Dealing with unhelpful comments
Hello everyone I’m just reaching out to see if anyone has some wise words on how to deal with the less supportive people in your life. After a great day yesterday with amazing friends my in-laws decided to pay a visit. They come with their own issues and challenges which the family have grown to deal with in their own way…
Newly diagnosed. Have had unipolar depression for 6 years. Which has been a huge illness to deal with. And now DCIS I am fortunate it’s very early and I know the prognosis is good. But I still feel worried about my future. I’ve just retired.
Depression, Anxiety and Suicide
This is a post for those of us who suffer from depression and entertain thoughts of leaving this earth. Not everyone is comfortable calling a help-line but Beyond Blue has an on-line resource which may be helpful to us in those dark moments. I do know it has made my friend think and not act with a disastrous outcome. Even…
For those doing it tough
I have a buddy who is doing it very tough just now ..... so to all of you out there .... we are thinking of you xx
Chronic Pain - managing it. SBS TONIGHT 8.30pm
On Insight tonight, from 8.30pm on SBS ..... Insight will be covering controlling chronic Pain. Take care, stay safe xx
Anxiety is a BITCH - as is depression
ANXIETY IS A BITCH All because someone said or did something, along comes that feeling, the tight chest, the unease etc... sometimes you don't even know what triggered it, it just hits you. Then you feel anxious about the anxiety! This in turn can lead to depression. So - That is how it starts - and the first step would be…
Breast Cancer & it's psychological affect on your Mental Health
I haven't listened to the broadcast .... but this is very much a topic close to our hearts. Our diagnosis and treatments really DOES muck with our brains ...... sometimes, longterm, even forever. PLEASE - if you are in any sort of turmoil with your treatment, make sure you chat with the helpline here 1800500258 or try &…
2011 Sister diagnosed with and treated for a malignant sarcoma on her leg. 2012 Sister-in-law diagnosed with incurable brain cancer. 2013 Sister diagnosed with and treated for Stage 3 BC. 2014 Sister's BC returns, metastasised to lungs and liver. 2015 Sister-in-law dies. 2016 Father treated for aggressive prostate cancer.…
An interesting Table on Stress Levels - which can lead to depression? Are You OK?
This is a very interesting way of working out your stress levels. Down the bottom is the 'Act if necessary' recommendations, depending on which level you may be at. There is help out there xx You do not walk alone.
Beating the blues without antidepressants
Just wanted to share with others feeling down and depressed as a result of menopause or post treatment.... My GP had prescribed an antidepressant for my hot flashes and low mood. Crying a lot and constantly anxious. Anyway stubborn me didn't want to take antidepressants as I live with a husband who has bipolar and I needed…
After Life - Netflix series by Ricky Gervais - triggering
I've just watched the new series by Ricky Gervais on Netflix and wanted to warn everyone that it could be very triggering. He is a widower whose wife has recently passed from bc. She was 46 years old. He is struggling to cope and has very suicidal thoughts and actions. It's very well done and probably the best series that…
Coping with the 'new normal'
Hi all I'm grateful that I've gotten through invasive treatment and life has kind of gone back to normal, although I'm still working out my 'new normal'. I finished rads 6 week ago and have been on Tamoxifen for the last couple of weeks. I've been very tired, which I know could be an after effect of rads, and am also very…
How can psychologists help?
Hey everyone, I am new to this community but I am eager to learn more. I am a provisional psychologist in Melbourne interested in helping people cope with the emotional difficulties that come with cancer. Whilst I am an outsider (I have not personally had cancer), I feel that the psychological side of cancer can often be…