
Ralongin Member Posts: 11
I was diagnosed in december 2017 with hormone receptive breast cancer and had travelled to my nodes. I completed genetic testing which came back as brca2. I completed 4 rounds of FEC and 4 rounds of Doxetaxel chemo finished on ththe 20th of june 2018. I under went masectomy with expanders and surgery went super well that was only 2 weeks ago yeaterday. 
This tuesday i recieved a call from my oncologist at 730pm informing me that the two nodes where hec2 positive and i require more chemo another 4 rounds a dose each week for 12 weeks. Doxetaxel again and carboplatin. Ill also be having herception for 12 months and another drug that start with z to turn off my ovaries. 
I recieved my bone scan results that i jad yesterday and all is clear. Needing pet scan and ct next week andthen chemo starts again. 
I am so dam deflated as everything was going so smoothly and looking up my body was healing so well from chemo and surgery to know be told i need to do it all over again.
I have never heard of people needing so manybrounds of chemo for breast cancer usually 6-8. Feel so let down and just want to be here for my baby girl and be me again my heart has been turn out yet again 

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  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Hi @Ralongin, Sorry to hear that you've got to go back for more. I don't know much about the regime you are on. I've just finished AC-T - 16 doses in all.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Oh Ralongin that just sucks. You poor thing. I suppose the only thing for it is to keep your eyes on the prize and know that you're doing everything you can to be there for your baby girl.

    Your z drug is Zoladex.

    Hang in there lovely. It's massively disappointing but one day you'll be able to tell your girl what a tough mumma she has. K xox
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Bugger. I've been through it twice--AC the first time TC ten years later. My situation is obviously different from yours but I do understand how shitty it is to do everything and find out you have to keep going. I'm still plodding on,  it's what we do. Keep going, our hearts are with you. Mxx
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    :(   That's a real bugger, @Ralongin  ..... we are here for you xx

  • Fionap2017
    Fionap2017 Member Posts: 64
    So sorry to hear you’ve had a setback after already being through so much. I understand how hard this journey is when you have little ones- my younger son was only 10 months old when I was diagnosed last September and I have a 12 year old as well. It was my boys that picked me up on my bad days and made me so determined to fight. At least our bubs are too young to remember all of this. I hope the rest of your treatment goes smoothly and you can get back normal mum life soon x
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Bad luck. I too had 16 doses of chemo, but if it's any consolation herceptin was easy. No side effects. Best wishes. 
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096

    from jennyss
  • duxx1234
    duxx1234 Member Posts: 128
    I too had 16 doses of chemotherapy and am now halfway through 
    30 doses of radiation. Best wishes to you.

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