Im Outta Here

onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
edited February 2018 in General discussion
Hi all

So Ive decided to take a break from the BCNA forum. It has been bought to my attention from one of the moderators that I have offended some people with my language and certain posts. 

"It was the swearing and even though it was not directed at anyone, the language in the story conveyed was the main concern.  This issue came up last year as well.  I know that it is part of your normal conversation Margie and no offence is taken, some members are more sensitive to swearing in the online forum than others"

This amongst other things going on in my life has not put me in a good head space and I need to take some time. During my time on this forum I have received so much support which has been so very much appreciated and I hope I have been able to offer some support to others out there too. I will continue to stay in touch with the lovelies I chat to off the forum and will check in every now and then to update on my case with the superannuation tribunal as I feel this is valuable for some people and I will also let you know about the charity gala dinner I am holding later in the year (date TBA) but other than that I wont be around. I wish BCNA all the best with the upcoming teleconference and I know their will be some awesome input and outcomes with that but I'm just not interested in not being 100% myself and fake that's not who I am. 

My sincerest apologies to those who have taken offence to my language but I hope you were able to see past the "language" and have still gotten some advice and support at least from my comments and posts. To those of you who have gotten a laugh out of said posts, I'm happy you had a giggle and hopefully it made this s*&^^y  mountain we all climb a little less s*&^^y (again sorry if that offends). Some of you might say "just tone down the language" well that's just how I express myself sometimes. I haven't judged anyone on here who chooses not to swear or said they are prudish for example or voiced my opinion on things I don't agree with. I've just offered support to those people even though my comments might not be considered lady like or proper and it might not be someone else's way of dealing with bc but its my way, that's it. 

So it is what it is and I've sent my contact details via PM to those of you I think might like to contact me regarding info on support services and groups etc. or those who I now consider to be friends and I will continue to support those ladies as I know "they get me" and are on the same page and I think this will be the best for everyone concerned. It will stop making work for the moderators as well as I'm sure they all look at all my posts more carefully now lol!  Best of luck and biggest hug to you all and I wish you all the best of luck and every happiness

Margie xxxx 



  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Oh Margie.  You don't talk the same way as I do but who cares!  I've been around long enough to not judge people because of the way they talk (or look or many other points of difference) and to actively enjoy that others are different from me in the way they express themselves.  My Mum was a lady (much more than me) but she didn't bring me up to be a wowser.  If you were addressing 10 year olds, I might ask you to tone it down but as far as I know, we are all adults on this site.  What's a bigger deal is losing you and your generosity and advice from this site.  There are a number of women who are active and experienced taking part in many of the discussions and providing support and assistance to others.  YOU are one of them and I don't think that we can afford to lose your contribution.
  • Spiv1803
    Spiv1803 Member Posts: 126
    You have given so much ongoing support to women in this group, me included. And honestly I am so grateful for you, and your language is just another thing I love about you. Anyway, so happy to call you a friend now and we can stay in touch off this forum, as we do!!! I will miss you on here, but we are only a text away xxxx

  • ShazS
    ShazS Member Posts: 131
    edited February 2018
    Omg Margie I am so sad to hear that people have reported you for swearing. I am pissed and I will be joining you and not returning to this childish sight . We are all adults and I like to swear to and Margie you have been so kind , caring ,generous and most of all you and you always made me laugh . I find talking about vaginas affensive so we can talk about about our vaginas a and Margie gets dibber dobbed in for swearing. I am with you Margie and true the people who chose not swear happy for you but some of us express ourselves differently , how can you judge like no one on hear has sinned. You take Margie we will stay in touch.  team Margie shouldnt we all remember why we are on this site to help one another through this uncalled for thing called Breast Cancer not judge people unreal. Shazx 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    @onemargie hopefully you will reconsider your time on the forum in the not too distant future.  A breakaway from time to time is sometimes what is needed!  I know I cracked it a few months back and shut everything down but eventually come back feeling refreshed and wanting to support!  
    Take care

  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,095
    Dear @onemargie,
    Thank you for your guts, support to all, and information. Hope you will be back very soon. 
    Best wishes from jennyss in Western NSW
  • Molly001
    Molly001 Member Posts: 419
    @onemargie please don't let it upset you. Many, many women here have truly valued your support and friendship. Take care beautiful lady.
  • Payne
    Payne Member Posts: 150
    Sad you feel you need to take a break so you don't put yourself in a position of 'offending'. Please don't stay away too long.  I for one loved reading your posts, colourful language and all.  You more than once brought a smile to my face and lightened the load, even though you had your own health issues to deal with.  Thank you @onemargie. Come back soon x
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Dear@onemargie looks like most of what I can say has been said - all I can add is come back when you are ready I will miss you and await your return
  • ShazS
    ShazS Member Posts: 131
    Hi Margie, It's sad to hear you go as you are one of the biggest assets on this sight. You have been here for me and many others so grateful to you.Certaintly will be missed Margie and this site is hear for us all help one another through the good and bad days. You would always put a smile on my face and you don't change for no one and as you said this is you . I like to swear to its sad we can't express ourselves stay in touch and take care of you Margie.xx 
  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    I'm really sorry to hear it @onemargie - will miss your enthusiasm and warmth xxxxx
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Hey @onemargie in case you don’t get it -we like you and value you