


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,242
    WOW!  What a worrying time for you , @JulieVT11 - I am so happy for your scan results - but such a worry in the mean time . xx
  • Dory65
    Dory65 Member Posts: 323
    Hello kind friends,
    I typed "prognosis" into the search bar, hoping to find some answers. I found this thread with all of your eloquent words. I thought I was doing well, reading up on BC, keeping my records in a file, writing my questions down before appointments, eating better, giving up alcohol...doing the Oncotype DX test and deciding not to do chemo...preparing to start radiotherapy soon - but I seem to have just woken up to the realisation that I do not know what my 'reality' is.

    I'm doubting my choice re chemo. Am I a deluded fool to skip it? I simply could not (still can't really) believe I have cancer - there's nothing wrong with me, apart from what the medical people have done to me! I've been passed from one type of doctor to another and had one chat on the phone with the BC nurse, but there is no one person I can identify as 'in charge', with a comprehensive understanding regarding my case. Everything I've experienced is fragmented, all isolated events with different people who only know what they need to know to do their jobs. I don't know my prognosis. Does anyone ever get a prognosis? The "being alive in 5 years, 10 years, 15 years" stats leave me cold. Are we with BC supposed to be grateful? Are we to assume that we definitely have shortened life spans - even though no one has spelled it out? I just don't know how to 'plan' for my future. How do you do it?

  • Dory65
    Dory65 Member Posts: 323
    Thanks Afraser. My mental health is the first thing this cancer diagnosis messed with, and it wasn't that good to start with. When well-meaning people tell me things like "a good outcome is all about your mental attitude", I feel angry. There is an implication of blame. Yet I know I need to get a grip and that a "positive attitude" will help me in many ways. I have to change antidepressants as my current one is not compatible with Tamoxifen, which starts in a few weeks. Counselling is a good idea. This is all so exhausting. Genetic counselling and test appointment later this morning. It' 4am now. Thank goodness for this forum. Sleepless in ...
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,460
    The illness has nothing to do with attitude - coping with treatment, well-intentioned others, scans and tests is certainly easier with some positivity and a black sense of humour!! Our good friend here @Zoffiel has some excellent ripostes for those situations. It does get better as time passes, but anything that helps that adjustment is a good thing. Best wishes.
  • Nefertari
    Nefertari Member Posts: 288
    @Zoffiel, you always make me laugh. :p