Depression, Anxiety and Suicide

BlackWidow Member Posts: 268
edited July 2018 in General discussion
This is a post for those of us who suffer from depression and entertain thoughts of leaving this earth.  Not everyone is comfortable calling a help-line but Beyond Blue has an on-line resource which may be helpful to us in those dark moments.  I do know it has made my friend think and not act with a disastrous outcome.  Even if death does not occur sometimes the injuries of an attempt can be far worse.  I hope this helps even one lady.  Anne

Sending happy vibes to all.


  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,532
    @BlackWidow whilst this is a difficult topic but a very valid one, so just wanted to thank you for raising some awareness around this. I'm sorry to hear of what happened with your friend, and I really hope that anyone in a similar situation feels there is help and support out there. I know since the day I started here on this Forum I would be there in the middle of the night for some Members, because I chose to for what they were going through. It is one thing I found for my path...but I have bled for others and all Ive ever wanted and done is be there for others. Its so important..wishing all a happy and healthy future. x
  • steplightly
    steplightly Member Posts: 185
    Thankyou @BlackWidow for posting this  Another resource for people in dark space is invaluable 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Always good to put  these posts up. I've  called mental health hotlines in the past when things were difficult and found them very useful. 
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    I used Cancer Connect thru Cancer Council at a very low ebb and within 3 days was phoned by a lovely Irish woman in Maroochydore who had had breast cancer 10 years previously and was now enjoying her life. I will never forget what she did for me that day when I was so lost - it helped me turn the corner otherwise I may not be writing this today.
  • Renatha
    Renatha Member Posts: 27
    I had my first round of BC in 2014 and sailed through the tx. I was already relocating to a regional area, and when I did fell into a heap. I've always struggled with depression and anxiety so thought it was reactional due to multiple losses over the past few years. Then I learnt fatigue can often follow radiation tx. Most of the time I didn't want to be here. Long story short I was diagnosed with complex ptsd and severe chronic fatigue over the next 3 years. I had 2 years of therapy and was well into recovery when earlier this year they wanted to do a biopsy after the annual mamogram. I've had a much more difficult time healing (I am cancer-free) with complications and it's been a wakeup call. I have just returned from a Gawler Foundation Cancer retreat and it has made all the difference for me. It has been the right thing at the right time. I am committed to healing and to a fulfilling life ahead.
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Anne has asked me to bring this post forward as she is stuck interstate and has no computer access.
    For those going through some difficult moments, particularly those ladies in Victoria who are having it even worse with COVID fears and restrictions, the Beyond Blue link may be of some assistance.
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Hey @Renatha I'm so glad you could get away and have a positive experience. It's remarkable how much difference even a little bit of a break can make.
    Mental health issues are an issue for many of us particularly --I think -- for those who could be otherwise be regarded as high functioning. Even getting a diagnosis, as you have done, would be of enormous benefit given how difficult that seems to be. No-one should have to hit rock bottom before they can get some proper help.
    Onward and upward from here. Mxx