Night Howls
@Kiwi Angel She's nearly here. Shall lie on the sofa and let her make her own coffee ask her to leave when I've had enough. xx1
Hope the mint tea does it's job and you feel better soon.0
@Finch The Eden Gardens centre at Carseldine - the Dragonfly Café. It's a pleasant spot in the café and a lovely centre to wander in, even if you're not buying plants (or expensive things from the shop).
My friend rang (she was lost) and when I told her I wasn't well, she offered to not come. So that was good. I ended up going back to bed. Didn't sleep, but rested, for a couple of hours. Tummy has settled now. It's interesting that during chemo I had some nausea but no vomiting. I think this must have been a bug. I did go to Coles and a newsagency and used a cash machine yesterday - though I washed my hands afterwards.
Need to lie low, I think, in preparation for trial run for radiation on Monday and then the real thing Tues.0 -
Hey lovelies
Man i hate not having taste buds. Nothing is nice. Grrr. On the upside, im finally going using my bowels lol. So i guess 1 positive. Lets hope for some sleep tonight.
Xxxx Trikki21 -
Good luck with rads. Are you having the snorkel? You may have mentioned it but my memory is crap. The actual process is so easy compared to everything else as long as the skin holds up.2
@Vangirl and @Sister Thanks so much for your good wishes. I feel confident that the process will go well. Yes I'm doing the snorkel thing; I didn't know there was another way. Because I'm a nose breather that works well; I can get my rhythm going and build it up before I go for the big hold. The skin is what worries me most. Shall be double-checking re extent of area to apply the gel/cream.
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Hi @Flaneuse it depends on which breast is affected as to whether you have to do the breath hold.
Those whose left breast is affected have to breath hold in order to protect the heart.
Mine is on the right so I don't. I just have to lie there and enjoy the dulcet tones of Michael Buble or some such on the sound system, whilst trying to ignore my nose which will reliably decide to develop an itch, just as I am perfectly positioned and must not move!
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Mine was on the right and it was a breeze. I did mention to them that playing songs like "Come on, Eileen" that make you want to bop was probably not a good choice!
I think that the Mepitel worked well for me as there must have been a slight gap between 2 pieces at one stage - I have the finest tan line so I'm guessing without the film that would have been all over. I have also been slathering the Moo Goo on the area. Throat is a bit tight and ever so slightly achey on that side.
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@Sister...Come on Eileen - hilarious! How about some Enya instead? glad the movements are happening. AC was awful for the clog up. eating and eating so much from steroid use, but nothing coming out the other end....oh it was awful. I could not get it right for the whole 2 months and paid a dear price for it. My oncologist sucked at helping me with it as well.0