u feel and it’s such a great comfort and place to get some advice and also laugh and cry xoxox
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    edited September 2018
    Hi @Gal   Sorry to hear about the shingles!  That is incredibly horrible & painful.   As others have said, SO sorry to see you here, but you've come to the right place for support and information.   Like you, many of us had had regular mammograms right up to being diagnosed (mine was just 6 months prior & showed nothing amiss!)   HOWEVER ..... if you have Dense Breast Tissue, a mammogram doesn't always pick up on cancers .... so maybe ask if this is the case with you?   It is good to be aware, as it is an ongoing issue - and tell your friends about it too, as other tests suit Dense Breast Tissue more!

    Try & keep busy over the next 2 weeks, whilst you wait to see your surgeon - just keep doing what you LOVE DOING  .... With a bit of luck, your surgeon may do 'public' patients as well as private .... definitely worth asking, as going entirely private can be quite exxy, depending on the fee gap (I am out $6,000 and counting - and others have been more.)  Then after your surgery & treatment, any $$ you've saved can be used on a wonderful holiday to celebrate the end of treatment!  ;)  I went to Norfolk Island on a Ukulele Festival Trip to celebrate the end of my surgery & radiation!  It was great fun.

    I went private in Jan with my surgery (cos I wanted it out then & there ....) but if I needed more surgery now - would probably go public.   I am 65, never had kids, no history of cancer EVER in my family.  (Ours was all heart attacks!)  So Sorry to hear of your daughter's loss.  That would have been incredibly hard on not only her, but you too. 

    I recorded all my early meetings on my phone as well as having my sister in law with me - she was brilliant as an extra set of ears - as it is amazing how quickly you may forget what was actually said!  

    How far north are you in Qld?  One of our ladies is in Burrum Heads?

    Take care, take lots of deep breaths - and if someone tells you to start drinking crushed up pineapple leaves (or anything else silly) feel free to tell them where to put it!!  ;)  (I reckon it is VERY important to keep a sense of humour thru all this as well!  Cos I bet you'll be amazed at the number of people that you'll be flashing your boobs at over the next few months .......)

    Take care - big hugs coming your way!  xxx  Roberta
  • Anjke
    Anjke Member Posts: 5
    Hi Gal,  Me too as a recent diagnosis.  I was lucky to have my surgery very quickly. When I was first diagnosed my main thought in checking was the difference between localised excision vs mastectomy.  For smaller leslions it seems there is not a lot of difference in outcomes  and my surgeon said even with a mastectomy I would have radiation anyway so I did opt for the localised excision.  At least it is a day case and no drain tubes need to be left in.  Now I am waiting on the final pathology, especially with relation to the sentinel lymph node to find out which direction my treatment will take.  Lost and empty seems a good description of how you feel.  I found it carthartic to write down in a similar post how I came to this point.  It still feels unreal the it is ME undergoing this diagnosis and treament, like an out of body experience.  Wishing you all the best Gal and finding a Breast Care Nurse would be a great help to you.  They are awesome!
  • Gal
    Gal Member Posts: 27
    Thank you ladies for all your suggestions much appreciated. Will let you all know what happens in 2 weeks fingers crossed.
  • Gal
    Gal Member Posts: 27
    Hi Arpie. I am south of Cairns. Cheers Steph
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444

    Below are a couple of links to help you find your
    way around the forum and also how to find a breast care nurse and how to order
    a MY journey Kit if you haven't got one yet. 

    It can be a whirlwind when we first get a
    diagnosed.... Breathe and take it one step at a time. 

    Navigating the online community
    formerly the what and how thread.

    Breast Care Nurses 

    My Journey Kits and other

    BCNA Helpline 1800 500 258

    If you have any questions, concerns or require any further
    information or support please call 1800 500 258. BCNA’s helpline will now be open from
    9am-6pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to 5pm Fridays.  

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I think we have another member here from Cairns. Maybe she'll give us wave.