New to the Journey

TaraJ Member Posts: 52

Sad to be joining this journey with everyone,  but staying positive 'is what it is'  has become the new slogan in this house.

Got an official TNBC dignosis mid december, was an incidental find.   Had a mamagram and got called back to for a further look at 2 things,  turns out those things were fine but found a BC lump which was not fine.   No one could feel it which made me feel slightly better than I would have felt if it was something I had just missed (or igrnored)                                       
 I meet with team at the hospital 4 days later then had to wait it out over the Xmas Break to get appointments for a lymph node biospy.  It was all clear which is great,   they decided as my lump was only 11mm lumpectomy was they way to go first.  That was a Monday,  Wednesday I was in getting a ROLLIS seed implanted and surgery Friday.  What a roller coaster of a week it was. 

So here I sit 10 days later,  very tired after  2 days back at work after surgery.   
Surgeon really happy with everything,  the lump came out within margins and the 1 lymph node they took out it clear.  The swelling and bruising was (and still is) pretty impressive but feeling pretty good overall

Now I move on to the Oncology team to see where we go from here .....



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,309
    So sorry to see you both join our exclusive little club, @TaraJand @Katie46 xx.  We'll do our best to support you thru these early days xx. And also tell your family & friends that they are LEGALLY ABLE TO BE CHECKED FROM AGE 40!!!!! (Tell your GP too!!)  MANY younger women are also diagnosed - including Jane McGrath - she was diagnosed in her 30s!!   If there is a history of BC in your family - make sure everyone knows to get checked early too - and maybe even get tested for the BRCA gene, too.

    TaraJ - consider joining the Triple Negative Group - jump on here & click 'join'.  It is totally private - you can ask any questions, put up pics or whatever you want to, with others who are TNBC so know exactly what you are going thru xx. It sounds like it has been caught early which is great.

    Take care that you don't try to do too much - I hope you have lots of support back at home.  SOmetimes it is the 'automatic' things you do that can cause a setback - picking up the dog or a grandchild .... reaching 
    into a high or low cupboard. .....  so do NONE OF THAT! ;)

    Jump onto this thread for a lot of 'general' info on the forum - and other areas that we 'play around with'!   You can show off your pets, your art & craft, your garden ..... and we even have a couple of funny threads too - as we all need a good belly laugh now & then!!!

    take care, make haste slowly & all the best with your ongoing appointments & stuff xx.  Make sure you have a buddy with you in all your early appointments both as support & an extra set of ears xx.

    Also, consider recording your meetings, as it is SO easy to miss bits at the time.  x
  • TaraJ
    TaraJ Member Posts: 52
    its funny you say the 'automatic' things.  This week there has been alot of going to pick something up and thinking well thats not going to work,  stretching to put something in the bin at work and thinking nope dont do that,  the best one was getting out of the shower and going to wrap the towel around me,  had to stand there and think about which way to do it :)

    have joined the tnbc group as well 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,309
    SO glad you've joined the TNBC group .... @SoldierCrab was diagnosed over 10 years ago ..... I am sure she'd be only to happy to answer any of your questions xx (TNBC Group)

    Yep @TaraJ - it is those things that you just don't 'think of' as being 'weights'  .....  Just make haste slowly, buddy xx. Yep - SILLY little things that you just never think of, like that towel thing!  ;) xx

    take care
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,443
    hello @TaraJ
    and @Katie46

    Yes I was diagnosed in 2012 and I am here and I am cancer free. If you have questions please fire them at the group or myself.  There is also a facebook group called Triple Negative Breast Cancer for Australian and New Zealand Sisters (A private group for Women diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer from Australia and New Zealand.)
  • TaraJ
    TaraJ Member Posts: 52
    thanks will check out the facebook group,  
    Off to meet with the Chemo team on Monday 
  • TaraJ
    TaraJ Member Posts: 52
    Im off to meet with the chemo team on Monday to find out what the next stage is going to look like
  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 243
    Hi @taraj, all the best for Monday, and definitely take a buddy with you if you can. Katie 
  • TaraJ
    TaraJ Member Posts: 52
    a bit freaked out .... starting chemo Monday
  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 243
    You can do this @taraj, I've just done my 4th AC  and then on to 12 weekly paclitaxel starting 26 Feb. That felt like so far away when I started chemo back at the end of December, and here I am 1 step closer to the finish line. Be kind to yourself, and take each day as it comes. Nana naps are good too. Katie 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,309
    All the best for Monday @TaraJ  As @Katie46suggests - Do you have someone to go with you?  It is just nice to have company. ;) 

    Hubby used to do Suduko puzzles to while away the time, or just nap .... Make sure you take all the anti nausea meds that the Onc nurses will give you (whether you think you need them or not) as it is easier to stop it before it starts, rather than trying to stop it after it has started xx

    Drink plenty of water afterwards too, rest when you must (you may feel weary/fatigue after a few days for a few days .... just put yourself to bed xx)   Eat whatever you feel like eating, smaller more frequent meals/snacks may suit you more than 3 meals a day.

    take care xx
  • TaraJ
    TaraJ Member Posts: 52
    yes Hubby planning on coming and keeping me company,  till we get an idea of how I will handle everything
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,443
    How are you doing @TaraJ
  • TaraJ
    TaraJ Member Posts: 52
    hey,   not too bad actually. Had an allergic reaction 5 mins in to treatment, but everyone was on it,  jsut meant I had to sit longer and take extra drgus.    Survived first week okay,  had killer sore legs for a few days and then terrible lower back pain for  the next two days, which seemed to be the worst of it.   On the whole not feeling too bad,  headed back to the office for a few days and worked from home for a few.  
    Am very tired,  have had to learn my new 'normal' is slower than my old normal and I dont quiet spring out of bed anymore

    Think my hair is on the way out today,   seems to be alot of it everywhere around the house :/
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,529
    @TaraJ If your scalp starts hurting, chop or shave your hair. It will relieve it immediately