learning to live with cancer....

joadavis Member Posts: 28
edited September 2016 in Community news and events

hi beautiful ladies! Ul be all glad to hear after my 'hating' blog that I am learning to live with cancer or even 'like'. Strange but yes true' like'. i started to type love but then i realised um def know haha i like waking up in the morning..something so simple, i like listing to the birds in the morning thinking this is a brand new day, i like reading blogs from this sight knowing i am not alone, i like how my future reads...full of ideas and ambition, we have one life so enjoy it! i like how my neice and nephew arnt freaked out when i walk around the house bald, i like how this whole experience has made my mother and i much more closer, i like how cancer has snapped my sister out of depression and made her realise that there is more important things in life, i like how the nurses at the hospital make me feel at home, i like the cheap stall in the hospital ( i like shopping hehe), i like the regular calls thats I receive from the breast care nurse at the living centre in melbourne to see how I am, i like how this journey has made me realise how much i truly love my fiance and how wonderful he really is, I like that i dont have to wake up earlier to straighten my hair as i have none! haha! i like the regular contact i have with friends-just a simple text message i receive from them lightens up my day, i like how i can choose what type of head wear to put on that day,i like how I have now got the confidence to try new things, but most of all i like meeting new people and making new friendships along this journey of mine,and  that i have option to volunteer and help other younger women dealing with this disease as it is a journey, so BCNA if you need any help- i am here!! haha!  We are the sisterhood of breast cancer and we stick together! :):):)


  • sillysam83
    sillysam83 Member Posts: 378
    edited March 2015

    love ya post Jo.... :) 

    u r such an inspiration and I'm here too BCNA lol.... 


  • sillysam83
    sillysam83 Member Posts: 378
    edited March 2015

    love ya post Jo.... :) 

    u r such an inspiration and I'm here too BCNA lol.... 


  • Samantha Cunnington
    Samantha Cunnington Member Posts: 235
    edited March 2015

    so lovely to see your positivity... many find this dilemma so difficult. But I have always believed we are never chosen to endure anything we cannot deal with, it is with this constant thought that my family and i continue to live with advanced cancer everyday. Some days are much harder than others (especially thru a treatment phase) but there are always those wonderful days when the children rush in from school with a big hug and excitedly tell me something from their day, or we all enjoy a day out together, or we just sit and watch a dvd at home..it's  ALL GOOD....like i always tell others (when they comment on my positivity) "I still don't like the alternative!"

    good luck with your treatment

    Sam  :)  xxx

  • Samantha Cunnington
    Samantha Cunnington Member Posts: 235
    edited March 2015

    so lovely to see your positivity... many find this dilemma so difficult. But I have always believed we are never chosen to endure anything we cannot deal with, it is with this constant thought that my family and i continue to live with advanced cancer everyday. Some days are much harder than others (especially thru a treatment phase) but there are always those wonderful days when the children rush in from school with a big hug and excitedly tell me something from their day, or we all enjoy a day out together, or we just sit and watch a dvd at home..it's  ALL GOOD....like i always tell others (when they comment on my positivity) "I still don't like the alternative!"

    good luck with your treatment

    Sam  :)  xxx

  • Samantha Cunnington
    Samantha Cunnington Member Posts: 235
    edited March 2015

    so lovely to see your positivity... many find this dilemma so difficult. But I have always believed we are never chosen to endure anything we cannot deal with, it is with this constant thought that my family and i continue to live with advanced cancer everyday. Some days are much harder than others (especially thru a treatment phase) but there are always those wonderful days when the children rush in from school with a big hug and excitedly tell me something from their day, or we all enjoy a day out together, or we just sit and watch a dvd at home..it's  ALL GOOD....like i always tell others (when they comment on my positivity) "I still don't like the alternative!"

    good luck with your treatment

    Sam  :)  xxx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Once you get through cancer and it's awful treatments you appreciate all those simple things in life don't you.When you feel so rotten it's easy to find all the stuff you hate.But it seems that you have lots to like in your life Jo.I love your attitude.

                                             Tonya xx

  • JennyS
    JennyS Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2015

    Everything you wrote i agree with totally. It's amazing the positive affect BC can have on ur life and just how it makes you appreciate the 'small things' in life. You have to take the good from a bad situation and that's the best way to be. I'm glad things are seeming more positive to you and i'm sure they will continue on the up side :) Take care.

    Jen xo

  • Tanya
    Tanya Member Posts: 380
    edited March 2015


    Lovely to read your blog and just know that the best is yet to come.   There will still be some down days, but in time with love and support the good days far outway the bad.

    Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us here.

    Tanya xx

  • Tanya
    Tanya Member Posts: 380
    edited March 2015


    Lovely to read your blog and just know that the best is yet to come.   There will still be some down days, but in time with love and support the good days far outway the bad.

    Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us here.

    Tanya xx

  • joadavis
    joadavis Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2015

    thank you ladies for ur kind words.

     Im an inspiration WOW :)!!! i have my days...for example today as blood REFUSED to come out of my vein.. as any of u experienced that? i was even joking with the gp that I AM alive arn't I haha!! i think my sense of humour is slightly more worped now haha! so chemo ward are doing the blood test before chemo (4th) tomorrow :(  i get upset as im only human but im learning that i have been given this for a reason :)

    take care all xoxoxox

  • Sorrentino-Mariconda
    Sorrentino-Mariconda Member Posts: 70
    edited March 2015

    Hey Jo, I was thinking if you want to start the 12 weeks program at Gawler Foundation? We can see each other there...check in the web-site and let me know what you reckon....I am glad to hear from you and knowing you are doing well make me feel sooooooooo happy!!

    Have a fantastic (a bit cloudy!) weekend!

