Summit 2017
What an amazing time at the summit,so good to meet so many wonderful people. Thank youBCNA for inviting me, so lovely to finally meet cossete. Big hugs to my online friends who I met, miss you guys already. What fun,inspiration and pure exhilaration it was feel so inspired. Adean xxxxx
Moving forward
The last 2 weeks I've increased my work hours to 8 hours a day 4 days a week. I felt ready to do this but still surprised how much more tired I am with just an extra hour a day. I've needed a nap when I've got home each day. I've also needed to back off my exercise a bit again. Seems to happen like this. Can have a week…
Central Coast Support Lunch
The Central Coast Support Lunch today was a lovely time of sharing experiences, offering encouragement and enjoying great food.Our guest speaker was Jane, who shared information about BCNA's latest projects and resources with us - thanks so much Jane. We all appreciate the wonderful work that BCNA does to support women…
Just diagnosed but cannot even contact a surgeon until 9th January. Stress levels high.
I received by biopsy results on Christmas Eve, stage 2 invasive ductal carcinoma. GREAT! I was given a referral which was marked urgent and sent to the surgeon and told to call them on 28th December. That was a wonderful Christmas period, NOT. But once I thought I could get the ball rolling I felt a bit better. I rang to…
I just wanted to share my thankfulness with you and offer a word of encouragement. Last week was my 2 years "remission" mark for which I am very thankful. In that time I've had numerous surgeries, including breast reconstruction, chemo and am now on aromatase inhibitors for at least 5 years. It's certainly a road with many…
Started swearing!
Hi to all you amazingly lovely ladies! Was reluctant to share my story but feel I need to even if it is just to rant for some relief! I was diagnosed 2nd Dec with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma grade 2 following a routine mammogram. What a whirlwind! I thought the Dr was talking to 'someone else'..I have had so many emotions…
since being diagnosed with DCIS the rlationship with my partner has taken a turn for the worst. I am 61 and we have been living together for 2 years and dating 2 years peior to that. When we met our life was wonderful, full of fun and lots of intinacy and sex. Now it is dull and lifeless with both of us looking at perhaps…
Mastectomy bra and prosthesis issues
Hi all, its been 2 1/2 years since my left sided mastectomy and I am doing well. I do have a problem with mastectomy bras and prosthesis though. Even with great fitters and rebates, I have spent hundreds of dollars trying to find properly shaped prosthesis and comfortable mastectomy bras. My bras constantly twist and I end…
New Diagnosis
Hi Everyone, Just wanted to say hello. I have been diagnosed this week with early stage breast cancer - invasive lobular carcinoma. It's been a scary week going from a slightly inverted nipple to rushed tests here and there to having cancer. Going in for surgery for removal on Monday and then will be looking at radiation…
My mum- 46 yr old, grade 3 IDC- Lumpectomy surgery today
Hi Everyone, I'm 27 and my mum (46 years) has recently been diagnosed with a 14mm (pre surgery) grade 3 IDC and is about to have her lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy today. We wont know what stage and hormone status she is until the 29th. To give a bit of a background, her nanna and mum have both had breast cancer, with…
Just diagnosed stage 1 - feeling scared
Hi all Three weeks ago I was in the shower and noticed a lump. I'm not a lumpy breast person so I realised straight away. It was tender also. So I booked a mammogram through breast screen and saw my Dr. a few issues in my personal life made me forget a little about it and then breast screen got hold of me. They called me…