Friday Funnies.
Oh what a cracker!1
Found the others here - Book mark it if you want to find it again!
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hahaha - I lived there for 15 years - and this IS how their accent sounds ..... SAY THE "SAYINGS" OUT LOUD ...
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@arpie omg 😂😂😂😂
Years ago, a coworker of mine got angry at me for looking for, but not being able to find, a pin for her for about 10 mins. I couldn’t find one and she urgently needed it. Turned out she wanted a pen. I felt like she owed me an apology but I never got it 🤔
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Sorry for the misunderstanding everyone. I wasn't getting a hard time from my on line co-workers. My head just wasn't fathoming a specific procedure and after two weeks of learning new programs and policies I couldn't handle it. Just as well I have a backup of Moscato! Two glasses later and I went back to the rotten procedure and it looked so much better! I did it and sent it off to my trainer. Not sure what she ended up with.2
I was washing my face and looked in the mirror. My eyes were dark from mascara and head bald from chemo. I was wearing my over sized robe, (it sort of looks like a cassock). Suddenly an image popped into my mind and I raced out of the bathroom giggling. A quick stop in the kitchen to grab a light bulb and I burst into the lounge room to surprize my husband, "Mmrrrgh! Murghhhh!" Ok maybe I should have took the light bulb out of my mouth before trying to speak.
"Bill, Bill, who do I look like?" Light bulb back in mouth and cheeks puffed out.
He was not impressed..
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Oh, this is SO me!!
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OMG ..... SO FUNNY - not sure I was after cuddles - but DEFINITELY rolled over & nearly fallen off the bed before today .....