Very frustrated
Brain surgery I can deal with but the protocal of public with Sir Charles Gardner is an absolute nightmare. If I was not already being treated for major depression I most certainly would be now. I honestly think some of the front line receptionists need a career change. I admire two surgeons so far who have phoned me well…
I have stage 4!
I was diagnosed with early breast cancer in December 2013 and recently diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer metastasized to my liver. I was devastated with this coz i thought it was all over...i had chemotherapy and radiation and I was just on Herceptin. Now I have to go through chemo again. They started me on Kadcyla…
like a kick in the guts
It's been a few days and though yesterday Wednesday was in comparison a good day with little pain I thought today would be better but I instead it proved to be a really painful afternoon on both sides of my ribs. I even made plans for the weekend but I realiased I have to be patient. A lot more patient. It's disheartening…
It has come to be in the past week that I need to accept decline. I, once again am faced with a choice. To live in sadness at what is happening to me or cherish the moments I have. The decline in my quality of life in a short time is difficult to accept. I have lived with this disease for 2 1/2 years with minimal, though…
six months later still on the road to nowhere
hi just having a vent six months after finding a lump on my neck on the left hand side just near my collar bone dx with locally advanced breast cancer feb 13 had chemo a/c 4 rounds taxol 12 rounds about to start radiation 19 th sept 33 zaps i can feel the lump and see that it is regrowing due to pain increasing and size of…
Feeling alone & overwhelmed
Hi, I was diagnosed with breast cancer last year at age 42. My mother passed away from 2ndary breast cancer at 41. I had a tumour in my right breast & a suspicious area in my left. I opted to have a double mastectomy & reconstruction which involved 3 operations from march 2012 to end of November 2012. I also started…
Merry Christmas One & All
Greetings everyone. I would like to say thank you to all those wonderful women who have shared my journey with me - reading, and or posting helpful supporting replies. You are all very brave wonderful women and I take my hat off to you all. This has been a year of turmoil and anguish of being in shock, denial, and some…
learning to live with cancer....
hi beautiful ladies! Ul be all glad to hear after my 'hating' blog that I am learning to live with cancer or even 'like'. Strange but yes true' like'. i started to type love but then i realised um def know haha i like waking up in the morning..something so simple, i like listing to the birds in the morning thinking this is…