Newbie - and finding it hard to go back to work
Hi everyone First post and I'm glad to be here. I was diagnosed 2 months ago, had surgery a month ago, and am starting radiotherapy in January. I've been lucky as my cancer was caught very early. As for everyone, this has been a rollercoaster. I was elated that I didn't need chemo; but am hugely depressed at the thought of…
How to recognise anxiety in yourself and others ...
Yep, that would be it!
Where did my gratitude go? I swear I left it right here somewhere...
can anyone relate to that feeling of getting through a bloody battle of all the treatment, the horror, the fight, and then that awesome feeling of sheer happy gratitude after it’s over? and you wanted to grab everyone and hug them and swore you’d never let a single second go by without being thrilled to be alive and not…
Your day in three songs.
Hi beautiful people. I am a huge music fan and have found it so very important in helping to get through the last year. I have used it as a distraction to send me somewhere else when I have had to do something not so nice or when I was scared. I've used it to help the tears flow or not to. I use it to change my moods. My…
Pristiq - what do I expect?
Hello. Three months of struggling and more to come, so on the gentle advice of three members of my medical team, I'm about to take anti-depressants for the first time in my life. The oncologist and GP have conferred and I have a box of Pristiq ready to go tomorrow morning. Pristiq because down the track the onc says I'll…
Why are people so mean?
I'm trying really hard to structure my new normal. I'm putting myself first a little more, I'm saying yes to lots of things I wouldn't have done before, I'm trying to give back, and I'm doing nice things for myself because life's too short not to, right? One of these things is to buy myself fresh flowers every week.…
It’s harder and lonelier now that I’m in remission. What’s that about?
Hi everyone I’ve never posted here so please forgive any newbie mistakes. I wanted to start asking some fellow warriors some of the questions I find I cannot get answers to, from myself or any of my beautiful medical team. I’m just gonna dive in with this one: Am I a freak for feeling totally alone and abandoned AFTER I’ve…
One of 'those' days
It's a cry'n' in the shower, how the F did I get here and 'how do I move forward with my life' kinda day. Emotional, achey, everthing's such an effort. Wondering if it's all worth it. Sigh, tomorrow's another day.
Winning the booby prize!
Hi lovelies, I have started a new facebook group. I've been tossing this idea round for a while and finally sat down to do it. As there was a bit of a discussion the other day about the word "Journey" and some more comical names thrown around, one being the "my Journey kit" should be renamed the booby prize, that's what I…