BCNA's Helpline refocus - some changes being made to the Helpline



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,277
    edited July 2021
    Very eloquently re-said, @zoffiel

    Well said @Cath62 and @Julez1958 .... BRILLIANT IDEA - hopefully a Zoom meeting can be arranged (even tho not everyone would be able to attend Zoom as not being tech savvy or having the correct equipment.)  Those people can still have one on one chats with @Kirsten_BCNA via phone, email or even PM.   

    We would need a 2hr slot, I reckon for everyone to 'have their say' as individually, we would just be repeating ourselves ..... It would also be much more time efficient for Kirsten, than having individual conversations with everyone over a number of days. 

    I think that Zoom is really the only way of us all 'getting together' to discuss the issue as a group - as really should have happened prior to the announcement, given the MOMENTOUS effect that this decision was going to have on us, (and obviously has!) .... as the recipients of the now missing services. 

    The meeting can also be recorded and made available to other members upon request -- or better still, made available to everyone with an online link, so that they can see and hear the arguments for & against ..... but mainly WHY!!!

    I believe Zoom will be the best way to 'see' the depths of the emotions and the upset that this decision has caused in our members and to have our chance to say what we believe was a badly thought out decision. 

    We can also 'edit our name' on Zoom - so that it is our 'forum name' to protect our real names, if so desired - and helps people put 'forum names' to our faces.

    I am sure Kirsten & the others had NO IDEA the angst that this decision would have on our members.  It was purely a $ thing.

    Even if ONE of the services was reinstated in a timely manner (I am guessing the Breast Cancer Nurse would be the logical one, if we were able to get someone of the calibre of Giovanna or Rosie back ....) as they would be well qualified to cover the Mets side of things too until the Mets Counsellor can be reinstated as well. (I am not wanting to downplay the urgent need of a Mets Counselling service either - just that in the short term, we may need to reach a compromise to be able to move forward as a group.)  :( 

    Take care everyone xx
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,580
    Hmmm @AllyJay I’ve never found any of your posts to be ‘offensive, hateful, obscene’ etc. I find them refreshing. But you’re a fighter for the truth, and those ppl are not much appreciated in places like these. I know this from experience. 
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    As a former member said to me yesterday "you would not allow the auto receptionist to service your car and you would not allow a mechanic to operate on you so why the heck would BCNA think it acceptable for administrators to deal with helpline calls and then simply pass them off".  I agreed with her !

    Not tech savvy so a zoom call is out for many I know, including me.  As someone said, they are trying to put this under the radar and will not give substantive answers to members.  Looking at the Board ... admin focus .....
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    I suggest some lobbying be done by BCNA to once again gain funding to employ a breast care nurse!  
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,580
    @Zoffiel 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,277
    ummmm - I think that is what this whole post is about @Keeping_positive1 - and has been requested on numerous members' replies, including 2-3 times by me!

  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    Exactly @arpie .. but the penny hasn't dropped yet.  :)

  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,520
    Very well said @Zoffiel!
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 960
    @Zoffiel..exactly. There are three jobs currently being advertised. 1 Senior Policy mention of salary expectations. 2 Human resources Officer $70 - 75,000 salary and 3. Member Support salary mentioned.
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    "About Breast Cancer Network Australia
    Breast Cancer Network Australia exists to ensure that all Australians affected by breast cancer
    receive the very best care, treatment and support.
    As the leading breast cancer organisation, we advocate for, connect, support and inform our core
    network of those diagnosed, those concerned for their risk and those supporting someone they
    care for.".

    The word advocate will now need to be replaced with .... we REDIRECT. 
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Good one @Zoffiel - how about all of us with the relevant qualifications and experience inundate BCNA with applications for those roles.  Being regional should not be a deterrent given the amount of people now working quite successfully from home.  We all have the most relevant experience - BC itself !  Let's go, people .....