Im Outta Here



  • Jen79x
    Jen79x Member Posts: 125
    @onemargie they should be thanking you for continual support to so many of us on here. Almost everytime I have posted something you have responded and that has made me feel supported !

    we all speak a little different - I can’t believe there’s some out there that complain...especially given what we are all going through 
  • wendy55
    wendy55 Member Posts: 774
    Hi @onemargie , I have sent you a pm,
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    Dear Onemargie
    I admire your bravery and fortitude
    thankyou for bringing clarity sparkle and a mischevious wit to this m..f. :s disease 
    All the best 
    Bright in hope
  • Hendrix
    Hendrix Member Posts: 324
    Take care @onemargie have enjoyed your comments...will miss you and hope to see you soon xx
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    I’m so glad you have sorted things and have figured out how much you mean to all of us here!  You have never offended me either, I love the way you say it like it is.  This should be the one place we can be ourselves without fear of being judged.  My husband cops most of my F words and the rest are spilt when talking to myself haha
    i hope the break away gives you what you need, but come back to us soon.  Hugs Jane xx
  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    edited February 2018
    That's great news @onemargie - would hate to lose you. Sending big warm hugs xxxx
  • DearB
    DearB Member Posts: 205
    F this stupid thing I just did another one of my long scripts and lost it just wanted to say thanks for your support @onemargie. You are awesome and I hope to see you soon back here.  
  • Sam09
    Sam09 Member Posts: 149
    Hello Margie 
    I don't get on this site much anymore.  However I just read your post and felt sad . I don't swear at all but enjoyed reading your posts and feel sad for you to leave.... please don't. I know what it' like to be in the naughty corner on this site because I've been there not for swearing but for speaking my mind. It is a forum for us ladies the victims of a cruel disease and yet we have people hovering over us condoning our heartfelt conversations reserved for only us .......Do they know what we go through and how we feel NO!!!!! Do they walk in our shoes daily NO! And no textbook can teach you how to comfort us like each other the ones walking in these shoes the wonderful sisters on this forum .  So don't be disheartened petty people are everywhere . If you swear then be it . This forum should be liberal we should be able to express ourselves. We are not schoolkids whoever put in complaints needs to get a life just walk down the street and hear the language in general conversation . It' not even an offence any more. 
    Hugz to you Margie x
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    Um ah, @allyjay I'm gunna dob! :)

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,321

    DearB said:

    F this stupid thing I just did another one of my long scripts and lost it just wanted to say thanks for your support @onemargie. You are awesome and I hope to see you soon back 

    Have you checked your drafts?  Just a thought. Often your long ones you lose are saved in there?  Frustrating hey?
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,321
    @onemargie, so glad you aren’t leaving. Sending you a hug. 
    Paula xxx
  • DearB
    DearB Member Posts: 205
    Thank f your not leaving.  Yippeee you always bring a smile to my dial. And thanks to @mum2jj I will have a look at that I use an iPhone to post.