Support of friends
I have told family and friends and am finding I have so much support. I already knew of 4 very close friends who have had breast cancer and beaten it and one who lost the battle. I have started chatting with the experienced campaigners to hear more details of their different journeys. Skyped one in England who is moving…
Parents have gone home
Wow it was hard saying good-bye as it always is. My 74 year old parents flew from S.A. to live with us from my 2nd Surgery on the 15th Nov until today. They put their own health issues aside and became my house maids and carers for that time, so we could cope, and my husband could get support and adjust, and work 2 jobs.…
Just Diagnosed
Hi All, I've only just been diagnosed with multifocal breast cancer, on 20 December 2012. I've just turned 40 and we have a 5 y/o boy. My biopsies showed that I have four malignant tumours in my left breast and a malignant lymph node. This is stage 2, subject to the CT bone scan which I've not had yet. My younger sister…
I am dealing with secondaries...I'm not going to lie to you it is shit! planning your own funeral...crap! Telling your kids you won't see them grow up! totally, utterly gut wrenching crap! Dealing with the fact that cancer is going to kill me! utterly, completely CRAP! People telling me I should just stay positive "wanting…
My dear Alex is now 8 - my funny, sweet stubborn little girl - who has a grateful list most nights that is so long I sometimes have to say - enough now - keep something for tomorrow night! Finished Year 2 and onto year 3 next year - a fashion plate, you were not happy this afternoon as I brought to wrong bathers for you to…
I have breast cancer
My breast cancer was discovered on the 10th of may 2012, and since then I've cried, I've reached out to friend via face book and the feedback has been overwhelming. But to say those words "I have breast cancer" have to be whispered because I don't want to upset my kids. They are all boys 11, 8 and 6. I need to be brave and…
Waves on the sand, waiting for the Tsunami...
My lovely mum found a lump in her right breast in Sept 2012. Wave no.1... Mammogram/ ultrasound/ needle biopsy revealed the lump was cancerous and that she also had DCIS in the other breast. Wave no 2... Appointment with the surgeon led to her decision to have a double mastectomy. Wave no.3... The surgery found a total of…
So... my Mum was diagnosed with breast cancer...
I never ever expected to hear that my Mum, at 56 years old would be diagnosed with cancer. She was diagnosed in August this year after finding a lump on the underside of her breast that caused her a lot of pain. She made the fortunate mistake of mentioning the lump to me and both my sister and I bullied her in to getting…
Happy 11th Birthday
Dear Micky, Yesterday you turned 11! Woohoo another one - only 2 more and you are a teenager. You were peeved off you had sports day on your birthday (you hate sports - or more likely you hate the sports teacher - don't a lot of us non-sporty types?) but you were overjoyed when I picked you up that your house had won the…
reflection & where to now?
Hello my fellow pink sisters! I hope you are all smiling and laughing- well as much as you can be! Its been a long time so I am going to write a long blog today so apologies! I finally finished 12 months of herceptin 6 weeks ago! yay!!!!!!!! but im back there next week to get my port flushed! bbooooo! how long did people…
being the strong man is hard
I think my poor husband has hit the brick wall today after spending hours at Peter mac hospital yesterday me having a bit of a crying moment and he has not once hardly left my side except for work does not want to go to work today just wants to be left in bed to sleep all day he said . He also had a massive binge day of…