Adult colouring project



  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499
    Don't mind this old thread ladies and lads, I was looking through my old threads and found this just floating abandoned and unresolved.

    The book was launched, called "Companion" and is still in circulation and available at St Andrew's War Memorial hospital in Brisbane. We even managed to get the pages perforated for easy tear-out.


  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    I loved reading through the old thread @InkPetal, thanks for re-posting. It's like looking in a reverse crystal ball.  I'm so glad you realised your goal, imagine the comfort you have given so many women!  You've made the drawings relevant by showing so much of your own feelings in getting through bc.  Jane xx
  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    I love the concept and would buy the book, though I am not a colouring convert.
    I would be happy to hang those images, and they appeal to me.
    I think the idea of including a few dark as well as happier themes is fine. People can go to them when they feel it fits with their mood, and skip them if it doesn't.
    The clock to me represents the amount of time this disease absorbs, not how much I have left. So far it has taken almost a year of my life and many hours of each day.
    I look forward to seeing where you go with this.
  • Molly001
    Molly001 Member Posts: 419
    Love love love your drawings and the whole idea of the project @InkPetal. You are so very talented.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
     can we still get this book ? please info would be great 
  • steplightly
    steplightly Member Posts: 185
    Just love the creativity in this @inkpetal.  What an amazing idea.  It obviously embraces your journey and many women will identify with it.  Congrats on getting it published. How much for a copy?
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @InkPetal that is so awesome!!! Hope you are doing ok!!! xo Melinda
  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    Art has bought back the lost minds and souls at the nursing home where l work.especialy residents who dont speak who have dementia they love it .here is some of their efforts
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Beautiful. Something to be very proud of. 

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