Intro + Neoadjuvant or Adjuvant Chemo?



  • byo_boy
    byo_boy Member Posts: 31
    Hi @AllyJay - thank you for your kind message and for sharing your story ... it really helps to put things in perspective. The fact that you're NED now after your experience is so encouraging and I think you're right, we really just need to trust the team, especially once they have all the facts, and perservere from there.

    We've also literally just received our appointment for Rebecca's first PET scan tomorrow (God willing it's all clear), so things are starting to happen now. I had my first decent night's sleep last night in weeks (partly due to a massive walk yesterday and partly due to some phenergan!), which has helped a bit - although now that I'm sleeping deeply enough to have dreams, they're pretty yucky ones, so in a way I think sleeping lightly with minimal dreaming is actually a bit of a blessing :lol:

    That said, I ordered the book Life Is Tough (But So Are You) to help keep us in a positive mindset - we're 100% sure we're going to kick this thing's butt together and in an odd way, I'm grateful that this journey has given us a reset and allowed us to really focus on what matters. Once we're done with this phase, I can really see a change where we become people who want to give back rather than just focussing on ourselves.

  • cactusk
    cactusk Member Posts: 65
    Hello there,
    The initial whirlwind is hard, especially (for me) the uncertainty and waiting in between appointments. Similar to what has been said above, my rad onc, med onc and surgeon had different ideas for the best path of treatment initially, which not only scared me, but made me think 'hang on, if you guys don't know what's next'. In hindsight I now see that this meant my situation was duly considered before they agreed on the best path forward for me.
    I whole heartedly support the exercise focus too. I tried really hard to see an exercise physiologist who specialised in oncology post surgery pre radiation, but had to wait until some time after the procedure (which again, more waiting). I'm back into it now (surgery in December 2023, rads finished February this year, drugs started March2024). There are however, even now, days when a walk around the block is a major achievement. 
    Absolute best wishes to you and your wife -here's to some skipping along the way. 
  • byo_boy
    byo_boy Member Posts: 31
    Well. Heading to bed now to try to get a good night's sleep before our PET scan appointment tomorrow.

    I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for being so kind to us. Please keep Rebecca in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow for a clear scan and, God willing, I'll be back with some positive news soon.

    Take care,

  • Alfie
    Alfie Member Posts: 30
    All the best today. My thoughts will be with you both.
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,924
    Hi @byo_boy.  Hoping Rebecca and you are feeling somewhat less stressed now that the PET scan is over.  Sleep well tonight.
  • byo_boy
    byo_boy Member Posts: 31
    Hi @June1952 - thank you for checking in. You know it's weird, while we were in the Hospital we felt oddly calm and in control and Rebecca did really well; she's the strongest and most caring person I know. Now that we're back home, we're just trying to maintain a sense of "normal" while now waiting for the results.

    My gut feeling is that the scan will be all clear and we can get on with beating this thing, but I suspect I'll probably still have a rough night regardless. One of the harder things that's happening now is being able to support other people as well, i.e., parents, etc - I'm trying to be very proactive there too.

    I really appreciate the message - we'll let you know how we go, fingers crossed + thoughts and prayers + good vibes for a good outcome!

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 7,961
    All the best for the PET results, George & Rebecca.  Try & keep busy in the mean time - cos the waiting really sucks.  :(  

    Re supporting the parents & other friends - consider doing a weekly or fortnightly email to everyone, so you don't have to keep going over the same old info every time someone makes contact .... and if/when you need some 'down time' - maybe suggest that they not contact you directly - that you'll be getting back to them with regular updates. (Some people open a private Facebook page & only invite those who you want to be in the discussions in the group.) 

    It will take some of the pressure off both of you, as I am guessing you are the 'gate keeper' just now, George - fielding all the calls so far ;) 

    take care & all the best