27 year old lobular carcinoma



  • Patti J
    Patti J Member, Dragonfly Posts: 589
    When I had a mastectomy 16 years ago, I  had an axillary clearance. There was no sentinel node biopsy available. I have never had any issues. The only thing is that I am slightly numb under my arm. Apart from that, I am able to do anything I choose to do.
    I did have needling many years ago to release the tension in the place on the side of my breast where three scars intersect. 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Bonnie looks like a furfect candidate for the job of Main Support Canine. And that is excellent news about the clearance. Mxx
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    I too had an axillary clearance - several very suss looking nodes and the biopsied one was malignant. Turned out it was the only malignant one but it was a fair call. Mobility was fine right away, no pain, no scarring. Still a degree of numbness which presumably is there for life, but affects nothing  - I don't wax but if I did I would need to be careful as I still can't distinguish hot and cold in one armpit well enough. Lymphoedema is a scary thought, doesn't always happen and can be very manageable (don't Google that one, will give you nightmares and mainly unjustifiably). Anticipating all these things appears like a way of planning, but remember they may never occur, and the anticipation may just cause you unnecessary worry. Take one day at a time, things will get much clearer when you know more precisely what you are dealing with. Best wishes.
  • youngdogmum
    youngdogmum Member Posts: 254
    Hi all,
    I had my pre op checks today - anaesthetist, physio, surgical team etc 
    - anaestheist and I had a good laugh, “ what do I need to see you for” he said. The stark reality of previously being perfectly fit and healthy, no medications ever except the pill, never had any surgery etc before. I just said as an ICU nurse I know too much so please look after me on the table! 
    - the surgical team and I clarified my lymph plan. Grade 1/2 clearance and if the professor feels any suspicious areas he will do a total clearance if he thinks needed. 

    The pity stares started today, everyone double taking at my birthday and the procedure I’m having. The other breast ca lady there just couldn’t get over my age. 
    I asked my breast nurse (McGrath one). She said I’m the youngest shes ever seen. She’s going to ask the McGrath portal for me to see if there’s anyone else in their 20’s to chat to.

    Thursday is DDAY. Wish me luck!!! Thanks all of you and keep fighting XX 
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hi @youngdogmum wishing you all the best with your upcoming surgery and a speedy recovery.  Dont hesitate to call the BCNA helpline on 1800 500 258 if you would like to speak with a cancer nurse for information and or support.
  • Doin'it
    Doin'it Member Posts: 377
    Gosh you are young @youngdogmum!! 
    Will be thinking of you on Thursday & sending good wishes. Take care xx
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    Hi there @youngdogmum,  wishing you the very best for your upcoming surgery. I had a bilateral mastectomy with node clearance of the left and sentinal node on the right at age 57...almost three years ago now. You're young and strong and you've got this. Hugs. Ally.
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    @youngdogmum .

    Great to have everyting sorted and ready to go I guess.  I work in a surgical ward and the youngest person we have seen was a 17 yr old girl and the oldest was a 96 year old man.  This thing just doesn't care.  I have posted a link to a young lady that I came accross there not to long ago.  She has put herself in the news papers and has a blog so I am assuming confidentiality wont be a problem.  She is 23 and encourages people to chat to her and has documented pretty much everything along the way through her treatment and her thoughts.
    Hope it helps


  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    When I was at my bc rehab programme there was a young woman (a doctor at a local hospital) who was there as a patient.  I guess she had to be at least mid-20s but I wouldn't have put her at much older.

    Good luck for Thursday!
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @youngdogmum I met a 24yo at the Field of Women last year who still had bandages on from her lumpectomy. You're unusual but not alone.

    I can't stand the pity stares. Now it's the carefully emphasised "How are you?" with extra long eye contact from acquaintances. It's very well meaning but I remember my mother complaining about it and have always made sure I've never done it.

    I wish you all the luck for Thursday! I'm sure you're in the best possible hands. Big hug, K xox
  • Doin'it
    Doin'it Member Posts: 377
    Sorry @youngdogmum I didn’t mean to isolate you because of your age. (One of the side effects I have unfortunately is blurting out anything & everything!) I too, have met & read about young women around your age going through this s%#t. Thinking of you today & wishing you well. Big hugs xx
  • youngdogmum
    youngdogmum Member Posts: 254
    Hi everyone 
    I got my results today 
    stage 2B grade 2 lobular carcinoma with a micro metastasis in one node out of 14!! Tumour 5cm. I thought it would have been much worse so I am overjoyed. 
    They also found a small DCIS in the tumour... has anyone ever seen a member with DCIS in invasive lobular tumour? 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I'm so pleased for you @youngdogmum! So is a treatment plan coming into focus?

    I have read about tumours with all sorts of components mixed up together (in fact I think many of them are), but I don't recall if they were lobular or ductal.

    Enjoy your good news. K xox
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @youngdogmum ILC is a sneaky cow so that would be considered catching it pretty early.  Mine was 4.5cm with 3 out of 8 nodes affected.  Now you'll find out your treatment plan.
  • youngdogmum
    youngdogmum Member Posts: 254
    @kmakm and @sister thank you! :smile:

    MDTs for my professor happen bi weekly, so that will be 10 days from now. My Breast Nurse is pushing for a referral to oncology over the next few days though, given chemo is indicated. 
    One of my margins was extremely close so I think chest wall radiation is going to be required as well.. which then brings in the issue of reconstruction problems but that’s a different story for a year down the track!

    i also decided to go through with IVF for anyone wondering. Started yesterday but then my bloods came back that I ovulated (despite being given a shot of zoladex! My IVF Dr did that because tone is limited and he didn’t want to wait for my natural cycle) which is quite uncommon apparently as per fertility nurse. So on hold now until Tuesday.

    oh and my post op notes stated axillary clearance- prof ended up taking everything. 
    I have bounced back incredibly well - youth I think is helping here. Minor setback yesterday some redness appearing so I’ve gone on so antibiotics. Fingers crossed it doesn’t worsen. 

    Happy Friday 😃😃