Centrelink disability interview.



  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    I know right. Lookout Millers summer selection, I will be in there soon!
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Disability pension has been disallowed. Apparently I did not have the total of 20 points to qualify.
    New Start wants me to come in and provide an income and assets form. I am just too crushed to move atm. Maybe I will feel stronger tomorrow. 
  • Scooper
    Scooper Member Posts: 113
    I am so sorry to hear this news Brenda. It's total BS. Sending you love Sandra xxxx
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hi @Brenda5
    Bugger, to say the least.  Things were looking so promising.
    Get your ''big girl knickers'' on and go in there armed with everything necessary - and kick some butt.  At least you will have some income and your medicos can get around the need to look for work or do voluntary work.
    Don't despair.  You have got this far.
    Summer   :)
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  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    That's appalling.. You will feel stronger tomorrow I am sure, but the obstacle course you are being put through has no place in our society.
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Newstart is not the end of the world in your condition as you will be able to get a series of medical exemptions to avoid the soul destroying exercise of dealing with a job provider. Who are even bigger bastards than Centrelink.

    I know it is very upsetting but, sadly, this situation is not surprising. There have been clear directives to tighten the reins on the DSP which means we all end up on the dole instead. It sucks, and it is nowhere near enough money to live on--having been deliberately engineered as a punitive system to punish bludgers. But it looks good on paper--strong government action and decisive leadership. FFS. In a couple of years, there will be another push to get long time recipients who have been languishing in nowhere land off that payment as well.

    Hopefully you and I will be well clear of the mess by then, But for the moment it is all we have. Fair? Nup. Don't give up, Brenda. You are not alone. Which doesn't pay the bills. 
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Pisses me off big time as I have patients on dsp who could definately do without it I would be marching in there too and telling the fuckers what I really think. The worst part is you had to wait so bloody long in the first place just to get this far. I would be interested to see how many of their so called points you missed out on and what exactly you need to have these days to qualify for it if you get approved for the new start I’d argue with them and say well you reckon I can work so find me a bloody job then!!! Seems pointless if they allow you to be exempt from having to find a job on your Newstart. But you don’t qualify for a DSP. If you can’t work then I would of thought a DSP would of been the next step. What a bunch of arseholes. Really frustrating for you lovey for sure. Margie. Xx 
  • HIT
    HIT Member Posts: 261
    Its been a while since I was doing all this for my daughter - but do they say that you can disagree/contest (or similiar word) and were to resend it too?  Each time I went for my Carers allowance with my disabled daughter I was knocked back twice and then got it on third time.  They sent it to a different office each time and Bunbury WA always used to give it to me. Go Bunbury.  I never got a doctor to help fill the form out but believe if they help they know what to put in.  Not lying but even little things.  I was not looking forward to applying for disability pension when she turned 16yrs but bugger me when I went for 1st interview I pulled some papers out and she saw the school IQ test - it was under 70 - which is disabled!!!  I didn't even have to fill the whole stupid form out - And I knew her IQ was under 70, they had done it in primary school.  No one had told me that grrrrr
  • ShazS
    ShazS Member Posts: 131
    That's unreal Brenda  yet we probably know people of how the hell they get away with putting it over Centrelink and when people who are genuine your treated like there's nothing wrong with you . Where do these people get off on asking the most stupidest questions can you sweep oh my blood boils. Try and stay strong Brenda don't let them dictate how you feel ect if they were in your situation or there family member would they treat them the same bet not. Take care Shazx
  • Mira
    Mira Member Posts: 678
    Hey Brenda, that's a real shame.  Make sure to dispute it, complain etc.  They are making it as hard as possible for everyone unfortunately.
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    I rang them up and put in a complaint since I never even got the medical interview part, just the job assessment before they rejected it as not having 20 points on their tables. It has gone to an independent assessor and will take up to 10 weeks. It is difficult when my brain doesn't work properly to even put a good argument forward.

    Meanwhile I am still ferrying papers of assets, bank accounts (even closed ones) proof. Geez just give me $1 already!  
    Hubby got the carers pension for my dads palliative care. Heaps of money in his bank account but I got nothin.
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Good for you Brenda for pursuing it. Sounds like another long road ahead for you but hopefully a win at the end. Keep going lovey we are all behind you. Perhaps you can talk to your local MP who might be able to advocate for you and push  things through sooner for you?. Worth a try Margie xx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Brenda sorry to hear the outcome, not surprised though, they really deem you have to be very incapacitated on all levels to get it uuugh. I've been back working 3 days a week 2 months after finishing Chemo, its nearly 2 years on and no easier at all, but I have no options, I have to work, lucky to have income protection that has picked up 75% of 2 days but then they TAX IT by HALF!!! because that MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!!! so its near nothing!!! there just has to be more financial assistance through treatment and recovery, its cruel! x
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    edited October 2017
    I finally got New Start. Well I presume the over $400 payment is New Start. No letters, no calls, just money in my bank. Just in time too, I need some new summer shorts and omg Christmas is nearly here too! :)