Night Howls
@Kiwi Angel I hope you find some useful things in that book. I'm just indulging myself in lots of fiction at the moment - an occasional bit of non-fiction - but I find fiction distracts me more, from my own situation - especially if it's set in a milieu very different from my own.
I have to push myself out to the shops today because I'm nearly out of coffee and that would be a crisis of unthinkable proportions.1 -
@Flaneuse - no coffee - the horror - I’m getting heart palpitations thinking about it. I’m normally a thriller fiction reader, some true crime and the odd biography for me so I will see how this goes - whole new realm for me. What are u reading at the moment??0
Nothing nicer than being able to have a decent 'sleep in' with a good book @Kiwi Angel .... it is blowing a gale here & I was hoping to get out in my yak, but not when it is like this!
I just grabbed my book on Peter O'Toole (the actor) and snuggled under the doona & read for an hour - then got up & had breakfast!
Take care xx0 -
@arpie almost warmish here today and it’s supposed to be 21 tomorrow before another early spring cold snap. Just stuffed my face with eggs Benedict before I grab a few things at the mall before crawling back under the covers with my book for a lazy rest of the day. Have a few things to do round the house but they can wait until tonight. Enjoy your day and your book xo1
@Kiwi Angel I read The Reality Slap excerpt you posted. Interesting.0
Good sleep over here in the west too @Kiwi Angel and @Flaneuse0
@3370 That's great that you had a good sleep. #Kiwi Angel I'm nearly finished "Dark Pines" - a crime mystery set in Sweden. Just before that, one of the best books I've read in years, "The nightingale won't let you sleep", by Steven Heighton: superb, set in the midst of conflict in Cyprus, engaging characters and above all - incongruously sensitive.0
@Kiwi Angel am reading The Reality Slap as well. The techniques are similar to his previous book which I read years ago but it's very helpful to revisit and remind myself of them as they work - for me anyway. Especially the bits that talk about Expansion, and observing your unhelpful thoughts but not engaging with them.
I woke up early tearful again this morning. I'm finding it very similar to the early grieving process when my mum died and I would often wake up, remember she was dead and experience an especially powerful feeling of loss.0 -
@Vangirl u poor thing. Hate that feeling where u wake up happy for a split second and then the reality crashes in like a ton on bricks. I’m finding the book interesting so far - I can relate to a lot of the stuff he is talking about.
@kmakm when I’m finished I can send it down to u if I like for a read or give it too u when I see u next month xo
@JJ70 yah for a good sleep xo
@Flaneuse I got into the girl with the dragon tattoo series awhile back - I found those quite interesting. Next on my list after this is Pieces of Her by Karin Slaughter- I quite enjoy her books.1 -
I've been reading some of the Vera books (Ann Cleves) recently but I'm going into light-hearted escapism today with a Maeve Binchy.0
@Sister sometimes abit of lighthearted escapism is needed. Xo0
I’ve just caught up on all the comments and feel mortified to have caused such distress. I am so grateful for the support, compassion and wisdom of this community, which is what has got me through the past few months. I am just so, so sorry xx0
@Eli86 don’t beat yourself up - just gave me abit of a shock at 6.30am
. I know it was your surgeon saying it and not u xoxoox
1 -
Had a lovely sleep last night enjoying while I can cause I know it turns to shit next week. Up showered had breakie up the street been out to Bunnings doing some Father’s Day and birthday shopping- kinda handy having hubbys bday and Father’s Day close together. Also have to deal with 15 yo bday as well. Now I’m tired so I think the couch, my book and a blanket are calling me!1
@Eli86 what @Kiwi Angel said goes for me too. Hope you feel like you can stick around. xxx1