New to the Journey



  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,439
    Take it easy and drink plenty of fluids. 

  • TaraJ
    TaraJ Member Posts: 52
    edited March 2024
    didn't end up hurting but shaved it all on the weekend , couldn't put up with anymore hair everywhere around the house
  • TaraJ
    TaraJ Member Posts: 52
    Round 2 been a rough ride ,
    Constipation got the better of me so have spent the weekend in emergency / short stay unit .

    Feeling mildly better now , so reading chats and reminding myself that its all okay , I can deal with the bumps
  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 234
    Sorry to hear that Taraj, hopefully the next one will be better for you.
  • TaraJ
    TaraJ Member Posts: 52
    Last one was so simple ,  gave me a false sense of hope 🤔
  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 234
    Sorry to hear that @TaraJ, hope all goes well with your surgery. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,267
    So sorry to hear that @TaraJ .... I hope they can schedule it soon & that you recover quickly & well xx

    @Cindi also needs kidney surgery too - you may be able to compare notes xx

    take care xx
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,267
    Sorry to here there is more involved with yours @Cindi - I hope they can do what they have to do and you can start your recovery xxx
    Take care & all the best xxx

  • TaraJ
    TaraJ Member Posts: 52
    wow Cindi you have alot going on as well

    thanks for some words of wisdom,  been alot to think about. Not a decsion I thought I was ever going to have to make

    hubby and I both thought the same lets preserve as much of me as we can while we can.  

    meet with the surgeon on Tuesday (after a 2 week holiday)  and said happy to go with the partial removal. He is happy to do that,  just means the surgery is apparently more complicated.    

    But is what it is,  not thirilled with the idea but it cant stay there so out it has to come. 

    now I just wait for a date in the next 8 weeks or so ... 

    hope your scan went well and you are catherter free  and heading towards feeling better

  • TaraJ
    TaraJ Member Posts: 52
    Thanks for putting Cindi and I togther ~ always good to have someone to get some advice and share stories with

  • Cindi
    Cindi Member Posts: 160

    I hope you're ok & they get onto it soon so it's over and done with , I've found out that mine is stage 3 and invaded the fat aswell so I'll be having chemo within the next 2 weeks, a bit scared of that I must admit, but I'll do  whatever I have to, just plod on.

    You're lucky they found yours early, you'll be ok, I think a lot of our fear is the unknown, well for me it is.

    Hope you're ok. Don't forget you can pm me anytime if you like.

    By the way, I found out this cancer HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH LAST YEARS BC AT ALL!!!!
    So others don't worry.
