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Reconstruction after mastectomy

I am recently diagnosed (last 24 hours) with breast cancer. Have a meeting with specialist tomorrow. He is flagging the idea of a mastectomy as I appear to have 2 lumps in my breast, and he wants me to think about reconstruction surgery. 
I only have little breast (size B) so I don't see the value in monetary terms to get a reconstruction. I am 44 not having anymore children and happily married. 
Can anyone share insights as to pros and cons.


  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    Hello, depending on the size of the lumps, you might still be able to get a lumpectomy and use surrounding tissue to make up for the lost tissue. I know some surgeons do this and save you having to get a mastectomy, but once again, it does depend on a couple factors. 
    In terms of pros and cons of having a recon, that all depends on you. It’s about how you will feel about not having one breast there, or about having a reconstructed one. I chose a recon for both of mine (I had multiple lumps too) and I’m happy with my decision. Some women choose not to get a recon and are happy with that too. It’s about what you feel is best for you 🌸. 
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Welcome @Kwarb to this very supportive site.  There is a lot of information here so perhaps join the two private groups:

    A few things to think about are whether you are happy to have an implant, whether you would prefer to use your own fat (if you have sufficient), if you would miss having two breasts, and whether you feel you would prefer to be 'flat and fabulous'.  It is not an easy decision so don't be rushed into it.

    Depending on circumstances you may be able to make the reconstruction decision later.

    Read up a bit and make a list of questions for your specialist.  All the best.

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