Tomorrow is my 2 monthly Oncologist visit & as usual I am beside myself with fear. Had my bloods taken 2.5 weeks ago & worried that my tm's have gone up again. Every little twinge sends me into a panic mode. Dear lord how are we supposed to cope with this ongoing rollercoaster of emotions that will never stop........ The…
Hi all, I guess I am posting this to vent and try and clear my head. When I thought I was getting through this and doing well, coping with the off days and getting back into work etc, I seem to be going backwards. I have had quiet a few meltdowns in the last couple of months. My wonderful friends have been there for me,…
Bad day
Really having a rough time of it lately. I thought I was coping really well after my single mastectomy on 27 July, but it's like the shock, anger and despair have really only just kicked in. I find myself teary nearly every day. I hate looking at myself in the mirror, clothed or naked, and I can't bear for my partner to…
Motivation lacking
Hi, I'm newly diagnosed and am booked for a lumpectomy early next week. The good news is it has been found early and at this stage I will only need the lumpectomy and radiotherapy. Apparently a second op may be needed after pathology but hopefully this won't be the case. So it's looking at the easier end of treatment at…
Coping with uncertainty and waiting
Hi everyone, I'm 33 and have just had a double mastectomy for what they think is high grade, bilateral dcis. I chose mastectomy over lumpectomy/radio. I'm struggling emotionally less with the mastectomy and more with the idea of the disease. Diagnosis to surgery was probably 3 weeks. I've been in hospital a week now with…
Quest for life foundation retreat
just wondering if anyone has had any experience with these retreats. Focus is on meditation counselling meditation etc and run bully Petrea King? Thanks in advance.
Help sleeping/coping techniques
Hi All. I am currently 2 weeks post op for mastectomy and reconstruction using own tissue after DCIS diagnosis. Everything has happened so incredibly quickly. As much as I thought I was prepared for everything that was going on have been totally rocked emotionally by everything that has happened. Has anyone got any…
Still recovering.
Hello all. still recovering from my recent surgery. Right mastectomy nearly four weeks ago now. The last few days I have been feeling like I am slowly getting there. Not so sore now. Amazing how the spirits lift when you feel so much better. Time stands still for awhile after surgery and sadness creeps in and out. Seeing…
Keeping in touch
Time does seem to go by quickly sometimes - thought I would update what has been happening. Soon after second operation to get lymph nodes out I ended up in hospital with a twisted bowel. (Luckily didn't need the big operation but they cleared it). Had confirmation I will not be needing chemo, just radiation. The…
Hi everyone, its been a struggle for me day to day with the effects if chemo. Also the blaming game always runs in my head as I had friends who had bc but I did not bother checking my breast and now I have bc just when I noticed something strange. I need to accept now that I am having treatmemt. Only thing is that everyday…
feeling super sad and crying all the time
Hi Everyone, I was diagnosed in April with her 2 breast cancer and had a lumpectomy 10 weeks ago. At the time I coped quite well I am 53 and although surprised at the time and shocked I seem to handle it. As I have made the decision not to have chemo and radium and herceptin after a great deal of research on the side…
Bone fractures
They do say breast cancer is the gift that just keeps giving and I was rudely reminded of this over the weekend when I ended up having surgery to two broken bones in my forearm which were the result of a fall and my reduced bone strength due to chemo-induced menopause. After treatment finished in 2013 I was diagnosed with…