Why are people so mean?

Member Posts: 7,974 ✭
I'm trying really hard to structure my new normal. I'm putting myself first a little more, I'm saying yes to lots of things I wouldn't have done before, I'm trying to give back, and I'm doing nice things for myself because life's too short not to, right? One of these things is to buy myself fresh flowers every week. Nothing too expensive mind, no more than $12. I've denied myself this pleasure for all 19 years of my married life because you know, frivolous expense. But I drink way less alcohol and coffee now, which saves a bit of money, so I don't feel as guilty.
So today I was at the chemist in my local shopping strip, filling three prescriptions (that'll be $63 thanks...) and there was a 10 - 15 minute wait. I'll go and get my flowers I decided.
I went down to one of the two greengrocers because they sell flowers that aren't too pricey. I settled on a bunch of very pretty pale pink orchids. There was no price label so I asked the owner. $7. Ooh, maybe I can get two, so I said pleasantly, would you do two for $10? I can do two for $14 he says. I smiled, thought, oh well, one it is, put the other one back and joined the queue to pay.
Then I notice the florist down the street was still open and decide to head down there to see what they've got. Well they had nothing decent so back up to the greengrocer to get the orchids.
I arrive to see him putting the bucket they're in out the back. There's no one else in the shop.
"Sorry they're gone. You can't have them" he says.
Me, smiling, "They're just out the back, surely you can just get me one"
"The pink ones are gone. You can't have them"
Still smiling and attempting jovial, "No they're not. I just saw you take them out the back"
"They're all sold. Someone has just bought them all"
"No they haven't. They're out the back. Why won't you give them to me?"
"You can't have them"
It went on like this a bit longer until I said, getting upset, "Why? Why are you doing this?"
"You can't have them"
Getting really upset now, "Why are you being so mean?"
"You can't have them. You'll have to go somewhere else"
"Why are you being like this? Do you know why I want them?? Why are you doing this to me?"
And then I started to cry. I'd had a really nice day for a change and this ARSEHOLE was being VILE. He was so obdurate and unpleasant. I felt so hurt. I said something about not understanding why he was being so horrible, and then finally he went out the back to get the flowers.
And while he was gone I got really angry. Why was I letting this prick treat me like this? And I was going to reward him with my business?? Like fuck I was. So when he came back, through my hurt and furious tears, I said, "You know what? Forget about it. I've got cancer (yes I went there, slight blurring of the time line but fuck him) and I just wanted some flowers to cheer me up. I've shopped here for 18 years and I will never shop here again. You're an absolute bastard." And I ran out into the street, sobbing, and stood a little way up the road with my face in my hands.
And then I stomped up the road to the IGA and bought a beautiful bunch of little pink tulips for $8.99, got my pills and went home, shaken and miserable.
Any halfway decent mood I have is so fragile these days, the slightest thing can shatter it, and ever since this incident I've been so sad. Why do I even try? Why are people so mean?

So today I was at the chemist in my local shopping strip, filling three prescriptions (that'll be $63 thanks...) and there was a 10 - 15 minute wait. I'll go and get my flowers I decided.
I went down to one of the two greengrocers because they sell flowers that aren't too pricey. I settled on a bunch of very pretty pale pink orchids. There was no price label so I asked the owner. $7. Ooh, maybe I can get two, so I said pleasantly, would you do two for $10? I can do two for $14 he says. I smiled, thought, oh well, one it is, put the other one back and joined the queue to pay.
Then I notice the florist down the street was still open and decide to head down there to see what they've got. Well they had nothing decent so back up to the greengrocer to get the orchids.
I arrive to see him putting the bucket they're in out the back. There's no one else in the shop.
"Sorry they're gone. You can't have them" he says.
Me, smiling, "They're just out the back, surely you can just get me one"
"The pink ones are gone. You can't have them"
Still smiling and attempting jovial, "No they're not. I just saw you take them out the back"
"They're all sold. Someone has just bought them all"
"No they haven't. They're out the back. Why won't you give them to me?"
"You can't have them"
It went on like this a bit longer until I said, getting upset, "Why? Why are you doing this?"
"You can't have them"
Getting really upset now, "Why are you being so mean?"
"You can't have them. You'll have to go somewhere else"
"Why are you being like this? Do you know why I want them?? Why are you doing this to me?"
And then I started to cry. I'd had a really nice day for a change and this ARSEHOLE was being VILE. He was so obdurate and unpleasant. I felt so hurt. I said something about not understanding why he was being so horrible, and then finally he went out the back to get the flowers.
And while he was gone I got really angry. Why was I letting this prick treat me like this? And I was going to reward him with my business?? Like fuck I was. So when he came back, through my hurt and furious tears, I said, "You know what? Forget about it. I've got cancer (yes I went there, slight blurring of the time line but fuck him) and I just wanted some flowers to cheer me up. I've shopped here for 18 years and I will never shop here again. You're an absolute bastard." And I ran out into the street, sobbing, and stood a little way up the road with my face in my hands.
And then I stomped up the road to the IGA and bought a beautiful bunch of little pink tulips for $8.99, got my pills and went home, shaken and miserable.
Any halfway decent mood I have is so fragile these days, the slightest thing can shatter it, and ever since this incident I've been so sad. Why do I even try? Why are people so mean?

Well done you go Girl
He doesnt need your business
Tulips are beautiful1 -
Nobody deserves to be treated like that. Don't go back.1
To h* with that guy. What an ass. Blur those timelines lovely, you've had to deal with the whole smelly cow, you might as well milk it.1
What a jerk! Definitely not the way to treat customers. The tulips look lovely, @kmakm and every time you look at them you can remember that you're one of the good people.
It's such a shock to realise that things you would have muttered about but taken in your stride before can now reduce you to a wreck.0 -
The tulips are beautiful, as are you. Vote with your feet and your mouth. Let others know of the shocking way you were treated and in future bug the shit out of him in his shitty little shop. Years ago, I went into my local yarn shop asking for some advice about a pattern I was having a problem with. (Turned out there was a typo in it, I wasn't an idiot). Well the woman who owns it was so rude to me, I have never spent a cent there in the last sixteen years. I do go in, every week when I'm at the shops and look at all the yarn, then I do the patterns, then I peruse (at great leisure) the buttons, lace and so on. Then I walk out. Every week. It drives her totally batshit, and makes me feel so much better.
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Gorgeous flowers - I’m like u, love fresh flowers in the house. He was a complete asshole but try and remember for every asshole there are probably 2 lovely people. Unfortunately, it’s the assholes we tend to remember and when we r so fragile the ones that affect us more. xoxooxox1
There is a pharmacy in the town where my GP is. When my daughter was little and just starting to go without nappies, she suddenly needed to go while we were in the pharmacy waiting for a script to be filled. The (staff) toilet is off the main part of the shop but the woman refused to let her use it even though I said that I would clean up any mess if needed. So I had to grab her, put her in her car seat and drive up to the local park, then run with her to the public toilet block. We made it - just! I won't say that I've never been back to that pharmacy (as sometimes I have no choice unless I want to drive down to the suburbs) but let's just say it's been about 6 times in the last 11 years and I can tell you, that's a lot of money they've missed out on.0
I've boycotted the local timber and hardware store. The previous owner was fabulous but the business was sold to a former builder.
I was doing a major reno and ordered over $15k worth of materials from them. When I got to the waterproofing stage I realised they had given me an inappropriate product, not what I had ordered, so I took it back. The owner, a jerk named Richie (beware middle aged men with diminutive names) was having a little pow wow with a group of young tradies and decided to demonstrate his masculinity by treating me like an idiot.
Firstly he denied the shit he'd given me was not right for the job, then said they didn't stock that brand anyway--it turned out he'd taken the opportunity to palm off an old product that was end of line. To prove this I had to go and rip the redundant price sticker off the shelf and wave it under his nose. Then he told me he wouldn't give me a refund or replacement unless I produced the receipt, then refused to go into his computer system to find my original invoice...all the while smirking and strutting in front of the young blokes. To their credit they were starting to look a bit uncomfortable. Then he starts up about how I wouldn't know what I was doing anyway and I should just go home and call a tradesman to finish the job. I flipped my shit.
I can't remember exactly what I said, but it seemed ripping the lid off the waterproofing compound and threatening to tip it over his head made an impression on him. The young blokes have departed enmasse and stood in the carpark looking through the door. By then he's threatening to call the police and I'm bellowing 'Why don't you call your mummy too, you useless pussy' and heading around the back of the counter. Hes shot out the other side and bolted for the carpark...Maybe not one of my finest moments.
Thing is, I was working in an environment where I talked to hundreds of people a day. I told anyone who would listen what a tosser he was. Being a dick has cost him $10k that I have spent elsewhere since then, and I know several other woman who won't shop there now either. People are horrible sometimes. There are ways to get even.8 -
What a wanker @kmakm . I'm glad you pulled the cancer card. Hopefully he felt guilty as shit all afternoonn.
Ha ha ha @Zoffiel . Had a similar experience.
During chemo I decided I was going to pick a huge job that I'd been putting off for months prior to all this just to see if I could do it. I figured it would take me about 6 mths so why not right?
I have a reticulated watering system to all my paddocks and stables which has been defunct for a number of years due to lack of enthusiasm and $$. About 5kms of underground pipework with a billion leaks through it.
Any how a couple of months into it I go to my local ag supplies store who by now know me by name and I am a whizz at pipework stuff. There is a customer (middle age gent) waiting behind me. So I rattle off what I need, types of joiners, pipe size, pressure ratings etc.
The guy behind me says "Gee that's a bit extensive for a lady to know " I just glared at him and considered wrapping my 2m of 15mm high gauge pressure pipe around his little arrogant head. I thought of the headlines "Cancer lady strangles man with poly pipe" hehe.
I reneged on that and very unlady like gave him a reply that probably used most swear words available and included "not bad for a chick with cancer huh?"
I though the owner was going to go and hide in one of his water tanks.
There is a local tyre and suspension place that made my stepdaughter feel like a complete idiot. So none of my family, friends etc use these dickheads either.
Some people are just sad and stupid, they have nothing better to do with their time except try to make themselves feel better by putting other people down. They're not worth a second thought. Except to get revenge on LOL
xoxoxo5 -
Never mess with angry women - we have a habit of talking about it.4
Found this very informative chart...8
Very good @Giovanna_BCNA0
Bummer, Kate - yep, there ARE plenty arseholes out there - shame you had to run into this one
What a LOVELY flower arrangement tho ... I can't make ANYTHING look THAT GOOD!! That is gorgeous!!
Yep - no need to go back to THAT place again .... and tell all your friends as well!
Hoping you have a lovely weekend xxxx0