Lobular breast cancer just diagnosed



  • GinGin
    GinGin Member Posts: 154
    Hi @Cindi,
    I’m in Melbourne. Seems like the location settings have ‘disappeared’ from my profile. I’ve lost 9 Kgs since I was diagnosed in mid July and am seeing a dietician as I am struggling to eat on most days. 

    Similar to you, I have small boots, so even the smallest Berlie cup didn’t fit me lol (I had to stuff it with foam). I bought some from Myer and Kmart (this was before I knew that we would be given free post surgery bras). Like PrisMay1, I like the Kmart ones best. I only started wearing post surgery bras about two weeks after surgery and despite having small boots, I felt some support and have been wearing since. You can try and see what’s more comfortable for you. 

    Don’t worry about the bruises, I was also very bruised from my biopsies. Have faith in your surgeon. I am surprised I hardly had any bruises from my axillary clearance ( removal of all lymph nodes) and the lumpectomy surgery. I didn’t have much swelling.

    Remember to diligently do the exercises you will be given after your surgery, this will help with your arms movement. I think everyone will have different experiences with regards to their individual recovery. 

    Your post surgery pathology results should be out pretty fast if you are in private. I got mine in less than 2 days after surgery. and before you know it’s over soon 😊. Try your best to focus on other things… it’s hard but achieveable. I am currently doing a countdown on my 4 aggressive chemo treatments. 1 down 3 to go!

    The support we have is amazing, this online network, the BCNA helpline ( I’ve called them a few times when I was feeling overwhelmed and I didn’t think my hubby ‘get it’), the breast care nurses. 

    There is also the look good feel better programs you can sign up for (you can look at these after your surgery when you know what your treatment plan looks like).

    Please feel free to inbox me if there’s any other questions you may have for me. The inbox is location on your top right (click on your profile and it’s the icon which looks like a envelope)

    all the best with the upcoming surgery!


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Well spotted @GinGin re our 'locations' disappearing!!  It has happened to everyone! .... (along with the helpline phone number at the bottom of the page too!) There must be gremlins in the system!  Grrr ... I've let @Mez_BCNAknow.

    @Cindi - I DID wear my 'soft bra' for the first couple of days after my surgery just to stop them flopping around a bit (as my surgery was all around the nipple) - not that i am 'big breasted' .... I was a 34 ... (prior to that, tho, I'd not worn a bra for 40+ years, so found it a bit restrictive & haven't worn one again since! ) 

    You should be able to message your Breast Care nurse at the very least, I would think .... weekends/public holidays or not!  I think most would respond in a timely manner.  

    Wishing you all the best for tomorrow and Wed xx. 
  • Cindi
    Cindi Member Posts: 159
    Hi GinGin, 
    Thanks for the info, quite relieved about you saying you had the bruising too, I wont worry about it and yes I do have faith in my surgeon, it's always just been the "unknown" that's scared me the most. I wonder why we loose so much weight?
    I was around 68 to 69 kg about 6 months ago and am now 62kg and I'm making myself eat more than usual, but I do go to a gym each day to work out on machines and I walk on a treadmill quite fast reading my kindle which makes it not boring! it helps to relieve my stress, but that shouldn't contribute to my weight loss because I've been doing that for a couple of years now.
    Oh what a relief to hear that I may get my results back sooner! I hate waiting.
    I'm sorry you're on Chemo, I can imagine that's scary, I hope it works and you're soon over it all.
    How often do you need the chemo?
    I don't think my specialist wants me to have that, radiation and other drugs I think.
    I am leaving soon for this ultra sound guided tracer thing soon so then the next thing will be the operation tomorrow.

  • Cindi
    Cindi Member Posts: 159
    Hi Arpie
    So that's why I can't find people's locations? Hope it can be fixed, isn't that annoying.
    Thanks about the bra info, I'm not keen on them either, and usually love getting home and flopping down on the couch, undoing it and "flinging" it across the room! such a relief! :#
    Thank you for your good wishes, I'm just wishing over and done with..and receiving results, it'll be dificult the wait for that as everyone here would know.

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    YAY! Locations are back 'on' again, @Cindi .... go to your profile & you can add yours too ... just Sydney should be good enough ;) 

    I hope your results DO come thru quickly .... I went private for my surgery (public for Rads & Oncs) and it still took over a week!  :(  The waiting really DOES suck grrr

    Any ongoing treatment (post Op) is usually dependent on your Pathology results (see if you can take a trusted person with you, as an extra set of ears .... it can be difficult to remember everything that was said, if just on your own. I also recorded all my early appointments too, so I could go over them again later, if I wanted to!) - You'll probably be seeing a Medical Onc (at least once, even if a courtesy appointment) in case you DO need tablets/chemo down the line - and a Rad Onc if Radiation is put on the table ... I also saw a Lymphedema specialist who took me thru the specific exercises/massages (post op) and what to look for, in case of lymphedema (fluid build up.) 

    haha I very much understand your joy of flinging the bra across the room ..... I was lucky & got my bra before my surgery - so actually wore it home & that also helped stop it flopping around with road bumps/gutters etc.  But the cushion was the bees knees!

    I've lost 5kg in the last 15 months ..... and would love to lose 5kg+ more ... but have plateau'd and definitely not overeating .... Apart from getting out in my kayak, I am not a real exercise enthusiast ..... :(  

    I hope the Ultrasound Tracer thingy today went well .... deep breaths for tomorrow xx Feeling a bit weepy is normal (I bawled when my hubby, brother & Sister In Law left me at the hospital!)  Once in my room tho, I was FINE!  xx.  

    take care, and all the best xx We're here, if you want to vent xx
  • Cindi
    Cindi Member Posts: 159
    Thank you Arpie, I'll try to remember all you've suggested. I've got a good pillow I bought it yesterday. I'll probably take my cousin who's been through breast cancer twice , she's a good support ( my husband wouldn't have a clue what to do or say, he's a bit hopeless like that ) to the post op appointment, the ultra sound tracer went well but I was there for 4 hours, so long, after all the extra scans and MRI, but none of it hurt even though lots of needles stuck in! very surprised.
    So tomorrow morning first thing I'm in to the hospital, 6.30 am, glad it's early.
    I'm still not sure how to add my location on my profile? I went into my profile ( which I haven't filled in completely yet) but couldn't work out where to put it.
    Anyway, after hospital I'll have plenty of time I guess to potter around the forum, that'll be good  :)
    Thanks for the best wishes x
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    xx My hubby was like yours .... but he did have dementia too ... my SIL was brilliant - asked smarter questions than I did!!   Glad the tracer thingy went well & not painful.  Great to be first on the list!!

    No worries re the location bit ... we can work that out later xx. It could be to do with it 'dropping of the radar'!

    Thinking of you for tomorrow xx. You'll be right x. You'll snooze a lot afterwards, even at home, so that is 100% normal x. Take care
  • Cindi
    Cindi Member Posts: 159

    Well I'm home now, 2 nights in hospital, it all went well and I'm not in much pain at all!

    My specialist took out the 2 tumors, one in each breast, and another mass in left breast he thought looked suspicious, 3 lymph nodes from left armpit and 2 from right and 2 little tiny ones from middle of chest. This seems like a lot?

    My specialist is hard to squeeze answers from, a bit frustrating.

     I found the Breast Cancer Support ladies the best, really supportive, and kind, and I was given two of the bras, which are SO comfortable, I don't even feel like "flinging" them! :#

    Now just the wait, he told me maybe one to two weeks  :/

    Anyway, glad all that over.

    I've already been for a walk around my street since arriving home, and cheered up when I came across people walking their dogs, dogs always make me happy, but it makes my walks slow because I have to stop for a pat quite frequently!

    Feeling tired so will rest now, so nice to be home.

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    edited October 2023
    Terrific that you are feeling so good and not in pain, @Cindi .... keep taking the pain meds for a few more days, 'just in case' ... you don't want the pain to break thru.  You sure did have a lot done!! So that may explain the longer wait for results too.  Keep as busy as you can - or binge on Netflix - all those shows you've 'wanted to watch' but never did! ;)  

    Terrific you got both bras and got on so well with the Breast Cancer Support ladies - that really makes a big difference xx. Keep walking - but just take it a little bit 'easy' as the anaesthetic can take a while to get out of your system .... snooze when you must!!   You'll enjoy being in your own bed again xx

    take care
  • Cindi
    Cindi Member Posts: 159
    Thanks Arpie,

    I was going to have a nap but have got caught up reading here, I must stop, I  don't want to panic myself before I get my results, so many of you have been through so much. I'm a bit scared that my guy took so many lymph nodes  :(
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    The more tested, the better, in my opinion, @Cindi, to be sure, to be sure!!  So try not to get ahead of yourself xx   take care, sleep well 
  • Cindi
    Cindi Member Posts: 159
    Hello friends, It's ben almost a week since my Lumpectomy's and Lymph nodes surgery, and my breasts feel more swollen and sore than a few days ago, is this normal? anyone else noticed this? I think the post surgery bra feels more tight now and under my arms are quite sore. I started back on pain killers yesterday, but couldn't sleep much last night. Looking forward to Friday when I see my specialist and get the results over and done with, VERY slow week :( Any feedback would be welcome. xx
  • GinGin
    GinGin Member Posts: 154

    @Cindi, the first week was very slow for me too😊. 
    There wasn’t pain/sore around my surgery area ( the lymph nodes and lumpectomy). I have very minor swelling ( everyone will be different). I have several bras( some were slighter larger in case I had swelling)
    However, I found my arms sort of glue to my chest (not sure how best to describe this feeling). I also had restricted arms movements. I tried my best to do the arms exercises and the other thing I did was to eat lots of fruits (Vit C for healing). I’ve been seeing a BC physio specialist to manage my arms movement.

    I told my surgeon and he says it takes time to heal but superficially my surgery was recovering well till I started chemo!😒
    Now that I am having chemo, the chemo drugs is playing up with my recovery unfortunately (I feel some pain around my surgery area) and have informed my medical oncologist.

    fingers and toes all crossed that the results are good.

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    That's a bugger @Cindi.   I hope the pain & discomfort backs off soon - there is usually a reasonable amount of discomfort and pain initially for at least the first week, some times longer - so keep those pain killers 'up' to it - every 4hrs ... it takes a while for everything to settle down - and my lymph node site (near my arm pit) hurt more than the actual surgery site!  Weird!  It took months to settle!

    Sitting up/lying on cushions may help with the sleeping - and definitely supporting your arm ... mine hated being flat on the bed & kept me awake.

    Does your breast feel 'hot' to the touch (even with the bandaging?) compared to the other breast?   If it does, call your Breast Care Nurse today & have a chat with her - or if not her, call your surgeon's office to speak with their nurse?  I think you should have it 'noted' down on your notes  ... but hopefully it will feel better in 24hrs & you're seeing your surgeon on Fri ....  Don't forget to take a buddy with you as an extra set of ears & also, support xx

    If you think there is a 'visible' difference - Maybe take a couple of pics morning & night .... to see if you can spot a change, specially if you think there is swelling?  Sometime a seroma (liquid buildup) can occur - most 'self absorb' .... but some may need draining.

    take care xx

  • Cindi
    Cindi Member Posts: 159
    I'm sorry GinGin that you're on Chemo, have you got to stay on it long? I can imagine it sux.
    Thanks for the advise, the bigger bra sounds good, also I'll have more vit C.

    Hi Arpie, thanks for your advise, I spoke to my breast nurse and she said to try to massage the swollen part towards remaining lymph nodes under arm which I've been doing, it's no good comparing breast to other as both have had cancers removed and both armpits had nodes removed, and both swollen, but I can hang on till tomorrow.
     I was trying not to have painkillers anymore but I will, yes I'll take a buddy, maybe even my husband not sure yet..... He's a bit too "jokey" to take along really,  and probably the waiting room isn't the right place for his sense of humor.  :|
    I feel a bit silly complaining when so many others are going through so much more, stay strong xx