Very frustrated

Brain surgery I can deal with but the protocal of public with Sir Charles Gardner is an absolute nightmare. If I was not already being treated for major depression I most certainly would be now.
I honestly think some of the front line receptionists need a career change. I admire two surgeons so far who have phoned me well into the evening but so out of the blue I have clocked off and enjoy watching Peppa Pig as I am so brain dead pardon the pun.
One to-night phoned to offically go through the removal of my forehead, down past my eyes and then a square block sawed out and did I have any questions. I stopped the surgeon there as I had been on the go since 4am as it's the eve of my first offsprings wedding, I had scrubbed my grandi clean and painted her nails and blow waved her hair.
I have cooked at least 6 meals from scratch as my other 4 adult all arrived with partners off planes around Australia and have lived with anxiety as absolutely no contact from said hospital for over a week from the first evening call Thursday Jan 22nd from surgeon saying I was booked in for Feb 10th..........when I phoned several times starting Wednesday of this week I came up against receptionists who had about as much interest in my story as cleaning a toilet.
One suggested practically that I was making , I have always felt that living with cancer is much better stress free.
I have been through hell and back this week and on occassion questioned my own sanity. This is unacceptable. For anyone else who has had a bad day/week it can only get better. On the bottom rung it's a little climb up every day and no hospital is going to beat me.
cyber hugs to anyone who needs one
Sarah54 and soon to be 55yrs
You are the one needing the cyber hug!! Some people need lessons in how to treat another person!! I hope the wedding is super,super special Sarah.The 10 th will come quickly,and before you know it you will be on the mend,and back on here telling us all about it.I think of you every day ,and I hope that you are not doing TOO MUCH with all your house guests.Sometimes it helps to keep busy though,also.Stay in touch .xoxoxoRobyn0
Hi please make time for yourself to enjoy the day. I agree some people need to think about how they treat others, I work in the community and whene ever I go to someones house no matter how crapI feel I smile because I know I would rather see a smile..
Every day is priceless ENJOY the weddingxxxxxx
Happy birthday to nearly 55, mine is next week and I will be 53 and will celabrate that I'm herexxx
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Hi Sarah,
Thinking of you as you approach your surgery. Will look forward to hearing from you once it is all over. Hope the wedding is full of joy, and great to have all your grown up kids with you this week before the wedding and the surgery.
Hugs. Chris xxx0 -
Sarah54, I feel really sad for you that you are having such a difficult time. it must be really hard to even start to think about having Stage 4, having a brain tumor, and having to have this operation. And easy to let everyone else's needs and arrangements matter more than you getting the medical treatment and information sessions you need asap. But how can your family sit back and let you get such a bad deal?
It is understandably too hard for you to fight your way through the system effectively to organise a callback at a reasonable time for yourself in the face of it all that is going on for you. And like you could really use some help.
Is there someone in your family who can put your needs first and give you a break from cooking meals and childcare as you approach the op, and help you organise a proper talk with the surgeon before your operation at a time that suits you?
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Hi Sarah I have been thinking of you over the last few days.
Hoping you are resting and keeping well, sending you hugsxxx
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Hi Sarah have been thinking of you tho I haven't been here online for a while. Followed the tip to put a smiley face in my diary for this Tuesday for you and your Op. Love that your grandi had her hair and nails done by you! and thank goodness for Peppa Pig... Birthday Hugs to you! love Jennyxx
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Hey Sarah
So sorry to hear you having so many dramas with Charlies.
I have been dealing with them for 3years now and sometimes it gets very testy as you say. I have learnt as I know you have already to be super proactive with your treatment and push push push when you need to.
I have found on average the majority of staff are great but sounds like you have unfortunately encountered a few baddies. I agree with they dont like their job get out cause there is sure to be someone out there grateful to take it on and show a lil more compassion.
Happy birthday for whenever it is as I have forgotten if you had written it in your post and probably forgotten if you mentioned it to me in a conversation.
You already know I am thinking of you as I am not letting you forget it.
Luv n hugs, Mich xoxoxoxo