Disappointed in The Beacon's name change



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  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    Hear, hear @traveltext. You have put into words that which I couldn't.  Thankyou. I totally agree and support all you have said
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    ah @traveltext
    you have a way with words.... I bloody well like ..... 

    If BCNA are wishing to be inclusive then we need to have a LOGO that is inclusive....  I also agreed with how he has worded his reply 

    inboxed you and will be praying for you <3

  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    @iserbrown, sorry to hear you have a health hiccup. You'll be in my thoughts 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Love it @Zoffiel. Been waiting on your response. And yes I do not recall the Beacon even being discussed at our State of the Nation meeting. 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    Ah, @soldiercrab I've just completed a degree unit on change management. Have a look at Kotter's 8 step method and we can see some obvious failings in the  current approach. I think it is reasonable to view BCNA as a business and their success in the marketplace is vital for their survival and ultimately to our benefit

    We've just heard the urgency argument--that there is a need to capitalize on an existing strength to differentiate BCNA from it's competitors.

     #2 is Create a Powerful Coalition. You do this by getting key players on board. That doesn't seem to be going very well.

    Without that support things can quickly move to #5 which is Remove Obstacles. Some businesses do this by just steamrolling over any dissenters. BCNA needs to be careful about that. The cat can get out of the bag if the discontented start co-opting outside support. Never good for a businesses reputation, particularly if part of their philosophy is inclusion and community representation.

    Communicating the Vision gets a score of 20% from me.

    It's a pity I've already completed the unit--this could be a very interesting case study.

  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    edited January 2018
    Thanks Zoffiel, I have no business background in the sense of University etc, but I  have a brain and I use it. I will read the Kotter's 8 step method and from that might get more thoughts on the matter, and write some more. It is amazing the people on this forum with the varied skills and backgrounds, who can see this is not a good move... 
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Firstly @iserbrown thinking of you and sending you big hugs - we are all here for you as you can see. Secondly @SoldierCrab I support all that has been said re the inappropriate choice of Pink Lady however the blue male image may not be possible as think is entangled with the Prostate Cancer campaign but a good try nonetheless. One not so small point if BCNA is a business then we are it’s customers.It would seem this name change may have been hastily conceived with little consultation but they may have incurred significant costs in rebranding that may make it difficult to swiftly correct however businesses do and can correct marketing mistakes witness the recent Arnott debacle over their Shapes range. However from the BCNA web address it is not a business but an “org” which I assume may mean it is a not for profit - I’d be interested to know if there are revenue raising reasons linked to the change perhaps with the business sector. Finally I think Kate Jenkins Sex Discrimination Commisioner at the Australian Human Rights Commission may be interested in the rationale too. Intransigence I don’t believe suffices in the face of significant opposition from your client base nor logic when breast cancer is not gender specific but an inclusive disease.
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Well said @traveltext, @Zoffiel and @SoldierCrab !
    The boss lady is good at writing lengthy politically-correct-sounding blurbs (perhaps good for business fundraising) but clearly she has lost the point of this whole posting.
    Whilst some BC people, male or female, may not really give a damn about any changes, this posting has certainly highlighted that some people do care.
    Me ?  Not Happy Jan but I will answer with my Will - BCNA will no longer be the major beneficiary.  But there again, my meagre $1m of assets is probably their petty cash tin.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    @Romla I put that together at like 1am after the online forum and facebook groups I admin had gone quiet and I had finished doing my (paid job) it was a quick logo to give them an idea... that it could be inclusive nothing about the colours or the name on it was something to be definitely on the logo but just an idea... also there is a high incidence of Prostate Cancer and Breast Cancer in families it is a common theme.... when I was discussing with the geneticist about my need for BRAC testing- one of the important things was a history of Males with prostate cancers as there is now evidence that the are co existing in some way. 
    Do you have a reliable link to the  Kotter's 8 step method please.
    you also write a well written note of expression to the point without being nasty. 
    oh where were you at 1am this morning when my brain was tired but I wanted to respond to the reply by @Christine_BCNA-CEO, you have very nicely said things I was thinking but unable to put into words. 
    Gentleman please tell us what you would like to see as a logo or name of the Beacon that is inclusive of everyone. 

    This forum is a part of BCNA a vital part for those of us who have BC or have a loved one with BC it is important that the Organisation is aware that we are the people who freely promote the Organisation. 
    We already lost a wave of women from this forum when it changed over to the new platform and they were unhappy with  changes... They now run their own groups on Facebook, I think it is vital to stay in a moderated community whereby research and things are quantified and not some google left or right field "lets all eat apricot kernels and not get cancer" 

    Please the face of how we connect is changing we need to think about the Future.  I know my 20& 30 yr old daughters have once glanced at the BEACON and gone elsewhere for information we need to keep in touch with the whole community that is both those who are technologically challenged as well as the younger generation coming up who solely rely on information via Computer or smart phones etc. 


  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374


    Dry as, but still benchmark and in all the current reading lists for this subject

  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    I agree with you @nikkid. Here was this resource, with all our diverse backrounds, qualifications, genders, strengths, networks, opinions, feelings, social demographics and so on ad infinitum and "Pssshhh...nah...we'll get the opinion of titty intact professionals to tell us what we ???"Consumers"??? want, need or appreciate? The Pink Lady certainly doesn't float my boat either. Looks to me like the little styalised figures of traffic signs. You know the little schoolgirl, holding the hand of her smaller brother, and the two stooped old farts warning of a nearby nursing home. Yes them. I'm not a prim and proper Pink Lady myself, nor one of the Twin Set and Pearls with pantihose and matching bag and shoes type either. My adult offspring tell me I look like a 1970's LSD flashback with my  sartorial inelegance. I don't identify with it and I do have some Pink in me...my pink bits. If I were a man, without even that connection with "Pink", I would feel totally unmasculinated and marginalised. A, in my view, token bone tossed to them in an effort to include them in the Corporate Image, I feel is disingenious to say the least.  What a prime opportunity, with such a broadbased resource to tap into, us Brothers and Sisters in this abominable war, united and together, to step into the modern era, without the dated, steriotyped, discriminatory logo from the past...wasted. Grateful for the support and information from the Organisation, but Fuck a Duck you folks, put on your Listening Ears and hear what we are saying, please.