Nothing worked
SO pleased to hear that the shuttles have landed safely!!
Keep doing what you are doing so the landing schedule doesn't change!
take care in your recovery & all the best xxx2 -
Well the pain spasm in my legs have returned all on their own. The doctors informed me that constipation couldn’t have caused them anyway but they are not interested in pursuing it further. My Osteopath checked it out but because I drink 2-3 litres of water daily, take a magnesium supplement and have a good diet he is concerned it may be Herceptin related (I had herceptin on Monday, cramps started Wednesday) which is rare but a possibility. So now I wait until my next herceptin in two weeks and see whether my legs cramp again. The cramps are currently easing up. In the meantime I have to do breathing and relaxation exercises before bed to reduce lactic build up. Has anybody else had this problem with Herceptin?0
That's a damn about the spasms!
I hope they have stopped completely by now!
Can you check with your Onc about the relationship of spasms to Herceptin?
Have you had all your medications 'audited' by a pharmacist? Even if taking Vitamins & Supplements, sometimes they can interact badly with your PRESCRIBED medication ... and well worth checking out. You need to write down EVERYTHING that you take tho - even simple Vitamins & Fish Oil, etc.Good luck xxx0 -
I was impact free on Herceptin so sorry can't help. If there was any reaction at all, I was blissfully unaware of it!0
@arpie The pharmacist has a full list of all medications I am on, including the natural ones which I have changed at his request so we are all good on that score. Spasms are still happening tonight so I am currently just finishing my third litre of water hoping that will ease some of the problem. I will do the breathing and relaxation exercises before bed and we will see how that goes.
Thank you lovely ladies for your input. It is frustrating every time something new bites.1 -
From Dr Google
Here are some disadvantages of drinking too much water: ... It is said that too much consumption of water can lead to fluid overload in the body and imbalance in the body. Excess water can lead to lower sodium levels in the body, which may further lead to nausea, vomiting, cramps, fatigue, et al.Apr 17, 2018
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I was also actually wondering if you are just drinking too much water also. Really ...most adult females on an average day only need about 1200mls and with exercise 2 litres. The amount you are having might result in low sodium and classic cramps. Try either cutting back...or horror of horrors...adding more salt to your diet. You might need to have your potassium levels checked also.
Troubke is when in treatment we assume it's that. Do you start the additional fluid when you have it?
Anyways...a GP can do thise blood tests. Best be done aroubd tbe same time as the cramps.1 -
@iserbrowm and @primek Thank you. I actually wondered about my water consumption but the hospital doctors and pharmacist and my own Osteopath keep telling me to keep it up. My Osteopath did suggest I increase my salt which is unusual for him. Due to the high volume of laxatives they have me on I need to keep really hydrated but maybe if I change the osmolax for something requiring less water. My local GP is away for the next three weeks, second choice only works Tuesday and Wednesday but I may see if my third choice is available. My Osteopath did ask me about mineral levels but this has not been tested for awhile.
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Okay. So my mineral levels, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, etc are good according to the blood test. Last night I had a trip to ED for a 34.7 temp, clamminess, sharp head pain, nausea. 4 1/2 hours later they sent me home after blood tests revealed nothing abnormal and my temp had gone up to 36. I feel fine this morning except for the ongoing leg cramps and lack of sleep 💤 I see the Oncologist on Friday so will see if she will take the leg pain cramps seriously. If not, it is back to my local GP who will organise tests that I will need to pay for but it will be worth it to get to the cause. Sigh. One thing after another. Oh well, on we go!0