Friday Funnies
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Ah, if we were only fractionally as good at following requirements as we are at devising ways around them......2
Yet they keep blaming the Gov for the spread - when it is the IDIOTS sneaking out that is causing it! grrrrrrr1
Not always sneaking - woman in the supermarket not wearing a mask (we’re in lockdown no 6!) bawled me out when I politely indicated she might move from the middle of the aisle to let me through. Sigh.0
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my funnies for today4 -
and for those who can't quite understand the mask issue (often, but not always, men) ....
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@SoldierCrab, they are good but I reckon the one from @arpie even tops them.
Maybe that one could be posted around in the supermarkets @Afraser ?2 -
Nice example! I am trying to deal
with my own anger first. Have to acknowledge that my attitude to others is affected by my anger at what I consider to be selfish stupidity. I don’t want the anger, so I have to eliminate the tendency!1 -
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