Disappointed in The Beacon's name change



  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    I do like the suggestion from @SoldierCrab that the blue men be formed as the heart on the pink lady at any gatherings like the MCG.  Not sure the blue heart on the pink lady would be what the men would like ?  Hey men ????  @traveltext - and ideas ?
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,429
     I spoke with a staff Member yesterday afternoon, a lot of the BCNA staff only returned to work yesterday from the Christmas break.  They will respond to us in due course. 

  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Thanks @SoldierCrab
    I have seen them on the site so would have thought someone would flag the brewing issue to the bosses there.
    We will all hold our breaths waiting for ''due course''.
    Surely someone could have popped that on the site and not rely on you to do so.
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Whilst not a fan of pink am disappointed by the lack of forethought about inclusiveness of “ lady” - blokes get breast cancer too and we have some on this blog
  • traveltext
    traveltext Member Posts: 253

    Joannie said:

    @traveltext any better ideas on a name change?  Or how to make men more inclusive?

    I have no problem with Beacon and I'm not sure BCNA has any good reason to change it. Certainly Pink Lady would be a weird name for it.
  • Christine_BCNA-CEO
    Christine_BCNA-CEO Member Posts: 10

    Message from BCNA’s CEO

    Hello and Happy New Year

    I have just returned yesterday
    from a three-week break.

    I apologise for the delay in
    responding to some of the comments that have appeared on the online network in relation
    to BCNA’s magazine. @iserbrown is correct, BCNA’s office has been operating
    with skeleton staff since reopening on 2 January.

    Thank you to everyone for your
    feedback and comments. You have reaffirmed how valued the magazine is and how
    important it is that it continues.

    Over the past 18 months, BCNA
    has conducted more than 3,000 interviews Australia-wide with women and men
    affected by breast cancer as part of the State of the Nation project. These
    interviews have helped paint a picture of the issues that exist for Australians
    affected by breast cancer and confirm where BCNA should be focusing its attention
    as we move into our 20th anniversary year.

    After listening to members, we
    know there are different levels of engagement with the magazine and we are keen
    to ensure that that the magazine remains relevant for all Australians affected
    by breast cancer.

    With this in mind, we feel that
    after 81 issues of The Beacon it is time to freshen up its look with a
    new format to refocus its content and create a better reading experience.

    The name change coincides with
    the launch of the refreshed magazine.

    We know that people continue to
    be confused by who’s who in the breast cancer space and we need to strengthen
    awareness of BCNA and its contribution within the breast cancer landscape.

    The purpose of the name change
    to the magazine is to reinforce the association between BCNA – the Pink Lady
    organisation – and the magazine.

    While the past 20 years of BCNA
    have seen many changes an enduring image remains – that of the Pink Lady. A
    symbol of hope, strength and survival, the Pink Lady reflects our unwavering
    focus on the people affected by breast cancer, not the disease. It not only
    differentiates us from the other breast cancer organisations, it is fundamental
    to our identity. We continue to form the Pink Lady at important events such as
    the Field of Women, which will be held again in 2018. We are very proud of our
    brand and what it has come to represent to all Australians affected by breast

    The name change is in no way
    intended to exclude men. Over the three years I have been with BCNA I have made
    active efforts to better address the needs of men diagnosed with breast cancer.
    BCNA has had a booklet called Men get breast
    cancer too
    for some years, however we now also provide oncologist John
    Boyages’ book on breast cancer in men to all newly diagnosed men. We have
    fostered opportunities for men with breast cancer to gain skills in consumer
    advocacy and awareness-raising and two male members attended BCNA’s biennial summit
    last year for the first time. We are also very proud to have been active
    in raising awareness among the Australian community that men get breast cancer
    too, including by acknowledging Male Breast Cancer Awareness Day for the first
    time last year.

    Pink Lady will continue to share stories and information about men
    with breast cancer (@Chester80$$ generously shared his story with us in 2015).

    For those who are interested in
    the origins of the blue man silhouette pictured in @traveltext’s post, it first
    appeared at our Field of Women in Melbourne’s Treasury Gardens in 1999. The
    blue silhouettes will continued to be included at Fields throughout the year.
    At the Field of Women at the MCG on 12 August this year, we plan to include 148
    blue ponchos to represent the number of men expected to be diagnosed this year.

    This move to the Pink Lady
    has been done without any money being spent on engaging design agencies or on
    marketing, and the layout and design has been created by our internal designer.

    BCNA is committed to creating the
    best possible publication for our members. We are hopeful that you will enjoy
    the new format and would genuinely welcome feedback on the first edition.

    Warm regards



  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710
    Appreciate this issue being addressed.

    Well that is only about marketing and market placement.   It doesn’t address the emotional attachment that the Beacon has to some.

    My health has hiccuped so this is my last post for awhile.

    So ooroo

    Take care
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Take care @iserbrown
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Our collective love goes to you @iserbrown
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,427
    Take care, wishing you all the best
  • Scared Mum
    Scared Mum Member Posts: 169
     <3   @iserbrown  and nope sorry @Christine_BCNA-CEO Still don't agree with the name change :'( maybe a poll in here may have been the better way to get everyone's opinion. But I get it is marketing and it's your business that we only participate in. 
  • wendy55
    wendy55 Member Posts: 774
     @iserbrown,so very to hear your health has hiccupped! please know that we, will miss your comments,care and concern,PLEASE, feel better soon,
    love to you
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello @iserbrown,

    Sorry to hear your news, I will contact you via a private message.
    Take care