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Is My Journey still working or has it been cancelled

Has the My Journey website and app been cancelled? I just tried logging in via with no success. I can no longer find it on the Google Playstore.


  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 162
    I have a problem accessing it for a few months now. I am always getting a notification that the service is unavailable. I have not brought this issue up with the BCNA team yet. 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,808

    Could someone please check this out
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Moderator Posts: 1,202
    @GorgyS that error usually is a password / email missmatch. Also recommend avoiding the App as it has not been performing as expected. Therefore use the browser link

    Happy to have a chat over the phone 1800 500 258 and sorry for the trouble.
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Moderator Posts: 1,202
    @GrannyBerd similar to above, we would recommend avoiding the App as it has not been performing as expected. Therefore use the browser link and try resetting your password.

    Happy to have a chat over the phone 1800 500 258 and sorry for the trouble it has caused.

    Also, would like to offer to send you any articles of interest to save you time trying to find. You can send me a private msg via my profile or have a chat over the phone.
  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 162
    Thank you @Mez_BCNA. I followed what you suggested including resetting my password. This is what I am getting constantly. 
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Moderator Posts: 1,202
    Thanks for troubleshooting @GorgyS - I will escalate to the technical team for you
  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 162
    thank you 
  • GrannyBerd
    GrannyBerd Member Posts: 3
    Mez_BCNA  It would be great if getting the app working was a priority.
    Uploading documents and completing symptom trackers etc is useful information to have easily accessible at appointments and it's also easier to document stuff when it happens rather than having to wait to login on my PC. I was very excited by the app when I was first diagnosed but because it didn't work, I now have a lot of documentation gathered waiting for a rational filing system and random information stored in various different ways on my phone.
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Moderator Posts: 1,202
    Hi @GrannyBerd

    We have sent your feedback to the My Journey team and we don't want to add any further stress to your days.

    In the meantime, I'm not sure if it is helpful however you don't have to be on PC to login into the browser and you can even save the My Journey website to your mobile home screen

    To add a website to your Android mobile device's home screen, you can:
    1. Go to the website you want to add 
    Tap the Share icon, which looks like a square with an arrow pointing out 
    Select Add to Home Screen 
    Name the shortcut 
    Tap Add 
    You can move the shortcut around on your home screen and organise it like any other app. When you tap the shortcut, it will open the website directly. 

    To remove a website shortcut, you can tap and hold the shortcut for a few seconds, and then remove it like you would any other app icon. 

    To add a webpage to your iPhone's home screen, you can do the following: 
    1. Open Safari 
    Go to the webpage you want to add 
    Tap the Share icon, which looks like a square with an arrow pointing up 
    Select Add to Home Screen 
    Name your link button 
    Tap Add in the upper right hand corner 
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,531
    @Mez_BCNA i have given up on my journey. It keeps asking me to reset my password and then tells me there is an unexpected error. It is so unreliable and in the 5 yrs here I am lucky to access it maybe 5 times. Over it!
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Moderator Posts: 1,202
    Hi @Cath62

    Sorry to hear My Journey is causing you troubles. I've send you a private msg as well, however here is the messaging content team have provided recently that I thought would be useful in this thread:

    "We are removing the My Journey app from the Google and Apple app stores. This means new users will not be able to download it. New users will still be able to access My Journey via

    Key information for you

    • New users can no longer download the My Journey apps
    • Existing My Journey app users are unaffected
    • Users can still access My Journey on the BCNA website, which is fully optimised for use on mobile devices

    This change is being conducted as the first step in the 2025 launch of a new account for all BCNA’s digital products. You will also gain an enhanced single-login account. This includes our Online Network forums, personalised content, notes and symptom tracking.  

    We want to ensure individuals receive the right information at the right time, with an improved experience."

  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,531
    @Mez_BCNA clearly existing users are affected but thanks for your information. 
  • NicoleUTM
    NicoleUTM Member Posts: 1
    Does anyone have an update on the My Journey system?

    Still not working for me on desktop version.
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Moderator Posts: 1,202
    Hi @NicoleUTM - will send you a private message to see if we can troubleshoot